Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4549

Facts have proved that it is too early for the king of xinghuan to be happy.

In the contact and negotiation with Locke, the wizard, the most powerful knight in the world, did not explicitly promise and promise the king of the universe.

Not only the corresponding rule contract was not signed, but also Locke did not pay for his oral commitment.

In Locke\'s own words, it is "these cooperation affairs will be negotiated with the whole world by a special person from the wizard world."

Locke knows very well how many pounds he has. He won\'t do anything he\'s not good at.

Those who specialize in making positive contact with the king of xinghuan and negotiating specific cooperation matters must be experts of wizard civilization who are good at this aspect, such as the group of spell casters of business alliance kapech.

As for Locke himself, he is more as a symbolic and representative figure.

This unique culture and civilization system of wizard civilization makes the king of xinghuan a little uncomfortable.

Because Locke\'s style is different from those masters he has come into contact with in the past and world civilization.

After all, the dominant life is a well deserved overlord in the world, and through its understanding of Locke, it subjectively feels that it is an overbearing and authoritarian civilized ruler.

But obviously, this is not the case. The king of xinghuan\'s idea of taking advantage of Locke will definitely fail.

As for the future, when it comes into contact with the casters in the wizard world and understands the wisdom of the casters, it is unclear whether it will still be happy at this time.

But in general, the king of xinghuan still holds a positive attitude towards the future cooperation and development with wizard civilization.

Before Locke was about to lead his army to leave the Togolese planetary belt, the king of the universe did not forget to ask Locke if he could return his broken leg and the star bead to himself, and he was even willing to pay more for it.

Naturally, the broken leg can be discussed, but Locke pushed all these discussions to the casters who will negotiate trade with the wizard civilization in the future.

Whether the broken leg of the king of the universe or the economic and trade exchanges between the world and the wizard civilization in the future are one of the wealth left by Locke to the wizard civilization.

Unfortunately, the star bead Locke did not answer the king of the universe, because the bead was already useful in his heart.

And this bead is also an opportunity for Locke to recover one of the seven sins from the light Protoss in the future.


When leaving the togola planetary belt, Locke also met Lilith, who had basically completed the experimental research, and the king of eight grades of steel who had been here all the time.

Lilith\'s research on space-time phagocytosis has obviously achieved a lot over the years.

Although he looked cold all the year round, Locke saw that the true spirit magician was in a good mood by observing the fluctuation of Lilith\'s subtle expression.

Contrary to Lilith\'s good mood, the mood of the king of Grade 8 steel is obviously a little low.

The gathering of a large number of exotic civilizations in the Togolese planetary belt itself is a clear evidence of the weak strength and low influence of the iron Castle world group.

After all, the Togolese planetary belt is also part of the ruling territory of the world group of steel castles. Locke fought with the king of steel and others before. Later, when the leaders of two world civilizations discussed the development of cooperative trade here, they still didn\'t call the king of steel, which hurt people.

The concept of diplomatic development does not exist in weak and other civilizations, which is undoubtedly evident here.

However, the world group of steel castle is obviously not a weak civilization. The reason for this phenomenon is mainly some operations before the king of steel, which has caused great dissatisfaction with the wizard civilization represented by Locke.

Including the world, according to the conservative and exclusive characteristics of the world group of steel castle in the past, most of the king of the world also have no good feelings for the king of steel.

Such a series of factors led Locke to put the king of steel aside when talking with the king of the world.

However, considering that if the world really wants to reach any in-depth cooperation and exchange with the wizard world in the future, the world group of steel Castle must be an important part of it.

Because bypassing the world group of steel castle, the price to be paid by the world and wizard civilization, and the additional energy to be spent, are not a small number.

Therefore, the development plans and mutual relations among the three large world civilizations in the future need to be discussed, and in-depth research has been carried out for this purpose.

But at this stage, these things are not Locke\'s work, and he has no energy to take care of so many things.

When watching Locke and others leave, the eyes of the king of Grade 8 steel are extremely complex.

As an iron creature who is not willing to consider too many things by nature, the pressure on the king of steel is undoubtedly huge.

It can not live a carefree life like those low-grade iron creatures, inhabit in a world suitable for itself, spit and absorb iron every day, or simply fall into a long sleep.

The burden of the development of the whole ethnic group and civilization has overwhelmed the king of steel.

In particular, the steel Castle world group is located around the powerful wizard civilization. In the face of the threat emanating from this strong neighbor all the time, the pressure of the king of steel can be imagined.

And after experiencing the Lord of ashes, the king of steel found that its relationship with the wizard world had changed.

Although it has made up for it in time, and has helped the wizard civilization eradicate all the remains of the ashes Lord and the core evils of the Qatar star theft group.

Including the huge resource wealth coerced by the core members of Qatar star theft group when they fled, the steel Castle world group did not produce any greed in this process.

But after all, it has changed. Locke didn\'t say that the king of steel can feel it.

Continue to grovel and show their sincerity and humble attitude to the wizard civilization?

The king of iron and steel who has reached the level of level 8 life has not fallen so much. The backbone of the iron element family is harder than expected!

Also when watching Locke\'s army leave, the king of steel quietly felt the iron heart bursting with great energy in his body.

Compared with the past, there is a more pure thing in the heart of this steel.

That is the inducing factor that the king of steel would rather risk provoking wizard civilization and initially provide shelter to the Qatar star theft group.

In the heart of that piece of steel, there is an opportunity for the king of steel to launch an impact on the medium-term state of level 8 soon.

According to the chief of the ashes of the Qatar star Pirate Group, the thing it gives to the king of steel seems to come from the essence of the solar civilization in Azeroth world.

Only a fragment of the treasure bred in that world can support the transformation of the king of steel in a small stage at the eighth level of life.