Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4554

Locke was not completely idle as he bowed his head.

Before entering the world of despair, Locke said hello to the light Protoss in the dark star domain. It is uncertain that the Lord gods of light have known that he has reached the world of despair.

In any case, they are all "partners" who may fight side by side for tens of thousands of years or even longer. Naturally, Locke will not slow down.

And it is also the extremely fierce dimensional war in the desperate world, which gradually awakens the long silent factors of violence and killing in Locke\'s blood.

During the previous tower star war, Locke rarely made a move, because the weak tower civilization can not bring Locke much impulse.

More than ten years ago, Locke\'s battle with the king of xinghuan gave him a good vent.

But now the dimensional hegemony of the desperate world is more intense than his battle with the king of xinghuan more than ten years ago!

In the blood channel, the destruction Legion belonging to Locke is pouring out.

The battle of Civilizations at this level can no longer be easily rewritten by a single life and the strong.

With Locke\'s strong strength, although it can dominate and influence the dominant battle here, it belongs to medium and low-level regiment melee, which still needs enough bottom creatures to complete.

Huge bloody light gates appeared in five places in this war zone. In just a moment, hundreds of thousands of destructive creatures poured out, and this number is rapidly approaching the million mark.

Locke\'s legion of destruction, in terms of individual sharpness, is not much inferior to the angel legion of the light Protoss.

The emergence of so many powerful and destructive creatures immediately attracted the attention of the belligerents in this theater.

For the sudden emergence of destructive creatures, whether the angel legion of the bright Protoss or the war legion of the source energy civilization, they don\'t have much favor with these ferocious looking guys.

The angels of the light Protoss are by nature. They have a sense of exclusion from all non light species.

The war corps of yuanneng civilization felt great hostility from these destructive creatures.

Locke\'s legion of destruction is heading straight for the war legion of source energy civilization.

The essence of scientific and technological civilization makes them have incomparably strong cluster combat capability and amazing base, but it also makes it difficult for them to make every soldier in their civilization have more than one level of life.

This is the result of different development systems. Even if the source energy civilization takes the development road of paying equal attention to science and technology and cultivation, among the nearly 100 million combat legions in theater 17, the total number of source energy soldiers who have reached more than one level of life is definitely not more than 1.5 million.

Other more source energy civilization legions still rely on the strong ships and guns brought by science and technology to kill the bright Protoss with one source energy warship and fortress.

It is worth mentioning that in theater 17, there is also a source energy sub City floating in midair.

This source energy sub city should be the most important source of arms and energy supply window of source energy civilization in this theater.

The angel legion of the bright Protoss has several major battlefields in this theater, half of which are around the huge source energy sub city in the sky.

However, it is a pity that the war has not burned inside the source energy sub city so far. On the contrary, the angel Legion slowly retreated under the advantage brought by the overwhelming number of source energy civilization.

The destruction Legion rushed out of Locke\'s paradise lost has undoubtedly become an important third-party factor leading the No. 17 theater.

When the number of destroyed creatures exceeded one million, Locke still didn\'t close the paradise lost channel.

Wukong, who opened the form of destroying the great ape, appeared in front of Locke at his call.

Locke personally has no intention of interfering in the war of the strange Lord God of light in this war zone, but anyway, everyone is an ally. Locke can\'t sit idly by and ignore the disadvantages here.

"It\'s up to you. Try to solve the huge city in the sky, but be careful not to love war."

"There are eight levels of creatures involved in this dimensional hegemony, and there are a lot of them. You should pay attention to safety." Locke told Wukong.

Holding the sea god needle in his hand, Wukong nodded as he gradually entered the combat state.

Like his master, Wukong is also a guy full of violence and killing factors. Especially after he embarked on the avenue of destruction, this guy completely released his nature.

A pair of lacquered black eyes first looked at the yuanneng sub city in the deep sky, and then looked at the battlefield where the two level seven masters not far from the yuanneng sub city were located. Wukong had a huge hand The stick was on his shoulder and flew first in the direction of yuannengzi.

After seeing Goku leave, and the number of destruction legions invested in this war zone was up to 3 million, Locke recognized the direction and flew somewhere.

Locke doesn\'t know where the Lord of glory is, but there is no doubt that he just needs to fly to the most intense and exaggerated energy fluctuation area in the current desperate world battlefield.

"Moo!" Below, the roar of the mutant Niu Gelong sounded, as if to see off Locke.

It is one of the commanders of the three million destruction legions left by Locke in this war zone. With the power level at the peak of level 6 and the symbiotic blood Jiao Xiaohong, there should not be too many below the master level to threaten its opponents.

When Locke released his strength without scruples and turned into a bunch of black streamer and flew towards the center of the battlefield of the desperate world, it was obvious that two level 7 creatures in theater 17 had also found his existence.

Before that, the enlightened Lord knew Locke\'s existence and his destructive power through the Eternal Lord.

Therefore, in the face of the three million destruction legions left by Locke, the Lord of enlightenment timely ordered his angel Legion not to act rashly, and asked the angel Legion to cooperate with those destruction creatures as much as possible.

The strength of the 3 million destruction Corps surprised the "inexperienced" Kaiming Lord. It was also when he discovered the powerful attributes of these destruction creatures that the Kaiming Lord finally realized that Locke was helping him.

However, compared with the three million destruction legion, what makes the Lord of enlightenment look amazing is the sudden explosion and energy shock wave from the depths of the civilized army.

Wukong, who incarnated to destroy the giant ape, was like a demon God, waving a huge stick and causing great trauma to the army of yuanneng civilization. And looking at the direction of Wukong, it is impressively protected by the army of yuanneng civilization and regarded as the most important yuanneng sub city.

"Boom!" When Locke was about to leave theater 17, a violent explosion and metal falling occurred in the sky behind Locke.

Billowing black smoke gushed from yuannengzi city. Although the whole metal city has not completely crashed, it has tilted significantly.

Surrounded by the billowing black smoke and endless source energy legion, the destruction giant ape Wukong, which is thousands of meters high, is very eye-catching!