Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4559

As the seven level peak Lord God, the strength of the Lord of glory has been tested again and again.

Facing the two dominant fleets of source energy civilization with one\'s own strength is a clear proof of the strength of the shining Lord.

Moreover, the dominant fleets of source energy civilization on these two battlefields are not weak. It is only that the huge black war fortress has participated in the battle of encircling and killing Locke, which is enough to prove that the strength of these two dominant war fleets is also in the forefront of source energy civilization.

With a steady supply of faith from a large number of angel legions on the nearby battlefield, the Lord of glory is still a little tired and weak after a long battle.

The arrival of Locke is not only a great threat and trauma to the source energy civilization, but also makes the tired glorious Lord feel the assistance and care from Locke again.

"Boom!" As Locke continues to approach the Black War fortress, a series of energy explosions continue to occur around Locke.

The dominant war fortress of source energy civilization is not a decoration. In addition to the fortress itself having millions of muzzle and energy attack rays, there are more than 20 complete fleets comparable to level 6 combat power and more secondary fleets around this black fortress.

With Locke\'s attack and danger approaching, there were hundreds of millions of attacks on Locke in an instant.

This is much more intense and powerful than when Locke crossed theater 6.

At that time, at least the angel Legion on on the whole battlefield and Locke\'s own destruction Legion shared fire for him, but with Locke\'s threat to the dominant war fortress, the fortress and its affiliated fleet turned their guns and directed fire at Locke.

As the dominant fortress that once participated in the siege of Locke, the soldiers in the Black War fortress may have changed more than once during the ten thousand year war in the desperate world, but those high-level leaders of source civilization who are the commanders of the fortress must be deeply impressed by Locke.

For example, the deputy commander of the fortress at this time, a source energy soldier with an early life level of level 6, who mastered the launch right of the two source energy auxiliary guns of the "strong wall Guardian dominating fortress", was greatly afraid of Locke\'s emergence.

"When will Lord Safina, the Galactic star, arrive?"

"Open the fortification posture of the fortress immediately!"

"Order all nearby auxiliary source energy fleets to assist in defense, prevent the approaching of the opposite level 8 master, and stick to the arrival of support!" A series of orders were issued from the deputy commander of the fortress.

Although he is only a deputy commander, his command arrangement undoubtedly represents the most scientific and rational approach for this fleet group of fortresses dominated by energy civilization because of his long life and rich war experience.

"Lord Safina expects 2580 yuan to arrive!"

"The hard wall defense posture failed to open. With higher authority, general husky opened the source material dynamic gun device of the fortress and asked our two source energy auxiliary guns to assist in the attack!"

"The 561 nearby source energy fleets at all levels have responded to the command of the strong wall guardian to dominate the level fortress and started Cluster attack and echelon blocking!"

The order of the deputy commander of the fortress soon attracted feedback, but obviously not all the feedback was carried out according to the deputy commander\'s plan.

"Asshole, that husky guy doesn\'t know what terror exists in this battlefield!" The deputy commander couldn\'t help but smash his fist on the light board in front of him.

However, the deputy commander is only the deputy commander after all. Under the circumstances of scientific and technological intelligent task assignment of yuanneng civilization and higher authority suppression, it is obvious that the general husky, as the commander in chief of the whole fleet, can accurately give his orders and publish them to every fleet commander.

This is the rank suppression system that has always existed in the source energy civilization. Low ranks must unconditionally obey the orders of higher-level officers.

It is the existence of this special social model that enables the war corps of source energy civilization to give full play to their own strength most efficiently. Of course, this is also this model, which makes the war corps of source energy civilization less human and more metal cold meaning unique to scientific and technological civilization.

General husky, the commander-in-chief of this "strong wall Guardian master fortress", has only five life levels.

Why can you command a dominant war fortress with a five level body, and even have a six level life level deputy commander?

In addition to the scientific and technological system represented by the source energy civilization, the military rank and status can not be linked with the normal star life level, there is another important reason, which comes from the civilization disadvantages of the source energy civilization.

The real controller of source energy civilization is not the group of source energy warriors represented by the God of source energy, but "ordinary people" represented by the Source Energy Council.

Level 5 commander in chief Husky is not a pure source energy warrior. The reason why he has level 5 life level is entirely with the help of the power of science and technology.

As for why there is no power to cultivate source energy, it is related to his own constitution.

In the source energy civilization, only about 1% of the total population has the power to cultivate source energy, which means that this top civilization is still mostly inhabited by ordinary people and has an absolute voice in the whole process of civilization.

The dispute between the source energy soldiers and the source energy council has a long history. From the perspective of power, the Deputy command post represents the source energy soldiers group, while the commander-in-chief husky represents the Source Energy Council.

And looking at the dominant fleets of many source energy civilizations on the battlefield of the whole desperate world, we will find that the leaders of these dominant source energy fleets or war fortresses are the representatives of the Source Energy Council.

This shows the general trend of this top civilization.

If it is normal, the emergence of such contradictions and disputes is nothing.

The deputy commander has been in his position for tens of thousands of years, but the candidates for the chief commander have been changed back and forth.

This can be regarded as the rotation appointment of the Source Energy Council to ensure the absolute loyalty and adjustability of each fleet and avoid the breeding of personal forces.

It can also be regarded as a disadvantage of the source energy council system, which leads to the General Commander\'s lack of sense of belonging to his fleet group. And compared with preserving the whole fleet, those source energy commanders are more inclined to create more results to help climb higher in the future.

In contrast, the group of source energy soldiers will not change frequently in terms of dispatch and appointment. They have more feelings for their fleet and soldiers, and are more flesh and blood and humanized in dealing with affairs.

When the deputy commander was extremely dissatisfied with the war order just issued, the communication request of the commander in chief suddenly appeared in front of him.