Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4551

Not many people know that Locke is about to leave the wizard world.

In addition to the top leaders in the wizard world, Locke thought about it and finally confessed it to his wives.

After all, Locke\'s going here, in addition to launching an impact on his already established level 9 Road, may also be a no return road leading to his fall.

As the family members who have been together since Locke was weak, Locke\'s wives also have the right to know what Locke will do next.

Sure enough, Angelina and other women showed different attitudes towards Locke\'s upcoming war in the desperate world.

Some people support it and some oppose it. Even several women, including Ashar and Christine, want to go with Locke.

For several female colleagues, Locke naturally could not agree.

Even his eight level peak master may not be able to withstand the intensity of the dimensional war. In that level of war, how can he spare his mind to take care of others.

Fortunately, several women, mainly Angelina, Kayla and Sara law, knew the whole thing. Under their persuasion and Locke\'s tough requirements, Christine and Ashar didn\'t make trouble.

Christine just wanted to take risks with Locke, while Ashar was full of interest in the desperate world and the secrets of the dimensional war.

"I have to break through the nine level road. Destroying the source energy civilization and absorbing the destructive power of the whole top civilization is the most likely nine level road I have found."

"This is not only for myself, but also for the wizard civilization, as well as Xiaxi and grace who have died and only exist on the ancient tree of the soul in the form of soul light spots in paradise lost." Locke said to the girls.

Locke\'s intention to go has been determined, which can not be stopped by several women. At Locke\'s request, he will go to the desperate world to participate in the war. He did not tell Bev, Lisa, Odin, Haila and other children.

As the future of this trip is unknown, femtonlock, a dead descendant, will not carry it for the time being.

This is also Locke\'s preparation for his failure in the future dimensional hegemony. If he really falls, at least there is a level 8 creature like femton in the wizard civilization, and master Douglas is not far from being promoted to level 8.

Two level-8 creatures are enough to ensure the vested interests of wizard civilization in surrounding civilizations, and more and more level-7 masters are emerging, which also indicates that the successor power of wizard world is more and more sufficient.

Why Locke tried his best to destroy the tower civilization, the false word civilization and the seven level ash Lord in the past thousands of years is to create a peaceful, prosperous and rich development environment for the wizard civilization after he left.

At least for now, everything is carried out according to Locke\'s plan. The development of wizard civilization in the future is also full of light and vitality.

At the dominant level, the super Saiya kakarot and the destruction ape Wukong are the combat power above level 7 temporarily carried by Locke.

Because they have always been Locke\'s right-hand men, and the extremely fierce dimensional war in the desperate world is also very suitable for them to exert their strength and seek higher-level breakthroughs.

In terms of the lower legion, Locke only carried his own legion of destruction this time.

These destruction legions are the real elite who have experienced the silent bone convergence star war, the tower star war and the false word star war.

There\'s no need to say more about creatures such as mutant cattle Glenn, skeleton dead Tyrannosaurus Rex and blade winged angel safiros. The combat effectiveness of other middle and low-level destructive creatures is absolutely the best among creatures of the same level.

Although the total number is only about 10 million, this 10 million destruction Legion is comparable to the same number of bright Protoss Angel army.

What is more advantageous than the angel legion of the light Protoss is that these destruction legions also have some characteristics of Locke\'s destructive power and can draw strength from destruction.

The biggest feature of these destruction legions is that they become stronger and stronger. Locke will not be surprised if enough destruction and killing are caused in the dimensional hegemony, and even those six level peak destruction creatures are promoted to dominate.

In addition, there is a source of destruction like Locke, and Zerg bases and other creatures in the paradise lost replenish troops in time. 10 million destruction troops are not Locke\'s limit.

If he wants, he can easily recreate more destruction legions to fight on the premise of sufficient destruction factors.

With one\'s own strength, we can set off a half court war of civilization. This is the strength and details of Locke as a level 8 peak creature!

After returning from togola, Locke stayed in the wizard world for no more than three years.

The reorganization of Qatar star theft group has quietly begun under the operation of Nigel.

Including the representatives of the world who had previously negotiated and cooperated with Locke, they also crossed the starry sky and arrived in the wizard star domain in an attempt to complete a dialogue with the high-level leaders of the wizard world.

After looking around and finding that there was really nothing to worry about, Locke said goodbye to his wives and quietly left the wizard world alone in Hella\'s curious and puzzled eyes.

"Grandpa, where has he gone?" In the western islands, looking at the figure of the man who just patted his hair disappearing, Haila couldn\'t help asking Angelina next to her.

In Locke\'s explanation, he has some things to deal with, such as chasing down the ash Lord and eliminating the remnants of the Qatar star robber group.

But the intelligent Haila smelled some unusual factors, so that she couldn\'t help asking her grandmother next to her.

"Your grandpa has his task to complete. Don\'t worry. He will be back soon." Angelina kindly touched HeLa\'s long, supple hair.


When Locke left the wizard world, perhaps those ordinary level 5 and level 6 Knight magicians did not know, but as several masters of wizard civilization, they all felt it.

Douglas stood in the city of the sky and watched Locke leave. Vivian was in the snow mountain in the north, and the sword Saint Carlyle stood in the center of the desert.

Neither the dragon mother nor Lilith is in the wizard world, but they are also interested in Locke\'s ambition.

Locke in the state of self sealing is like a fine dust flying in the starry sky.

Because opening the channel to the desperate world will cause great noise, Locke chose to deviate from the core area of the wizard civilization\'s parent star domain as far as possible.

It\'s a good place near the dark star domain. In addition, he can say hello to the light Protoss in advance.

However, to Locke\'s surprise, after he just reached the edge of the dark star domain and sent a message to the light Protoss far away from the dark star domain, an unexpected person appeared in front of him.