Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4545

"You don\'t want to fight me?" Locke asked the blood cells in front of him, like a local ruffian asking a good student who had just finished school.

Locke\'s emotional state in an instant is easily translated and understood by the blood cells.

But even so, in the face of Locke\'s inquiry, the blood cells were confused for a time.

Being good at the emotional field and having the emotional origin Avenue as the core law does not mean that the blood cell is an expert in playing with power and mind skills.

The situation of staying in the death space all year round makes the blood cells deviate from the development rhythm of the normal astral world.

Locke was more willing to believe that this guy was lucky when he was sneaked by the seventh level peak devil msorn and finally completed the anti killing.

And indeed let the blood cell review the events of that year. As the biggest crisis since it set foot on the territory of domination, the blood cell can finally avert the danger and enter level 8 with the convenience of swallowing mson. Indeed, there is a large part of luck.

Msorn was a seven level peak devil at that time. According to the talent and potential shown by the original demon king, he should be the same person as Satan, the Lord of hell, and has a great probability of being promoted to level 8 at least.

The world-class secret treasure left by the seven level peak demon king will not be any ordinary product.

In the face of the threat in Locke\'s words, if Locke had not just shown a breath that made it feel absurd and terrible, the blood cells would not easily bow their heads even if they insisted that the other party was a level 8 peak creature.

However, this blood cell is an eight level master who breaks through this realm under the special rules of the death space. Compared with those eight level masters in the star world, they are either the leader of civilization or the overlord of one star domain, they always have less domineering spirit and fighting heart.

Especially because he stayed in the death space all year round, he gradually did not need the so-called world-class secret treasure as a power increase, so after a moment of silence, the blood cells chose to compromise.

A crown shining with red light spits out from the mouth of blood cells. I don\'t know whether it is to stay in the death space for too long, or whether the blood cells themselves strengthen the crown twice.

This crown does have a trace of demon world flavor. Its strength gives Locke a feeling that it is far more powerful than the world-class treasures he collected before!

The seven sins collected by Locke before, such as curse armor, shadow cloak and magic shield, are generally only at the level of medium world-class treasures, including the more powerful God killing mask, which is still a little short of higher world-class treasures.

However, the red crown spit out by the blood cells in front of us, and the rippling force factors and regular ripples on its surface all show that it is an advanced world-class secret treasure!

Advanced world-class treasures are also rare treasures for dominant creatures.

The Lord of glory has such a great family and cause. She has only two advanced world-class treasures: the star ring and the prophecy.

Locke is richer than the Lord of glory in this regard. In addition to paradise lost, killer gun and twelve products to destroy Black Lotus, Locke once again got an advanced world-class secret treasure during his trip to death space.

Naturally, the red crown blood cells will not be given to Locke in vain, even if Locke blackmailed it in an almost rogue way and tone.

A contract engraved with strong blood red rules appeared in front of Locke together with the red crown.

This is a dominant contract condensed by blood cells with the power of their own laws and the special rules of death space as endorsement.

This contract, even with the strength Locke now has, is not willing to break easily.

Because it is no joke that the loss of omnipotent soul required to pay for violating such rules and contracts. Compared with a world-class secret treasure, Locke obviously cares more about his own life and soul.

"The crown can be given to you, but you need to sign this contract with me." The blood cell said in a non-negotiable tone.

After taking a look at the blood cells, Locke then focused on the content of the rule contract in front of him.

Although the price of violating the rules and contracts is extremely heavy, the blood cell guy has not targeted.

The contract does not limit Locke\'s strict terms too much. There is no need to pay too much attention to those details. What really concerns the blood cells and Locke is that the blood cells require Locke to leave the death space within ten years after getting the demon God crown, and he shall not enter here again in the future.

This is the blood cell\'s intention to solve the threat that Locke may bring at one time. Otherwise, Locke will threaten again this time. Next time, will the blood cell want to be promoted to level 9 in the future?

In addition, in some supplementary provisions, the blood cell also requires Locke not to inform other creatures of the information here, especially its existence.

Being a quiet hidden master is the only idea of the blood cell now. Even with Locke\'s lesson, the blood cell will try to hide itself more.

Don\'t think that any master can find blood cells after entering the death space.

The Hanzhi Holy Spirit of Menglan world, the arrogant demon king of the demon world and Locke at this time all took the rule networks at the end of the sky as clues, and slowly found the trace of blood cells by virtue of their special induction to the rules of emotional origin.

It is not easy for ordinary astral masters, even level 8 creatures, to find blood cells after entering the death space.

The emotional power in the whole world is the best shelter for blood cells, and the emotional networks in the sky can not be easily cracked by other masters.

And who says the real secret of the death space is the blood cells in the regular core at the end of the sky.

In fact, there are other secrets in this strange and bloody world, but Locke can\'t explore here because of his limited time.

In the past, the dominant creatures who passed through this world also found other benefits in this world.

Sometimes it doesn\'t mean that the more benefits you get, the better. Compared with those ordinary resources that don\'t make much sense, the most suitable for yourself is the best.

In the face of the rule contract proposed by the blood cell, Locke reviewed it many times and finally decided to sign it.

After all, Locke will go to the battlefield of the desperate world next. Locke doesn\'t want to give up every chance to increase his strength.

At his level, it is impossible to achieve a certain degree of obvious strength improvement in a short time.

After thinking about it, maybe only by collecting the secret treasures of the seven sins, its civilization to treasure power can make Locke leap again in a short time.

Also when he made up his mind to sign the soul brand with his own breath, Locke added, "by the way, since you have been here in the dead space for so long, you should have a lot of this crystal stone in your hand?"

A thumb sized blood spar immediately appeared between Locke and blood cells.

Blood cells: "