Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4562

As a dominant fortress of source energy civilization, the black fortress, which is frequently exploding and collapsing under Locke\'s attack, actually has its specialty and focus on direction.

From the name of the Fortress\' guardian of the solid wall \', we can see that this is actually a dominant war platform more lateral to the defense field.

Including the former deputy commander of the fortress, who wanted to open the fortification posture of the fortress, was trying to deal with Locke with the strongest defense of this black giant dominant war fortress.

If the fortress is allowed to be absolutely defensive, Locke will not be easy to hit or even destroy this behemoth.

Because in addition to the defense coefficient of the fortress itself is not so easy to be broken, the source energy civilization also deployed other level 8 masters to support this place at the first time when Locke arrived at this battlefield.

Unfortunately, the wrong decision of the fortress commander made the strong wall Guardian master fortress miss the best defense opportunity.

When Locke destroyed the sky bone arm in the cloud, which severely damaged the information control center of the fortress, and the defense field of the whole fortress was broken again and again by Locke\'s destructive power, the fate of the whole fortress and its surrounding source civilization Corps seemed to be a foregone conclusion.

The winged angel safirus, full of destructive power, took the lead in flying out of Locke\'s paradise lost.

Immediately behind safiros is the destruction Angel Legion ranked first in the overall elite of Locke\'s paradise lost.

Different from the brilliant Angel army on the other side of the battlefield, these black angels who exude dark and repressive destruction factors are the gods of death and nightmares of the lower legion of the source civilization on the battlefield.

And as an episode, it is also the appearance of hundreds of thousands of destruction angels that obviously caused a commotion in the angel army of the bright Protoss on the battlefield.

Destroy the opposite attributes of angels and normal angels, so that these normal angels bathed in the grace of the God of light are full of hostility and rejection towards heterogeneous angels.

The reason why fallen angels attract the rejection of the whole bright Protoss is sometimes not necessarily the will of the main gods. In fact, what is really the main inducing factor is the rejection of ordinary angels to those "heretics".

It is because the faith is very firm that those angels will show great paranoia and stubbornness.

In contrast, as the leaders of the whole bright Protoss, we will find that these bright gods have higher vision and plasticizing psychology than ordinary angels.

To take the simplest example, at least the alliance of the light Protoss is not what ordinary angels can imagine.

These angels will not compromise. As long as they believe, they will be fearless and swear to swallow up all heresy and evil.

But those who occupy a higher position and think more will not regard faith as the only one.

For angels, faith is all they have.

For the Lord gods of light, faith is only their tool and a sharp weapon for them to rule the God family of light.

Therefore, it is clear that Locke\'s destructive power is incompatible with the cultivation and belief system of the whole bright Protoss, but Locke was finally invited by the Lord of glory and the Supreme God to come to the desperate world to fight.

The appearance of the angel of destruction not only shocked millions of angel legions in this battlefield, but also surprised the glorious Lord who is the source of countless Angel beliefs in this battlefield.

But now is obviously not the time to go deep into these problems, and Locke is very prescient and takes the lead in putting the angel of destruction into the war zone under the responsibility of the Lord of glory.

Under the instruction of the urgent Oracle of the Lord of glory, millions of angel legions in this battlefield endured the discomfort of the destruction angels. They not only continued to fight with the source civilization legion, but also fought side by side with the destruction angels under Locke under some necessary circumstances.

This is definitely the first time for the bright Protoss in nearly a million years.

And the fight between heterogeneous angels and normal angels may also be the pursuit of the Fallen Angel Lucifer all the time?

Hundreds of thousands of destruction angels are not worth mentioning compared with the number of millions of angel legions on the whole battlefield nearby.

Needless to say, in the field of quantity, it is obvious that the combat units of source energy civilization often count in billions are even more exaggerated.

Behind the hundreds of thousands of destruction Angel legions, there are also the last two million destruction legions in Locke\'s paradise lost.

The forces of destruction and light are intertwined. This battlefield used to belong to the dominant position of source energy civilization, and gradually began to shift to the light Protoss, and finally tried to turn it over completely.

"Stop!" When Locke caused great damage to the dominant fortress of the wall guardian, and his destruction Legion began to attack and attack the giant, a loud female voice came from the end of the sky.

A level 8 master of yuanneng civilization wearing a purple combat suit appeared. Although he has not fought yet, the power information fed back from all aspects shows that he is undoubtedly a level 8 mid-term master.

Do not regard the mid-8th level master of source energy civilization as the mid-8th level creature born in the ordinary big world of the star world.

Since source energy civilization is a top civilization, it naturally has its advantages and special strength.

The in-depth application and restoration effect of the top civilization on the dominant omnipotent soul is only one of them.

In the field of combat, Safina, who has the title of "Galaxy star", is by no means easy.

Before Locke came to the battlefield of the desperate world, star Safina had a record of face-to-face combat with the endless Lord.

And in the later process of dimensional hegemony, the only level 8 female master of yuanneng civilization also had a heroic record of defeating the Lord of eternity and the Lord of the rising sun.

Its own space Galaxy origin rules doomed the existence of the Milky Way star Safina at the dominant biological level.

In addition, because of her special background, Safina can enjoy more fortress and warship assistance of source energy civilization than other dominant individuals of source energy civilization such as the God of source energy.

Even some of these abilities can make Safina play far beyond her due combat power level.

The angry drink of Galaxy star Safina did not stop Locke from raging against the Black War fortress under his feet.

Maybe he knew that this level 8 master of source energy civilization was involved next. He would not have much energy to carry out a fatal attack on the fortress. Therefore, Locke\'s attack action in the last period did not slow down, but became faster!

Countless flames of destruction turned into a meteor shower, rolling towards the surface of the black giant war fortress.

Explosions and energy shock waves came one after another. The huge war fortress with a cross-sectional diameter of 100000 meters also slowly fell towards the white bone continent below in this series of explosions and shocks.