Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4539

The sky is still boundless blood red, and on the same bright red earth, Locke, who is partially armored, is holding the head of a peak wrecker.

This is a giant species with a body size of nearly 30 meters. Obviously, its body size is 15 times that of Locke in human form, but in front of Locke, it is more like a petite toy.

The ferocious bone arm was embedded in the giant\'s skull. At the moment when Locke crushed its brain, the sixth level peak creature was almost dead.

A blood colored crystal diamond on the giant\'s chest attracted Locke\'s attention. It was a giant species Locke had never been in contact with before, and it was unknown which side of the star world gave birth to the individual. Finally, it was unlucky to fall into this death space.

The corpse of a level 6 peak giant is still valuable for collection.

In addition to the giant\'s body, there was another insect monster body about 15 meters long crawling at Locke\'s feet.

The sharp blade indicates that the insect monster should have a lot of strength. Dark green blood flows out of the gaps in the insect monster\'s body.

This insect monster with a high level of life was forcibly crushed to death.

Throw the bodies of giants and insect monsters into paradise lost, take back the partially armored Locke, and restore the right arm as before.

Lower your head and meditate for a moment. After noticing that the blood color energy factor you are holding may be inconsistent with the concentration of surrounding energy factors, you expose the orientation.

As soon as Locke stretched out his right hand, under the influence of the power of emotional law, Locke was like the two peak destroyers just killed by him, and the blood light on his body surface was as rich as substance.

People can\'t see his true face, but they can see a bloody column of light.

After doing all this, Locke didn\'t stay in place for too long. In this special world called death space, he just wandered around aimlessly.

Following his intuition, Locke chose a new direction and left immediately.


It was also long after Locke left here that more than a dozen blood lights came one after another.

The more than a dozen fallen people who arrived here later are weaker than the two killed by Locke before. The most powerful one is only half the peak level.

The residual energy factors in the nearby bloody earth tell of a short battle here not long ago.

Some green blood and brain fragments dripping on the ground are not difficult to explain who won in the end.

"It\'s nine blade locust. It was killed, and it was still in such a short time!" A level 6 destroyer pointed to a pool of green blood on the bloody earth.

All the energy particles and breath fluctuations left in the blood tell it that the fallen one is the nine chopper locust that once brought it great fear and fear.

Even those who have fallen like nine blade locusts are easily killed by their opponents, which is enough to prove their identity

"In such a short time, the master will not leave too far."

"Damn, why can\'t I trace each other? Have you found anything else?" Another six level sink couldn\'t help saying.

Trapped in the dead space for countless years, after experiencing the initial despair and the pleasure of killing under the influence of the rules of the whole world, these fallen people have gradually lost their awe of the strong.

Even the dominant creatures dare to hunt. What else do they dare not do?!

What is even more exaggerated is that with the voice of the two level-6 destroyers falling, none of the destroyers present showed signs of leaving, even one of them, a level-4 destroyer who is good at speed, was unwilling to leave.

There are only a few people who clearly recognize the gap between themselves and Locke as the two previous peak losers.

In other words, they are strong enough, so they can more clearly realize the gap between themselves and Locke.

The ignorant are fearless, and the fallen present do not know what a terrible existence they are pursuing.

As it was difficult to fully control Locke\'s departure direction, these drowned people were scattered into several directions and continued to try to track Locke.

Mole ants even try to challenge elephants. If they are really lucky or unfortunate to find Locke, I believe Locke won\'t mind giving them death.


Blood red sky, bright red earth.

The feeling of death space to Locke gradually has a kind of stereotyped depression and absurdity.

There are also mountains, valleys, cracks and basins, but there are no middle and low-level creatures that constitute a complete world.

In other words, the food chain and ecological environment here are not complete.

In the desperate world, in order to maintain the individual energy and basic action ability, the survivors there can choose to devour the ore for the first time, that is, something called the "sage\'s stone".

In the dead space, Locke\'s eyes found that the only thing that could devour and digest seemed to be the bright red soil on the ground.

And as Locke has flown over a large area in the dead space, he has not found too many skeletons here, nor has he found any of the top civilization relics.

After all, this is not a world of despair. Even if it can be compared with the world of despair at the level of rules and absurdity, it is still two completely different worlds.

It is also gradually that the exploration in this world becomes boring and boring, and Locke\'s mood inevitably produces a trace of anxiety and the impulse to destroy something.

"Do I have to be influenced by this strange world based on the law of emotional origin?" In the sky, Locke, incarnated as a blood red column of light, couldn\'t help but bow his head and meditate.

Existential thinking and self reflection mark that Locke is not completely affected by the space of death. It can only be said that Locke can not completely ignore the strange rules of the world.

Looking up at the end of the sky, since I didn\'t find anything interesting and satisfactory answers in the four directions of the earth, it seems that only there may be things that attract Locke.

A beam of red light shot straight into the sky. Locke wanted to touch the sky of the world, what factors and strange rules constituted the world.

A few days later, Locke reached an area full of grid like regular lines.

This should be the farthest place that the fallen can reach in the death space. From the regular lines in front of him, Locke read the manifestation of the power of emotion.

In the past, Locke first came into contact with the materialized picture of the rules of the wind in Irvine. That experience provided Locke with a rare opportunity to deeply understand the power of the rules in the star world.

Later, in the hell destruction, Tara battlefield and the lonely bone convergence star domain, Locke felt the power of the destruction rules from a close distance. Those experiences also provided an important help for Locke\'s promotion.

At the moment, what appears in front of Locke is the purest expression of emotional power.

In front of these regular lines, the law mystery contained in them, even the shortest one, is enough for a semi divine creature on the road of emotion to enter the level 4 realm.