Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4558

"The foreign masters highlighted by the source energy council have the record of escaping from the space-time lock of the source energy city and the God of source energy."

"The division of specific strength is at the peak of level 8. In the past, the enemy civilization ranked in the list of dominant combat power must kill, but it must be said that it is this barbaric and extreme roaring war style that puts great pressure on the combat corps of source civilization in this theater.

Powerful destructive creatures can tear up the steel barriers of the source civilization fleet with their own claws and destructive power.

One after another, source energy soldiers and ordinary soldiers were pulled out of metal bunkers and warships and greeted their own death.

These destructive creatures do not have much independent consciousness. Their meaning of existence seems to be just for destruction.

When the dark fire belonging to destructive creatures below gradually burned through the whole No. 5 theater, Locke in the sky felt not only the emergence of extremely rich and abundant destructive factors, but also a trace of blessing from the field of emotional rules.

This emotional rule comes from the fear and fear generated by the middle and bottom combat legions of energy civilization and those destructive creatures on the front battlefield.

After all, not every civilized combat Corps has firm and pure faith like the angels of the light Protoss.

For angels, they have no fear as long as they believe.

For the middle and bottom combat legions with energy civilization, the psychological quality of many soldiers can not ignore the civilized scuffle at this level.

The special blessing from the field of emotional rules is another unexpected joy for Locke to appear in the battlefield of the desperate world.

In the previous tower star war, Locke did not feel too many blessings of similar rules, which made Locke have to wonder whether this situation was related to his six seven sin treasures at this time?

Or is it the blessing provided to him by the bloody spars in the death space?

Or was it caused by the special blessing given to him by the phantom Riel at a great cost?

Locke has no spare energy to solve these questions for the time being. In short, since arriving at the dimensional battlefield of the desperate world, Locke has wholeheartedly felt a comfortable atmosphere.

As if this was his home, he was destined to devote himself to the fierce civil scuffle here.

Locke is intoxicated by the constantly rippling destruction factors and killing breath in the air. As for the blessing brought to him by the field of emotional rules, it is more like icing on the cake.

All this is like saying that he was born the king of war. Only war can help Locke embark on the ultimate road.

When Locke arrived at the junction of theater 5 and theater 6, he met him. In addition to the Lord of glory, there were also two dominant fleets of source energy civilization.

Beyond the more distant sky, Locke also found that a master of level 8 source energy civilization was coming here at full speed. The other party\'s goal seemed to be himself?

Hum! However, with the support speed dominated by the level 8 source, it is obviously impossible to intercept Locke in time.

Moreover, who said that only Locke, an eighth level master, came here this time.

Under Locke\'s command, the super Saiya kakarot, who opened the five degree super transformation posture, walked out of the paradise lost.

Suddenly, the majestic atmosphere of the two level-8 masters not only made the glorious Lord of the battlefield one of the stunners, but also made the two dominant level source energy fleets of source energy civilization sound more and more.

"One by one, solve them as soon as possible. The huge black war fortress belongs to me!" Locke ordered.

As Locke\'s voice fell, a silver and a black light beam emitting amazing power fluctuations flew towards the two dominant war fleets of source energy civilization on the battlefield in front of him.

It is worth mentioning that the huge black war fortress selected by Locke as the target is one of the dominant war fortresses sent by yuanneng civilization to encircle Locke many years ago.

Thirty years east and thirty years West, the God of source energy exists. Locke is not in a hurry to find them trouble, but at least he wants to recover some interest on this huge black war fortress.

It was also the arrival of Locke and the fluctuation of the power of the two level eight masters, which delighted the glorious Lord on the battlefield.