Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4560

"Why don\'t you start the auxiliary gun?"

"The source active gun has begun to store energy. Your hesitation has led to the fall of a large number of soldiers and warships on our front line every minute. Can you bear this responsibility?!" When the communication light screen was turned on, a series of questions from the fleet commander-in-chief came out.

This is a yuanneng general with a height of only one meter and five meters. Compared with the deputy commander, he is nearly two meters tall and straight. The commander in chief, who has five levels of life only by relying on scientific and technological strength, gives the impression that he is completely a dry old man.

However, this ugly old man has the highest authority to command the \'strong wall Guardian master Fortress\' and all surrounding fleet groups.

Faced with the questioning of the commander in chief, the deputy commander tried to explain and persuade, "the new alien master on the battlefield is a powerful creature that we tried to encircle and kill in the past, but failed in the end."

"That\'s an eight level peak individual that can rival the God of source energy. Even he was ranked in the list of dominant threats and must kill of our source energy civilization in the past..."

Before the voice of the deputy commander fell, the commander in chief interrupted him and said impatiently, "No. 2, right? I know! Even I know more intelligence information here than you!"

"It\'s a state of war. I don\'t want to have any meaningless argument. You just need to obey orders now, lieutenant general!" With the improvement of the commander in chief\'s voice, an indescribable prestige appeared on the thin old man.

Rao Shiyi, deputy commander, had the strength of a six level source energy warrior and had to bow his head.

He did not bow his head because of the old man in front of him. He bowed his head for the military rank system of yuanneng civilization.

As a member of source energy civilization, he is like a part of a giant cosmic warship. He only needs to obey the orders of his superiors.

From the macro level, he has the rank of lieutenant general, which is not much different from the bottom soldiers of the source energy Corps.

The only difference is that those soldiers can be regarded as screws on a giant space warship, while they are more important signal receiving and generating devices, and they are also auxiliary.

This is the biggest difference between scientific and technological civilization and ordinary cultivation system civilization. Because source energy civilization pays equal attention to science and technology and cultivation system, there will be more and more obvious internal conflicts in some ideas and development ideas.

The contradiction between the Source Energy Council and the source energy warrior group is also much more complex.


Locke didn\'t know that this series of events had happened inside the giant master fortress in the process of his continuous progress to the black master fortress in front of him.

In Locke\'s vision, what he saw was countless source energy ships, which were used to himself one after another.

Just for a moment, countless source energy civilization warships gathered around Locke, as if they had been in a sea of steel. All they could see were enemies.

However, the threat brought by these source energy ships to Locke is very small. Maybe there is no threat, it can only be said to be trouble.

Every time you wave your arm and move forward, there will be an amazing number of explosions and chain reactions around Locke.

When the viewing angle is pulled away, the picture presented is a beam of painted black light column. In the process of moving towards the dominant fortress of source energy civilization, a series of explosions and flames appear around the black light column.

These civilized fleet attacks can not break Locke\'s rules and position protection in a short time, let alone hurt Locke\'s noumenon.

However, when the quantity accumulates to a certain extent, it will still achieve the effect of qualitative change.

Although Locke\'s Noumenon was not hurt in the process of moving forward, it is undeniable that as he got closer to the black dominant war fortress, his forward speed slowed down.

Countless beams of energy poured down and blocked part of Locke\'s edge after all.

In particular, with some powerful fleet groups turning on concentrated energy strike, the rule position around Locke also fluctuated slightly.

"Hum, I\'m still struggling. This level of strength is not enough to stop me..." In the beam of destruction, Locke\'s voice appeared.

The huge lacquer black destruction cloud is not suitable for the assault at this time, so Locke deliberately closed his regular body area, leaving only those amazing destruction storms to help him clean up the surrounding source energy civilization warships.

Locke\'s sneer also indicates that the end of the dominant fortress of source energy civilization is coming.

Although Locke\'s speed has indeed decreased a lot, it is still very fast in the vision of source energy civilization with the blessing of the source of wind and the power dominated by the eighth level peak.

For example, from before to now, the alarm inside this fortress dominated by energy civilization has not stopped.

The huge threat hovers around these source energy civilization legions, facing a level 8 peak creature, which obviously extremely tests the psychological endurance of the high-level of these source energy civilizations.

"Fast, fast..." Just as Locke whispered that he was getting closer and closer to the dominant fortress in front of him, two extremely strong blue beams suddenly launched from the flank of the fortress.

These are two huge destruction beams with a diameter of nearly kilometers. Locke smelled the power factor that could pose a great threat to the creatures in the later stage of level 7.

"Boom!" Violent explosions and energy shocks erupted on Locke\'s flanks.

Under Locke\'s strong avoidance, he bypassed one of the energy beams, but his left leg was hit by another beam.

The blue beam, which was enough to pose a great threat to the creatures in the later stage of level 7, was only the body of the destruction rules transformed by Locke, which partially decomposed and dimmed a small piece.

As Locke re inspired the power of destruction, the body of rules not only did not become smaller, but became larger and larger!

This must be attributed to the extremely fierce clash of civilizations that is breaking out on this battlefield.

Under the command of the Lord of glory, the angel Legion on the whole battlefield launched a counterattack against the source civilization Legion in front. For a time, the rising destructive force on the whole battlefield was extremely amazing!

The blue dominant beam did not stop firing because there was no achievement, but shot towards Locke continuously and endlessly.

Obviously, the dominant fortresses of source energy civilization also know that they are facing a crisis that determines their own life and death. Even if his sub gun has entered the overload state, he doesn\'t have the slightest idea of stopping.

As for the energy consumed during this period, there are countless.

It is a pity that their efforts have not brought much substantive return.

Locke\'s advance rate not only did not decrease, but kept approaching the black dominant fortress at a speed beyond their expectation. For a time, danger was imminent!