Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4547

The coordinates of Locke and Carlyle\'s return to the material star boundary are not different from the area when they enter the death space. It is still a lonely and empty star field around them.

Under the full speed of the two masters, the two streamers continue to tear the space and cut the interstellar.


A few months later, Togo pulled the planetary belt.

Nearly 20 years have passed since the end of the war between Locke and the king of xinghuan. During this period, the king of xinghuan and his world have better completed the compensation agreed with Locke.

Because he once signed a star rule contract with the Lord of ashes, although the king of xinghuan cannot capture and determine the Lord of ashes who hides his whereabouts, he can probably know whether the other party is alive or dead through feedback in the rule field.

Since the breath of the Lord of ashes completely disappeared ten years ago, the king of the universe has determined that the despicable master who put it together has died in the hands of Locke.

The fall of the ash Lord not only made the king of xinghuan feel happy, but also made him feel waves of regret.

Because the king of the universe has invested a lot in the Lord of ashes.

In addition to the huge wealth compensated to Locke, if the Lord of ashes is not dead, the king of xinghuan himself will never let it go easily. At least he will try to recapture the loss from the Lord of ashes.

But at this time, in the face of the ash Lord who is already a dead man, the king of xinghuan can\'t recover his losses from a dead man.

It could ask Locke if it could share some of the spoils left by the death of the ash Lord.

But after thinking about it, the king of xinghuan gave up this tempting idea, because according to its short-term understanding and contact with Locke, it is an extremely powerful and domineering level 8 peak master.

Now it is the best result to fight for friendship with Locke and the wizard behind him. The king of xinghuan does not want his other two legs to be interrupted by Locke, nor does he want the world to provoke a world civilization with aggressive and expansionary attributes such as wizard civilization.

Yes, in the past ten years, the king of xinghuan has learned a lot about wizard civilization through some of his own channels and means.

For this world, which has successively destroyed two large world civilizations and annexed a vast pan star region in a short period of tens of thousands of years, and is keen on economic development and wealth annexation, we really don\'t have much heart to face each other.

War is not what the world is good at.

In particular, the wizard civilization has just ended several protracted wars of civilization, and the total amount of wealth and resources within the civilization is bound to reach an astonishing situation. The world represented by the king of the universe has even produced some plans for trading and in-depth cooperation with wizard civilizations outside the distant star regions.

It\'s not that the king of the universe and the dominant creatures in the world are not vigilant against the wizard world. It\'s mainly because the two world civilizations are too far apart. Just a world group of steel Castle blocks the possibility of their frontal battle.

In addition, the starry environment of the world is much more complex.

Masters such as the king of xinghuan are indeed unwilling to fight with wizard civilization, but this does not mean that they are completely afraid of wizard civilization.

Just the large world civilizations that the world has made friends with is a force that can not be ignored.

In another way, the strength of the surrounding star regions with the world as the core is more than today\'s anti light Protoss alliance.

Even if the top civilization like the bright Protoss rashly intrudes into this star domain, we should also carefully consider the cost of fighting with many large world civilizations at the same time.

Even if the future wizard civilization extends its power here, I don\'t know how many million years later.

Therefore, at present, there is indeed the possibility of friendly exchange and communication between the wizard world and the world.

If we can establish a relationship with the wizard world and rely on the mobilization and control of resources by the world, even if we adhere to the principle of equal transaction, or the world would rather share more profits to the wizard civilization, the losses suffered by the king of xinghuan can be quickly made up for in the near future, and even earn more on this basis!

Don\'t underestimate any large-scale world civilization. Since the world can give birth to the king of the universe, there must be some truth in the late level 8 masters and several other level 7 masters.

Some resources rich in wizard civilization may be extremely rare in other star regions. Or the resources that the world can easily get are extremely rare in the territory of wizard civilization.

The benefits behind this interactive transportation and resource supply are amazing. The world has always done this.

In some ways, the function of the world is somewhat similar to that of the Ariba interstellar chamber of Commerce.

However, the two are definitely not the same size. Ariba chamber of commerce operates in dozens of small and medium-sized star domains at best. The world radiates several large world civilizations, and there are few small and medium-sized world civilizations.

Of course, under the control and continuous annexation and conquest behind the wizard alliance, Ariba chamber of Commerce will have a higher and higher status and weight in the star world in the future, and one day it will be enough to match the world.

But that day will definitely not come in a short time. In addition to the continuous expansion and improvement of Ariba chamber of commerce itself, the important reason is the improvement of wizard civilization and the overall strength and influence of wizard alliance.

When Locke arrived in the togola planetary belt, the resource compensation and transportation here had come to an end.

In fact, as early as four years ago, the king of xinghuan and the world sent all compensation resources to the Togolese planetary belt. The main reason for the delay is that the king of xinghuan himself wants to see Locke again.

In addition to the two legged king of the atlas, Locke also saw two other strange level seven masters in the togola planetary belt, a late level seven and a middle level seven.

The master in the later stage of level 7 is very close to the king of xinghuan in appearance. They should be creatures of the same race.

As for the master in the middle of the seventh level, he is a humanoid master with blue skin and a red crystal embedded in his forehead.

Some scientific and technological equipment was worn on this level 7 master, and his closeness to the king of the universe was not as high as that level 7 later master.