Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4553

Theater 17 is the battlefield of the second echelon in the 19th World War area under the jurisdiction of the bright Protoss.

The seven level enlightened master is the LORD God of light who was promoted to dominate 5000 years ago. Facts have proved that in the face of the pressure of civilization war and dimensional hegemony, better than the bright Protoss, it has finally burst out its own civilization potential and heritage.

The Lord of enlightenment and the Lord of star glory are the new breakthrough Lord gods of light in recent ten thousand years. Two Lord gods can be born in such a short time. The inside information of the God family of light is so strong that it is worthy of being the top civilization.

Although Guangming Protoss shows extremely profound details, its opponent\'s source energy civilization is not bad.

With the arrival of several main energy gods and several dominant energy warships, the bright Protoss has always been a more passive side in the battlefield of the desperate world.

Since the Lord of enlightenment is the new Lord God of light, the Eternal Lord of the bright Protoss divided the war zone 17, which is relatively peaceful, to the Lord of enlightenment 2000 years ago.

However, facts have proved that there is no so-called "peace" on the battlefield of dimensional hegemony in the desperate world.

When yuanneng civilization found that the resistance of Guangming Protoss in theater 17 was significantly lower than that in the past, and the new Guangming God was not a strong God, it resolutely dispatched an advantageous army to increase the attack on theater 17.

So that from a thousand years ago, theater 17, which was originally ranked in the third echelon, jumped to the forefront of the second echelon.

Even the enlightened Lord, who has not completely run in his own realm of God, is also forced to face a strong attack led by a level 7 medium-term source energy master.

Now the Lord of enlightenment in the early stage of level 7 is under higher pressure than the Lord of twilight in the next theater.

You should know that the Lord of twilight was promoted to the Lord of enlightenment much earlier than the Lord of enlightenment, and because he had been inclined to the resources of the Lord of glory and the Lord of sunrise before the dimensional hegemony war, the number and quality of his angel legions were more than that of the Lord of enlightenment.

The dilemma of the enlightened Lord is a typical problem faced by the bright Protoss in the current civilized battlefield.

Unfortunately, because the main force of the bright Protoss and several powerful gods are fighting with the source energy civilization in the more important core war zones.

And several other light gods around have no spare power to help the Lord of enlightenment for the time being, so that the dilemma of the Lord of enlightenment can not be solved for a time.

Above the continent composed of white bones, the warships blocking the sky and the angel Legion rippling with dark and bright Protoss collided fiercely.

Warships and angels fall from the sky every minute. Soon after falling, these warship wrecks and angel corpses will soon integrate into the skeleton continent of the desperate world and become a pile of debris without excess energy elements under the influence of the special rules of the desperate world.

Perhaps this is how the endless skeleton continent of the desperate world came from at first?

The fierce war between Guangming Protoss and yuanneng civilization is just a part of them on this vast and boundless skeleton continent.

It was also at a time when the war was extremely fierce that the southwest corner of theater 17 appeared in midair with a suppressed and obscure energy fluctuation, and soon the solid despair world space was torn open.

With the spatial stability of the desperate world, it is absolutely the dominant creature that can tear a crack.

Locke, dressed in black armor, came out of it. Locke was fully prepared to come to the desperate world this time. In addition to the dominant thugs such as the Legion and kakarot, Locke also took back all the other seven sins of the demon world.

For example, the armor he was wearing at this time was the famous curse armor in the demon world.

The level of a medium-sized world-class secret treasure is indeed somewhat inconsistent with Locke\'s identity as the master of the eighth level peak. However, considering the combined effect of it and several other magic world secret treasures, Locke is also worth wearing it.

The intensity of the battlefield in front of us is obviously much higher than that of the tower star domain and the false word star domain war, which ended not long ago.

For the wizard civilization, in the latter half of the two civilization wars, Locke basically coerced the supremacy of domination to overwhelmingly level the resistance of the iron tower world and the scarecrow army.

But for the desperate world battlefield in front of us, neither of the two top civilizations has been exhausted.

If the popular war cycle progress is used to explain the current dimensional hegemony, the war between the bright Protoss and the source energy civilization, it should be the most intense war link in the medium term just after the early confrontation and inside information exploration.

This is the time when the light Protoss and source energy civilization consume the fastest, the Legion replenishes the most frequently, and even the strong ones of the main god level may fall frequently.

It is also the most critical period. Whoever can present obvious advantages and the dominant position of the civilization war on both sides has the greatest probability to laugh last in this dimensional hegemony.

Although the source energy civilization now occupies a certain advantage, it is still early to win.

This mid-term war has just started. As a major foreign aid of the bright Protoss, Locke\'s participation will inevitably have a great impact on the whole process of dimensional hegemony.

"Oh? It\'s a strange Lord of light. It seems that many variables have taken place in the desperate world war in recent years." After walking out of the crack channel, Locke couldn\'t help sighing when he felt the two dominant creatures in the battle game outside the distant space.

Although theater 17 is a weak theater under the responsibility of the Lord of enlightenment, it can not be compared with the theater under the responsibility of powerful gods such as the Lord of glory, the Lord of glory and the Lord of the sun.

However, as a god war zone, the area and depth of war here are also very broad.

As far as Locke can see, there are no less than three million bright Protoss Angel legions fighting in theater 17.

As its opponent, the number of source energy civilization legions is more. If those UAVs and individual source energy soldiers are included, the number of source energy civilization combat units in theater 17 may have exceeded 100 million.

This is why the angel legion of the light Protoss will face tens, hundreds, or even more enemies on the battlefield of the desperate world.

"The bright Protoss has always followed the elite strategy. Each angel has more than one life level, and among the creatures of the same level, the angel\'s combat effectiveness is definitely the best."

"If you add in the ability of the angel Legion to attack the battle array, the power of each angel battle array is much higher than that of the same level."

"However, such a powerful Angel Legion is still suppressed by the endless middle and low-level combat legions of yuanneng civilization. As a top civilization that pays equal attention to science and technology and cultivation, the pressure that yuanneng civilization brings to the general large and medium-sized world civilization is far higher than the light God family."

"Does this mean that the rear of the source energy civilization is more stable than the light Protoss, so that they can allocate more resources and produce more war legions in a short time?" Locke thought, touching his chin.