Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4550

The king of steel looked at Locke and others with a complex face. When Locke and others left, the king of xinghuan and others who had just reached a preliminary cooperation intention with Locke and others also had some ups and downs at this time.

In addition to the vision of future cooperation, the powerful strength of wizard civilization is also the goal of the king of xinghuan and others.

"It\'s just that the supreme Knight Lord Locke is so powerful. What I didn\'t expect is that another level 8 early creature wearing a black iron combat suit also brought me a certain sense of threat. It\'s incredible." The king of the universe shook his head and said that it meant naturally kakarot.

"I don\'t know how many such terrible creatures there are in the wizard civilization. I even doubt whether they are the top civilizations spread in the distant stars."

"In the further contact and negotiation with wizard civilization, you should pay close attention to this, especially the intelligence and information collection work." The king of the universe turned to the king of the eclipse.

"Of course, the iron and steel Castle world group may also be the key development direction of our world in the future. You are responsible for this." The king of xinghuan then Yongdu the way to the seven level master on the other side.

The two level-7 creatures in the world hurried to answer. Only where the king of the universe did not notice, the eyes of level-7 master Yongdu flickered slightly, and his eyes also looked at the strong wizards in the world such as Locke who flew to the depths of the stars and gradually could not see clearly.


Six months later, Locke, who returned to the wizard world with a large number of resources, once again showed the limelight in the whole world.

Kill the Lord of ashes, drive back the king of steel and defeat the king of xinghuan. Such a series of honors and biaohe achievements once again make Locke\'s prestige unmatched in the whole wizard world.

Now no one knows that the top level of the wizard world has colluded with the Qatar star robber group in the past. In the official statement, Locke shot to kill the seven level ash Lord and the remaining sins of the Qatar star robber group in order to complete the wanted task of the wizard alliance and bring a peaceful and stable development environment to the whole alliance.

Locke\'s feat will undoubtedly enhance the self-confidence of local knights and magicians of wizard civilization and increase the cohesion of the whole wizard alliance.

For example, some medium, small and micro world civilizations persecuted by the Qatar star theft group in the past must have a greater sense of belonging to the wizard alliance.

In addition, Locke\'s reputation in the iron Castle world group and the world through the war of domination will also indicate that the Knights and magicians above level 4 in the wizard world in the future will also become their travel destination in addition to the star domain of this article.

At least Locke\'s dignity exists. When traveling through alien regions, these strong level 4 and 5 wizard civilizations can also enjoy certain honors and treatment, and will not be bullied by local strong people in alien regions.

This is a powerful world that feeds back the benefits to all creatures of this civilization.

It is also the joint efforts of all creatures of this civilization in order to create a powerful world civilization.


The vision gap between the high-level and the middle and low-level is indeed great. After Locke\'s return of threatening to destroy the core strength of the Qatar star theft group, no one would expect that the supreme Knight master would quietly come to the black domain and meet with the level-7 true dark magician in the black domain.

"I need you to reorganize the Qatar star theft group as soon as possible. If the Knights and magicians of our wizard world are forces in the open, then I hope the Qatar star theft group will be a force hidden in the dark in the future." Locke said to Nigel.

Here is the black tower of negor\'s black domain. Although the black tower is the highest magic tower in the black domain, it is still not enough to see compared with the scale of the real spirit towers that have been established in the wizard world.

And since Nigel\'s return to the wizard world, his low-key has also satisfied a group of wizard world leaders including Locke.

Now, apart from Locke and other high-level wizards in the world, only he Xiu, the disciple of Nigel, knows about Nigel\'s promotion.

This pair of teachers and disciples obviously well implemented the will of Locke and wizard civilization.

Restructuring the Qatar star thief group is not a troublesome thing for Nigel, not to mention that he can obtain some other assistance through Locke and wizard civilization.

For example, one third of Locke\'s amazing amount of resources seized from Qatar star theft group was secretly allocated to Nigel.

There is no way. The reorganization of Qatar star theft group must be carried out in secret. In this way, it is not easy to transfer funds through the wizard alliance or capec.

With the acquisition of sufficient resources, Nigel master and apprentice will show their strength in Qatar star theft group.

In addition, the demons and Demons belonging to Locke of Qatar star theft group will also help Nigel control the overall situation.

It has to be said that extremely evil things really need these extremely evil people to do in order to be efficient and talented.

Master and apprentice Nigel are absolute experts in this field. Those demons and demons from hell and the demon world are also "good materials" in this field.

The wizard world needs a Qatar star theft group that completely obeys its orders. Why did it attack the Lord of ashes?

Naturally, it\'s because it\'s a little disobedient.

And the significance of the existence of Qatar star theft group is not small.

Whether external or internal, this gray organization hidden in the dark is a great help.

Especially within the wizard alliance, some dirty things that are not suitable for the wizard world should be handed over to the Qatar star theft group.

Outside the alliance, Qatar star theft group and Ariba Star Industry Chamber of Commerce, which are dark and clear, will also help the wizard alliance expand its influence in the future and play a key role at some time.

For Locke\'s request in the secret meeting, negor, a level 7 Black magician, naturally responded to it.

Also in the process of communicating with Locke, the most powerful knight in the wizard world, Nigel stood in the perspective of a black magician and put forward some welfare and preferential treatment requests for the black magician group in the wizard world as far as possible.

It is almost impossible for the black magicians to join the wizard alliance, at least for Locke\'s generation.

However, Locke selectively promised Nigel some preferential treatment in materials and other aspects.

The future of the dark mage group is still unclear.

However, Locke and other high-level wizard world leaders secretly developed the Qatar star theft group, which is enough to make these "sinners" in the wizard world continue to shine for the wizard civilization.

Besides, at least Nigel himself has been washed white in the eyes of Locke and other wizard world masters.

After finally dealing with the problem of Qatar star theft group, Locke finally came to lead the destruction army and set off for the desperate world to participate in the dimensional war.

In the decades when Locke personally pursued and killed the Lord of ashes, two more urging messages came from the light Protoss, one of which came from the Lord of glory.