Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4540

For low-level creatures, it is an invaluable place to observe rules. For Locke, that is the case.

Because he has chosen destruction Avenue as his core strength, the situation here can only surprise Locke, not to the extent of surprise.

Moreover, the law of emotion should also belong to the power of extremely eccentric and rare laws in the astral world.

In addition to the demons in the demon world, Locke has not been exposed to too many races and civilizations that use the power of emotion to a very deep level.

"If I came here before I was promoted to level 7, I might choose to take the power of emotion as the core and embark on the road of domination."

"But it\'s too late now, and according to the actual combat situation, the strength of achieving dominance with the power of emotion is far lower than the power of destruction." Locke looked at the dense law grid in front of him and shook his head.

Which is stronger, the power of emotion or the power of destruction, depends on the order of destruction in the demon world and hell.

The demon civilization faced the full attack of the bright Protoss, but it didn\'t last long.

In contrast, hell civilization not only lasted the longest, but also pulled down an eight level Lord God of the bright Protoss in his early years.

And in terms of the fit of the knight system, the power of destruction is obviously more suitable for strong Knights like Locke, and the law of emotion still plays a transitional and auxiliary role.

For example, the road of origin of wind that Locke first embarked on was an important transitional force before Locke was promoted to dominate the territory.

Including that Locke has now been promoted to the master. The power of the wind alone is no longer enough to support Locke\'s battle of this intensity. More often, he chooses to integrate the power of the wind with the power of destruction. The resulting destruction storm is also a power application method and combat skill belonging to Locke alone.

Looking at the emotional rule network in front of him, while trying to study and consider whether the power of these rules can complement his emotional origin, Locke, on the other hand, with the help of his own understanding of dominant creatures, moved forward to the deeper part of the rule network in front of him.

Locke\'s actions, if seen by the ordinary victims of death space, will be extremely appalled.

Because in the past, there were many fallen people in a state of despair, trying to break through the blockade of those rule networks and return to the material star.

But all the consequences of their strong breaking into this rule network are burned to slag by the strong emotional power here.

This is not a flame at the level of material elements, but an emotional fire. Some worlds and civilizations will also call it "heart fire".

This flame will cause indiscriminate damage to any intelligent creature. Even if the other party has some opinions on the power of emotion, he will never dare to put himself in such a dangerous place.

Only Locke, such a dominant power, can ignore these rules and the threat of the network.

Even with his understanding of the source of emotion, Locke doesn\'t need to spend too much of his own strength. Just looking for loopholes and gaps in these rule networks is enough to make him walk through unharmed.

A relatively flat road soon emerged in Locke\'s vision.

Although from the outside, Locke is in an endless emotional network, including his way forward.

This is a road that only Locke can see!

And with the passage of time, Locke walked farther and farther. From the branch line to the main road, Locke even found the breath of life other than him.


In the process of walking and exploring at the end of the sky, Locke gained some other gains in addition to contacting and understanding the power of those emotional laws.

More than a dozen blood colored spars appeared around Locke. These blood colored spars were discovered by Locke in the intersection area of laws in this rule network.

The extremely strong power of emotional law permeates in these crystal stones which are generally only the size of the thumb.

And because of the different rule networks, the tendency of the force of law contained in these blood colored spars is also different.

However, the largest number of them should be biased towards anger, impatience, bloodthirsty, madness and other emotions, while the number of blood crystal stones such as cunning, greed, jealousy, overeating and other emotions is the least.

This difference in quantity ratio may also be related to the operation of the overall rules of the bloody world.

In terms of value, each of the bloody spars around Locke at this time can be counted as a god of creatures above level 4, even one of which is comparable to that of creatures at level 6.

This is because Locke didn\'t enter the dead space for a long time. If he had the patience to collect here for a period of time, just the value of these blood colored spars would be enough to make anyone stunned.

This is also a manifestation of the essential gap between the dominant life and those middle and low-level life. In the field of plundering and collecting wealth, the dominant life has long reached a situation unimaginable to those fourth and fifth level creatures.

This is why in recent years, Locke\'s cognition and feeling of wealth have become weaker and weaker.

Even thousands of trillions of magic coins are just a string of numbers in Locke\'s eyes.

Creatures below level 4 plunder material resources, creatures above level 4 plunder world resources, and creatures above level 4 plunder civilization resources.

Perhaps only the resources of a whole civilization will attract Locke\'s attention.

"Although the individual value is not high, if I can collect hundreds of such crystals, according to my strength and control over the origin of emotion, I may be able to create another means that is enough to pose a certain threat to dominant creatures." The thumb and index finger held a blood colored spar and felt the strong power of law, Locke couldn\'t help saying.

This blood colored spar is also the largest "local specialty" that Locke has found in the dead space so far.

He bounced the bloody crystal stones in his hand and let them wander around his body surface. Locke continued to move forward along the road he found.

This bloody world called death space gives Locke an overall feeling that it is not as vast as the world of despair.

The desperate world can withstand countless top civilizations fighting in it. Its breadth and thickness are there. Until now, neither Locke nor the light protoss have explored the end of the desperate world.

Perhaps the civilization of the country of death where the desperate spider mother lived touched the border of the desperate world, but it is only possible. The desperate spider mother did not describe it too much.

Looking back at the dead space in front of us, it has a certain probability that Locke will explore and explore it to its end.

There are no large-scale remnants of civilization war left here. Compared with those battlefields where top civilizations compete for hegemony in the next dimension, the death space is more like a special place to accommodate a single life for experience and detachment.

The goal of Locke\'s trip is to find the life he has already perceived and found.

The other party is also a dominant life, and seems to have found Locke\'s arrival.