Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4555

After passing through theater 17, Locke saw theater 16 of the bright Protoss.

This place is in the charge of the seven level Lord God Yonghui of the bright Protoss. It may be that its strength is stronger than the enlightened Lord. In addition, the total number of angel legions under its command is also more than the enlightened Lord.

This makes the overall situation of theater 16 much better than that of theater 17.

Not to mention being in an advantage, but at least there is no obvious disadvantage.

The state of equal strength makes theater 16 a veritable flesh and blood mill.

Both the bright Protoss side and the source energy civilization side have continuously invested combat legions in this theater as far as possible in an attempt to overwhelm the other side.

Locke did not intervene too much in the situation in theater 16.

Because without the intervention of other powerful dominant creatures, it is not easy to change the current situation in this theater.

Locke and his more important goals need to be completed. I believe the bright Protoss don\'t want Locke to waste too much of his strength on these "marginal battlefields".

A lacquered black light column, which was difficult to capture its trajectory, crossed theater 16. Because Locke simply pursued speed, he did not vent his strength too much.

In theater 16, it is estimated that only those creatures above level 6 felt Locke\'s existence in an instant.

But because Locke came and went quickly, these creatures could not accurately perceive Locke\'s powerful power level.

Similarly, the emergence of Locke did not bring any substantive changes to the belligerents in this theater.

Since war zone 16, Locke has successively entered war zone 14, war zone 11, war zone 9 and war zone 7

The more the war zone division of the bright Protoss is, the higher the war zone ranking is.

And the top ten war zones, without exception, are the front main battlefield of the bright Protoss against the war source civilization.

And also in the process of crossing these war zones, Locke found that the war between the bright Protoss and the war source civilization is not all balance of power or disadvantage.

For example, in the No. 9 theater that Locke just passed through and the No. 11 theater that Locke passed before, the bright Protoss side occupied an absolute advantage.

The angel Legion emitting brilliant light destroyed one war fortress and cosmic warship after another.

Even the huge ruins of yuannengzi city have seen two during Locke\'s flight.

This proves the strength of the bright Protoss.

Of course, judging from the results and trend of the overall war, the bright Protoss is still on the more passive side. The complete reversal of this passive status quo still needs some time and strong external assistance.

It is worth mentioning that in the No. 7 theater where Locke just flew by, although the bright Protoss side had great disadvantages, Locke did not choose to help.

The reason why Locke chose to stand idly by is that the person in charge of this theater is the shining Lord in the later stage of level 7.

The contradiction between the Lord of glory and the Lord of glory has a long history, including Locke himself.

As far as Locke knows, the reason why the bright Protoss launched the war against the galent Federation tens of thousands of years ago is that in addition to the will of the Lord of the rising sun, the eighth level Lord God, at home and abroad, the Lord of glory also played an important role in this process.

Including moraya, a level 7 scholar of the rose imperial civilization who had a certain friendship with Locke, according to post-war intelligence, she was also devastated by the LORD God of light.

Locke is not a broad-minded philanthropist. He does agree to participate in the dimensional hegemony of the bright Protoss, but as the master of foreign aid, Locke also has a certain right of independent choice.

He wants to help the LORD God of light, but he doesn\'t want to help the LORD God of light. Even the Supreme God doesn\'t ask for anything.

Like a passer-by, he hurried away from theater 7.

Locke\'s practice not only made the glorious Lord of the theater feel a little depressed, but also made the commanders of the two dominant warships in yuanneng civilization breathe a sigh of relief.

Yes, the Lord of glory is under the pressure of two dominant war fleets of source civilization at this time.

In addition to the pressure brought by the warship itself to the shining Lord, the threat of the dominant fleet group to the middle and bottom Angel legions in this theater is undoubtedly huge.

Thanks to the profound knowledge of the glorious Lord, he can support the siege of two dominant war fleets.

Moreover, the quality and quantity of the angel Legion under its command are also in the forefront of many main gods of the bright Protoss, so that up to now, the shining Lord can hold the position, and there is no sign of defeat in a short time.

Although there are some personal contradictions between Locke and the Lord Huiyao, it is worth mentioning that it is the Lord Huiyao who has kept the seventh theater and involved the great energy of source energy civilization and fleet corps, which indirectly makes the situation in the first five World War areas much better for the bright Protoss.

The former five World War areas, without exception, are the core fighting places between the bright Protoss and the source energy civilization. This is also the area where the eight level masters wantonly vent their power.

In terms of the scale and size of the theater, the fifth theater alone is comparable to the sum of the 17th, 16th and 15th theaters.

And also at the junction of theater 5 and theater 6, Locke sensed the presence of the Lord of glory.

The Lord of glory himself is obviously responsible for the sixth theater. As one of the main battlefields of the bright Protoss against the source energy civilization, the sixth theater once showed an advantageous position against the source energy civilization under the command of the Lord of glory.

However, because the No. 5 theater has always shown certain disadvantages in the civilization of war source energy, the Lord of glory must allocate a lot of heart and mind to provide assistance.

Therefore, the advantage of theater 6 is not obvious, and the overall anxious situation is undoubtedly obvious.

When Locke arrived at theater 6, he not only felt the breath of the shining Lord at the distant theater boundary, but also felt the breath of a strange master in the middle of the theater.

This is a strange seven level master that Locke has never been in contact with before. It is surprising that this strange seven level master is clearly not the main god of the light Protoss, but also uses the power of light close to the power of light.

And from all aspects, the strange master is obviously subordinate to the camp of the light Protoss.

It was also the strange master who sat in the center of the battlefield of theater 6 that enabled the Lord of glory to separate his energy and mind and go to the boundary of theater 5 to support the bright Protoss there.

"What kind of guy is that?" Locke, who arrived in theater 6, couldn\'t help muttering.

At the same time, the destruction cloud and destruction storm behind Locke suddenly expanded and spread in all directions.

The bloody light doors connecting the paradise lost appeared under the destruction storm, and ferocious creatures with strong destruction factors came out of these bloody light doors.