Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4538

At the peak level of level 8, it took Locke no more than two minutes to kill some little guys at level 5 and 6.

The fallen who can fight the Lord of ashes are not weak in this dead space. At least they must have killed many beings at the same level or lower than themselves before.

Also after killing these more than a dozen fallen people, Locke clearly perceived another particularity of this bloody world.

A touch of strange blood color energy factors appeared on Locke\'s surface. These blood color energy factors appeared on Locke only after Locke killed more than a dozen fallen people.

These blood color energy factors can play a certain role in supporting the strength of organisms. If the creatures in the desperate world hone themselves through passive evolution, then the creatures in this blood color world are generally stronger than the material star world. I\'m afraid one of the fundamental reasons is from these blood color energy.

"Some are like the power of emotion, but they are beyond the emotion itself and are about to reach the level of material energy."

"This is very different from the emotional power I have mastered. At least this way of application is unheard of." Locke looked at the blood energy factors appearing on his body surface and whispered.

No wonder in this bloody world, most of the creatures seen seem to be in a blood shadow, and the more powerful the creatures are, the more intense the blood light they have.

If fighting and fighting is the way for the creatures in this bloody world to generally evolve and attempt to get rid of, then the cruelty of the rules here seems to be more than that of the desperate world.

At least in the desperate world, if you can stand loneliness and hunger, even the weak can find a remote corner and live.

But here, the factors of killing and tyranny dominate all the creatures who unfortunately fall here, and because they can strengthen themselves by killing others, those powerful degenerates are expected to specifically look for killing those weak creatures.

This is also the main reason for the more obvious difference in the number of organisms between level 4 and level 6 in this region.

The corpses of dozens of fallen people on the nearby battlefield were used as precious specimens and thrown into the paradise lost. Feeling that no other fallen people had arrived here for the time being, Locke opened his self seal again and flew straight in a certain direction.

After Locke left here, about half an hour later, four dark red and repressed blood red energy beams arrived here from different directions.

These four blood red energy beams, which are more repressed in color, are the existence of great prestige in the death space. Each of them is comparable to the peak of the desperate world.

Due to the coverage of blood color energy factor, the original appearance of these creatures is difficult to be captured by outsiders.

They are the absolute controllers of each residential area of the death space. In order to get rid of the shackles of the death space, they have been struggling, groping and sinking for tens of thousands of years.

Among the four top losers, the one with the strongest strength and the oldest seniority has been wandering in the dead space for 100000 years. It is the real old monster.

In the case of no dominant creature, it represents the top of the star world combat power!

"I smell two masters. One of them should have been erased by the other. As for the other..." The speaker is the existence with roughly the second strength among the four peak losers.

When he saw the huge ravine swept and impacted by the destructive force below, the peak destroyer who had always been rampant trembled for a moment.

This is from the fear of life instinct. Not to mention that Locke has left here now. Even if he hasn\'t left yet, it\'s still unknown whether the top destroyer dares to shoot him.

After all, for Locke, it\'s not much different to spend two minutes killing some miscellaneous fish of level 5 or 6 destroyers and a few minutes killing a peak destroyer.

But for these fallen, that is the gap between life and death.

The words and performance of the second highest degenerate attracted the attention of the other two highest degenerates around.

However, they did not feel the fear of each other\'s words and psychology. After hearing that a master entered the death space, they first felt excitement.

"Where did he go?" A sharp sound came from the blood light column. Although the language was very strange and harsh, the fluctuation of will expressed by it was very clear.

"It should be in that direction. Let\'s go! We can\'t let him go. Be careful to be robbed by other sink!" A heavy voice came from another bloody light column. Listening to the tone and its faint body shape, it seemed to be a giant race.

The two blood colored light columns didn\'t stay in place for too long. They turned into a streamer and pursued Locke\'s trace as much as possible.

Locke didn\'t come to the dead space for a long time, and he didn\'t know much about the rules and energy factors here.

I don\'t know whether it\'s Locke\'s bad luck or those two peak losers. The pursuit direction of the two bloody light columns doesn\'t deviate too much from Locke\'s flying away direction.

After the two peak wreckers left, the other two peak wreckers who stayed in place never moved.

At the far end of the bloody world, it can be seen that other slower half step peaks or ordinary level 5 and level 6 destroyers are coming here. They are also affected by the fluctuation of dominant power here, and they rush here like maned dogs smelling blood.

And with the passage of time, the number of these victims will be more and more, and the vast majority of them are still ordinary level 4, 5 and 6 victims.

It seems that although the rules of the death space are bloody and cruel, the pyramid structure here still exists. There are still a few people standing at the top of the tower.

It seems that he found the hesitation and struggle in the heart of the second highest degenerate. After the last highest degenerate who stayed in place was silent for a moment, he whispered, "it\'s right that you didn\'t choose to go, because that really isn\'t the existence we can provoke."

"You and I have known each other for 40000 years. It\'s rare to know 40000 years here in death space."

"Compared with those two fools, I think you will have a chance to get out of here with me in the future." Said the fallen peak.

"Why do you say that? If we join hands with other fallen people with your strength, even if the other party is the strong one in the dominant creatures, it may not be without..." The second ranking sink didn\'t understand.

In fact, it didn\'t choose to act with the other two peak destroyers. Another reason is that the old guy didn\'t show any signs of doing it.

He knows that the old guy in front of him is one of the real peaks of the death space. In his opinion, the power level of the other party can even be compared with the seven level master.

Except that there is no master soul as the foundation support, it is not much different from the normal level 7 creatures.

If the old guy wants to, he can even kill two of their three peak destroyers at the same time at the price of serious injury.

Absolute power is the only law for the particularity of death space and desperate world.

With the strength of the old guy ranking first, it is enough for the second ranking sink to accept the other party\'s opinions with an open mind.

It seems to be answering the question of the second highest degenerate in front of me, and it seems to be trapped in some kind of memory. In the blood column, a voice with more vicissitudes gradually came out: "about 70000 years ago, when I was just promoted to the sixth highest peak in the death space, a master accidentally came near my area."

"The master slaughtered all those who tried to besiege it nearby. I survived because of my special ability and that the master\'s attention was not on me at that time, but on the other three top fallen present."

"It was also after that battle that I knew that in addition to level 7 masters, there were higher levels of beings than level 7 masters in the star world. That was an extremely rare level 8 creature in the star world, enough to span hundreds or thousands of star regions nearby."

(PS: the star domain here refers to small and medium-sized star domains, because few creatures below level 7 have a clear understanding and concept of large star domains and large world civilizations.)

"The one who left just now, just the residual power fluctuation in the surrounding space, told me that he was stronger than the eight level master I had contacted!" The words of the first peak sink can\'t help but take a tremor.