Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4548

"Knight Locke, ten years ago, I sensed that the life breath of the despicable man of the Lord of ashes had disappeared. Thank you for helping me except this great harm."

When he noticed that Locke flew from the depths of the stars, the king of the universe, who was in the planetary belt talking to the person in charge of wizard civilization, took the initiative to meet the Tao.

Lilith is obviously not a qualified high-level civilization, so the person in charge of the wizard world who is communicating with the king of the universe at this time is danilis, the dragon mother.

Absolute strength is the foundation for equal exchanges between two powerful world civilizations.

Look at the power of the wizard world on the togola planetary belt this time. There are only eight creatures, including Locke and kakarot. The seven masters include dragon mother danilis, sword Saint Carlyle and dark Summoner Lilith.

Considering that Lilith showed her level 7 undead master Jing Ning in front of the king of the universe not long ago.

Such strong strength is the reason why the king of xinghuan honestly submitted all compensation resources on time and greeted Locke with a smile at this moment.

The two level eight masters who fought fiercely and were angry more than 20 years ago can now communicate peacefully and with a smile.

The occurrence of this situation is not magical. In fact, this is the quality that the leaders of the two large world civilizations should have.

Even in some aspects, the king of the universe is more mature and rational than the masters of other star regions and civilizations.

After all, not all masters can laugh at foreign masters who break their leg, let alone discuss in-depth cooperation in the future.

In fact, this is also the characteristic of the world. Since the king of xinghuan can stand at that high position, it is obvious that he has mastered the rules of the world.

The smile of the king of xinghuan made Locke nod. Even in the face of the goodwill transmitted by the late master of level 8, Locke returned a more restrained smile.

However, after all, they are creatures of two different worlds and civilizations. The changes and representative significance of some details of their faces are not so easy to understand.

However, the king of xinghuan found that there was not much cold and rejection in Locke\'s will, which made the king of xinghuan\'s heart happier.

"This is the king of star eclipse of our family. This is the seventh level master Yongdu who joined our world 65000 years ago."

"This time we can make up enough resources to compensate you in just over ten years, which is inseparable from their scheduling and arrangement of resources." The king of xinghuan introduced the two masters behind Locke.

In fact, the two seven level masters behind the king of xinghuan basically represent the two largest forces within the civilization of the world.

Of these two forces, the one that occupies the overwhelming advantage is naturally the one represented by the king of xinghuan and his people.

As for another force at an absolute disadvantage, it is the interest group represented by Yongdu, the seven level master in the mouth of the king of xinghuan.

Naturally, the world is not a large world composed entirely of one race and civilization. As a powerful world that can breed eight levels of domination, the world must also experience the plundering of resources and wealth in its development process.

However, this plunder is rarely through war, but through similar means of solicitation and absorption, and is mainly affected by economic radiation.

Why can the galent Federation infiltrate and control many member civilizations of the anti light Protoss alliance in recent years? The economic effect of the Federation has played a great role!

The status of galent federal currency in the anti light Protoss alliance is equal to the status of magic currency in the wizard world in the wizard alliance.

This also explains why it is difficult for another wave of forces represented by the civilization of the rose Dynasty to resist each other with the full efforts of the galent Federation.

Because this gap is not limited to the gap between military strength and high-level combat power, but an absolute gap involving many fields in all aspects.

Because war is rarely used to eliminate the problems left over by history after the annexation of civilization, the internal environment of the world is much more complex.

It can be understood that this is a special world led by a powerful race of a large world civilization and a number of other small and medium-sized world civilizations as vassals.

The interest class represented by Yongdu, the seven level master, is those groups that were annexed by the races ruled by the king of the universe in the past, but still have certain rights and interests under the special rules of the world.

And unfortunately, nearly 70% of the total resources paid to Locke were paid by the interest class of the world represented by Yongdu, and only 30% by the king of the universe and the king of the eclipse.

Locke is not very interested in the internal development of the world, as well as the possible class inequality and confrontation, which should be considered by the dragon mother danilis and the world leaders of witches.

Originally, Locke\'s idea was to send away the queen of the universe in front of him and immediately lead his legion to leave the togola planetary belt and return to the star domain controlled by the wizard civilization.

But what Locke didn\'t expect was that the king of xinghuan, who had just been broken by him not long ago, had a very strong conversation with him.

After introducing the two masters behind Locke and some local customs about the world, the king of xinghuan directly mentioned whether the wizard civilization intends to carry out more in-depth cooperation and trade with the world.

For the world, wizard civilization is a treasure house that has not been explored. It is impossible to make a conclusion on how much civilization wealth and resources they will be able to earn through wizard civilization, but just the estimated value is enough to excite the king of the world and other high-level people in the world.

This is the development and expansion mode of the world alone, just as the wizard world is keen to expand its territory in the form of war.

In the view of the world, if the wizard civilization is also incorporated into their own economic system, they will eventually get much more than they pay at this time.

Including the lost leg of the king of the universe and those who dominate the omnipotent soul are nothing.

When Locke was surprised by the performance of the king of xinghuan, he couldn\'t help looking back at daenerys, the dragon mother.

Locke doesn\'t know much about the world, but since daenerys, the dragon mother, has been in contact with this guy for so long on behalf of the wizard civilization in the togola planetary belt, she must know something about it.

Locke still believes in the wisdom of the casters in the wizard world.

After getting a vague nod from the dragon mother danilis, Locke smiled and said to the king of the eight star world in front of him, "the wizard civilization is an advanced civilization that loves peace and is committed to exploring the mysteries of the star world. Since the world has shown its goodwill, our Wizard civilization doesn\'t mind becoming friends with you and further reaching some in-depth cooperation."

Locke\'s smile obviously pleased the king of the world.