Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4546

The final harvest of death space is beyond Locke\'s imagination.

In addition, more than 1000 blood colored crystals float around Locke.

Each of these blood colored spars is at least comparable to the divine personality of creatures above level 4. The power of its special laws, combined with Locke\'s emotional origin, means that Locke has a killer mace against the masters of the same level.

And the quality of the blood spar collected by the blood cells is better than what Locke collected before.

If the blood cells themselves were not in great need of those blood colored spars, I\'m afraid Locke would extort more in the end.

However, this is a one hammer deal after all. It is limited by the dominant rule contract. Not to mention Locke\'s extortion of blood cells again, even if he wants to face the space of death again in the future.

After leaving the blood cell, Locke did not immediately leave the death space with the soul of the master.

Anyway, according to the contract, he only needs to leave within ten years. Taking this opportunity, Locke tries to find some secrets and details in the dead space that he has not found before.

Through the expression of blood cells, Locke knows that after getting rid of the encirclement of the fallen, most of them finally explore the past along the East.

It\'s a place where blood cells don\'t know much. Maybe there are some secrets.


Just ten years is not enough for Locke to make any new discoveries in the space of death.

Nine years later, in addition to collecting the bodies of some fallen and peak fallen as trophies again, the only thing that can arouse Locke\'s interest is an experiment he is conducting.

The two guys with strength as high as the peak sink are bound by Locke\'s dominant power.

These two fallen peaks are the existence of Locke\'s "careful selection" in recent years. Basically, each of them is a well deserved overlord in a region, and they are also extremely rare guys in the star world who can compete with level 7 in a short time with a body of level 6.

If the fallen at this level are allowed to return to the star world, the possibility of their future promotion to dominance will be as high as 30%.

In addition to being bound by the power of domination, Locke also made an additional contract with the two top losers.

That is, if Locke can take them out of the dead space, these fallen will unconditionally devote 300000 years of fighting for Locke.

300000 years is almost the rest of their lives. Even for dominant creatures, 300000 years is an incomparably long time.

However, for the demand of the master they can\'t fight, the two peak destroyers nodded in a hurry after recognizing the reality.

After all, their original attempt to encircle and kill the master itself was to escape from the world.

Without paying too much attention to the inner thoughts of the two peak destroyers, after wrapping them into paradise lost, Locke opened the connecting channel between the death space and the material star world by dominating the omnipotent soul.

When he stepped into it, the coordinates of the material star boundary positioned by Locke were not much different from the coordinates when he entered the death space at that time.

It is also the energy feedback from paradise lost when Locke is about to enter the channel, which makes Locke\'s action lag.

Sure enough, it is not easy to send organisms out of the dead space by virtue of paradise lost.

The feedback of Paradise Lost is that in order to send out the two peak losers, Locke must bear the loss of the omnipotent soul to accommodate them to leave.

Of course, due to the particularity of paradise lost, the golden apple tree means that it can be replaced by the life energy in paradise lost. However, when Locke knows how much life energy is needed, he can send out these two guys who are only one line away from the dominant creatures.

The extremely exaggerated cost of life energy finally made Locke shake his head.

The gains outweigh the losses, which means this situation.

The occurrence of this situation is also the embodiment of the law of balance in the star world. It is unrealistic for Locke to obtain the effectiveness of a large number of peak destroyers in a short time.

Shook his head, Locke did not have more nostalgia for this bloody world.

Anyway, he has got enough in this world, including all opportunities and resources, for Locke to better participate in the battlefield of the desperate world.


Material star boundary.

Locke, separated from the dead space, is slowly adapting to the law environment under the background of two different worlds and time and space.

Compared with the monotonous and extreme special world such as death space and despair world, it is obvious that the physical star is the place where normal life should stay.

After taking a deep breath, Locke moved forward with his right hand. Thousands of blood crystal stones originally surrounded and floating on Locke\'s body surface flew back to Locke, and under Locke\'s control, they were reduced to small broken crystals, focusing on the God of destruction in Locke\'s chest.

The crown of the demon God, one of the seven sins, was also put away by Locke. With the blood light door connecting the paradise lost opened, the sword Saint Carlyle came out of it.

Just now, Karel, the sword saint, witnessed that the level six peak creatures bathed in strong blood light at both ends of Locke\'s paradise lost were annihilated into fly ash by a balance rule that Karel could not understand.

The occurrence of this situation caught Carlyle off guard. However, through Locke, Karel learned that the Lord of level 7 ashes had been killed.

As for what Locke experienced and got in the dead space, it is not what Carlyle can imagine for the time being.

The two peak degenerates were annihilated into fly ash by the balance rules, but Karel, who stayed in the paradise lost from beginning to end, did not spend Locke\'s excess energy when leaving the death space, which could not help but make Locke have a deeper understanding of the balance rules.

However, this balance rule should be what the casters are most interested in. As a knight, Locke is more concerned about what treasures he has obtained during his trip to the death space.

A pile of booty obtained from the Lord of ashes was taken out by Locke and presented to Karel. Locke still cares about the only Knight master in the wizard world except himself.

Eating alone is not Locke\'s style. The sword Saint Carlyle also made a lot of efforts in the pursuit. Locke motioned Carlyle to choose some of his favorite treasures.

Locke thought Carlyle would choose the pocket watch with the power of time rules. After all, it can even affect level 8 creatures like Locke.

Even if it is only used for a limited number of times, its value is no worse than the general low-level world-class secret treasure.

But in the end, the sword Saint Carlyle chose the dominant wood containing strange rules, another low-level world-class secret treasure three whip and several space rings containing incomparable amazing wealth.

In Karel\'s own words, he planned to make the scabbard of the dominant wood to warm his sword.

The wealth contained in the lower world-class secret treasure three whip and those space rings will be handed over to the kingdom of jahana.

Carlyle prefers his own growth to the short-term enhancement brought by foreign things.

The choice of the sword Saint Carlyle made Locke nod.

Put away the time pocket watch and some other booty obtained from the Lord of ashes. Locke waved to Karel in front of him and said, "let\'s go, let\'s go back."

"I don\'t know whether the king of the universe has sent the promised compensation to the Togolese planetary belt over the past ten years."