Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4552

"Why are you here?" Locke looked at the phantom Riel in surprise.

Several colorful wings floated behind the phantom Riel. Locke was about to leave for the desperate world to fight. In fact, he didn\'t tell the female demon in front of him.

The main reason is that the bright Protoss is the main swordsman to destroy hell civilization.

Although most hell demons have no sense of belonging to hell\'s will, Locke doesn\'t think it\'s necessary to pull the phantom Riel together, such as going to the desperate world to fight and help the light Protoss win the dimensional hegemony.

For Locke at this time, the phantom Riel was not his slave and servant, but more like a partner.

It was precisely because of taking care of the mood of his partners that Locke told his wives everything, but only Riel was omitted.

In the face of Locke\'s surprised inquiry, the phantom Riel didn\'t make any statement.

This neurotic woman has always been like this. Others can\'t guess her thoughts, and she never opens her heart to others.

But since following Locke, the phantom Riel has changed a little.

That is, she rarely pops out a few words that others don\'t understand, and she has become "normal" in daily communication.

Taking a few steps forward, Riel stood only one finger away from Locke. Locke could see some charming and profound colors burst out in Riel\'s blue-green eyes, and Riel could also see every subtle expression on Locke\'s face.

Coldly, Riel suddenly came forward and kissed Locke. This picture is very similar to the scene of Locke flirting with Riel many years ago.

Locke\'s eyes widened in an instant, but before he said anything, Riel said to himself, "the king of destruction has begun to ascend to the palace of the supreme throne, with blood rain and fishy wind."

"When all things die, the throne of God will be established."

As the voice of the phantom Riel fell, lines of blue-green blood full of fishy smell flowed from Riel\'s pupils, corners of his mouth and temples.

For a moment, Riel\'s face became very terrible, and Locke even read the meaning of weakness.

For others, Riel\'s face at this time is very terrible, but for Locke at this time, it is full of a sense of sadness and beauty.

Although extremely surprised at what happened to Riel at this time, Locke held Riel in front of her for the first time and wiped the blood on her face.

The soul of the master lost as much as 70%. After sensing the situation of the phantom Riel, Locke sank.

Even if he did not understand the rules of the star world at this time, he could guess that Riel must have used some unimaginable and understandable mysterious means to bless him.

So that it cost Riel more than half his life in an instant.

Locke knew about Riel\'s strange means as early as level 7.

And if it weren\'t for this woman, Locke wouldn\'t live in the world of despair, let alone a series of things such as participating in the dimensional hegemony later.

The opposition of the past has long been eliminated in a long time, including the estrangement that cannot be understood by the other party, and has long been used to and adapted to it.

I felt that Riel spent a lot of money to bless herself. Although I didn\'t know what the blessing was for, Locke still understood each other\'s meaning.

"Are you going to war with me in the desperate world?" Locke asked the woman in front of him.

She nodded slightly. Riel had already proved her choice with practical actions.

"Those demon survivors and your brother..." Locke continued.

"Garon has his own destination, and the fate of the demons will be created by themselves." Riel replied.

Riel\'s answer made Locke nod.

Without further questions, Locke said to the man in front of him, "I can feel your weakness. Go back to the paradise lost and have a rest."

"Even if you want to participate in the dimensional war with me, in your current state, at least you can\'t participate before and in the middle of the war, and I won\'t allow you to be in danger." Locke asked.

Facing Locke\'s request, Riel nodded, and then the blood channel opened.

Feeling the destructive power of tens of millions of destruction legions, Riel\'s weak face showed a smile and immediately entered it.

After watching Riel enter, Locke sighed.

The power of domination was released from Locke\'s hand, and a deep channel containing Locke\'s passage appeared, which opened Locke, who turned into the destroyer, and rushed into it.

As the channel connecting the desperate world gradually closed, the surrounding starry sky returned to calm again.

After Locke\'s figure disappeared, a vague wave of time and space appeared in the surrounding stars, and the desperate spider mother came out of it.

Because Locke finally chose a different way from her, there is little help that desperate spider mother can provide to Locke about the dimensional hegemony.

But desperate spider mother still hopes Locke can succeed.

Except that she may need Locke\'s help when she finally competes for the door.

From a personal point of view, desperate spider mother also hopes that this little guy who has a great relationship with herself can be promoted to level 9. This is also the process of desperate spider mother seeing the birth of a level 9 creature.

Although she could not intervene too much to help Locke, she would still watch Locke secretly until the end of the dimensional war.


Desperate world.

This is the 17th theater of the bright Protoss.

Since 7000 years ago, the bright Protoss chose to divide the war zone to determine the responsible functions of each Lord God and angel above level 7.

Due to the different strength of each God, there are often differences in the size and number of war zones in charge.

Today, the bright Protoss is divided into the 19th World War areas. The most intense war areas, even those where dominant creatures have fallen, are not to mention. The No. 17 war area in front of us is the responsibility area of the new Lord of the bright Protoss, the Lord of enlightenment.

Although Locke left the world of despair and returned to the wizard civilization, including the end of the tower star war, it only took about 3000 years.

However, due to the unequal time flow rate between the desperate world and the material star, more than 3000 years have passed in Locke\'s concept of time, but the dimensional hegemony of the desperate world has lasted for nearly 10000 years.

Over the past ten thousand years, it is no wonder that the bright Protoss society repeatedly urged Locke to come to the desperate world to fight as soon as possible.

In addition to the increasingly fierce war, it is also related to the disadvantage of the bright Protoss in the whole civilized battlefield.

When Locke came to the desperate world, the picture in front of him was that the overwhelming legions of source energy civilization war were advancing towards the depths of the army of the bright Protoss.

The angels with strong single strength and perfect cooperation will inevitably fall into the disadvantage when facing the Legion of source energy civilization whose number is ten times, a hundred times, or even a thousand times.

However, it is worth mentioning that even at the quantitative level, the source energy civilization has an overwhelming advantage.

As the other side of the war, the bright Protoss still showed incomparably strong fighting style and strong fighting will.