Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4544

Of course, the blood cell doesn\'t think it has a problem. It doesn\'t even consider Locke\'s far-reaching.

The polar realm itself is a field that only a few masters will set foot on in the star world.

So far, among the masters Locke has come into contact with, including level 8 creatures, only the Supreme God, the Lord of infinity, the mother of despair and kakarot can be called to step into the extreme.

As a level 9 creature, Daozu Hongjun didn\'t see him with his own eyes. It\'s not easy to comment.

However, as an existence beyond the level category of the star world, Hongjun undoubtedly has the strongest strength, because including the Supreme God was defeated by Hongjun, and finally the bright Protoss withdrew from the Xianyu battlefield.

In fact, for the polar region, the civilization of the dead country also had some exploration.

Whether there are those masters of the seventh and eighth level death system who set foot on the extreme state cannot be investigated for the time being, but the three true gods of the death country civilization, including the desperate master mother, are all the strong ones who set foot on the extreme state and achieved peak achievements.

The top civilization with three true gods standing side by side, like the civilization of the country of death, is definitely a minority in the star world.

Including the extremely powerful light Protoss at this time, there is also and only the Supreme God, which can be included in the ranks of the true God of the civilization of the country of death.

It\'s still a little short of stepping on the endless Lord to prove Tao. He can\'t be qualified unless he reaches the peak of level 8.

The conversation with blood cells not only made Locke gradually understand the dusty history of the demon world, but also gradually generated Locke\'s speculation and perception of emotional rules and the end of the origin avenue of each department.

After all, an eight level master who is original and easy to communicate, such as blood cells, will never have too many in the whole star world.

In addition, Locke himself has mastered the rules of emotional origin, which can also make Locke learn from and understand well, and then produce some speculation.

For example, a bold guess suddenly occurred in Locke\'s mind, that is, whether the level 8 masters will integrate themselves into the rules and become part of the power of hundreds of millions of rules in the star world after reaching the extreme state in the future, and even entering level 9.

This idea comes from Locke\'s speculation about the origin and disadvantages of blood cell emotion and the current state of Daozu Hongjun in Xianyu.

Taking self transformation as the rule, can life be called life at that time?

Although in a sense, that state has reached the "Immortality" defined by the casters for the Ninth level.

Including if the rule attribute is special, it can also complete some "miracles" that ordinary organisms and even dominant creatures feel strange, such as resurrecting dead people.

Locke did not know that in the process of his bold speculation and thinking, a vague wave of power appeared on his body surface.

This power fluctuation is very similar to the golden light that happened to the federal chief scientist Pavlov at the time of the collapse of the silent and restrained civilization.

They all found a trace of the context of the Ninth level realm or the realm of God. Although this is not necessarily the whole picture of the Ninth level realm, they all touched at least a trace.

Like a blind man touching an elephant, Locke may touch the nose, and Pavlov may touch the elephant\'s feet.

Although in their vision, the nine level realm they feel and touch is completely different, it is just one aspect of the nine level realm.

It is also when Locke is thinking and there are waves of obscure power fluctuations around him, the blood cell ghost in front of him takes a big risk.

The almost rolling touch from the rule field makes the blood cells "Shua!" With a sound from human form, he returned to the shape of blood cells again.

Waves of waves appear on the surface of blood cells, giving people the feeling that a layer of cold hair stands on the surface of blood cells and shivers.

The blood cells can\'t understand what state Locke is in at this time, which shows that the blood cells are far from reaching the peak of the extreme state and launching an impact on the level 9 state in the future.

If the desperate spider mother appears here, it will be pleasantly surprised by Locke\'s change, because this is the field she has been pursuing, but it always seems to be a film short.

Fortunately, Locke\'s state did not last long, because his understanding of the nine level realm still remained in a more one-sided and self guessing link.

When Locke came out of this state, he found that the blood cells in front of him not only recovered, but also looked nervous and ready to go, as if he was ready to stimulate all his strength at any time.

Locke doesn\'t know what the blood cells are doing. Maybe it\'s because he has just had some in-depth thinking. Locke doesn\'t want to guess and consider the level 9 realm for the time being.

Because this may make Locke doubt his previous guesses. Similarly, Locke\'s mind is inevitably a little tired at this time.

So he asked another thing he was more interested in, which was also related to real interests.

"You killed the seventh level peak devil msorn, didn\'t you? Did it leave any treasures?"

"Well, I mean world-class treasures." Locke looked at the restored blood cells in front of him.

The name of the seven sins of the demon world has a long history, including Locke\'s previous fishing in troubled waters in the battlefield of the demon world.

However, it is a pity that Locke failed to collect the seven sins, because the Fallen Angel Sword and wind shadow boots are still in the hands of the light Protoss.

Of course, as Locke is about to go to the dimensional battlefield of the desperate world, it should not be a problem to ask for the wind shadow boots from the light Protoss, but as Lucifer\'s personal sword, I think the light Protoss will not easily give it to Locke.

It is said that the seven sins in the demon world can explode a power comparable to the treasure of civilization.

Locke\'s killer gun and twelve product destruction Black Lotus are also the top treasures in the star world, but they are still a long way from the treasure of civilization.

In the face of Locke\'s inquiry and the light revealed in his eyes, after the blood cells were silent for a long time, it seemed to think of a wave that had just produced around Locke that made him feel palpitating. At last, he nodded and said honestly, "there is indeed a secret treasure, that is a crown."

"It contains incomparably rich and pure emotional origin rules, which can be a great blessing to masters like us." The answer of the blood cells made Locke\'s face obviously happy.

But looking at the blood cell, it was obvious that he didn\'t want to give the crown to Locke for nothing.

Locke was not worried about this situation. He could see that he was the one who took the initiative.

Blood cells give Locke a feeling of no desire, that is, nothing can move it.

But there must be one thing that blood cells can\'t give up and give up, that is, its special position in the death space and the nine level road it is embarking on can\'t be interrupted.