Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4537

In the sky.

Locke was still in a bad mood when a spectator was suddenly forced to become a participant.

The will of the seven level ash Lord is very obvious. It has basically lost the possibility of survival after suffering heavy losses and even being besieged by dozens of fallen people.

Since there was no hope of life, he naturally wanted to drag Locke into the water.

The violent fluctuation of power forced Locke to take shape.

It was also the moment Locke appeared that the temperature of the whole nearby space seemed to be cold.

This bloody world, called death space, does have the ability to affect the emotions of organisms, but this influence can not temporarily affect the mind of an organism.

Emotions often have to succumb to personal will and instinct, and in the face of the great threat brought by Locke, succumb to the instinct of survival. Many fallen people can\'t help becoming stiff in their pursuit of the Lord of ashes.

It\'s true that they want to escape from this bloody world, but it doesn\'t mean they will die in a hurry.

If killing the Lord of ashes indicates that they have a 10% chance to take the soul of the master, this possibility is worth fighting for.

Then facing the consequences represented by Locke, it is likely that there may not be even 0.1% survival.

The incomparably huge gap in the level of life made Locke not move. Just standing in the sky, these fallen people dared not move.

Of course, these people have not acted rashly from beginning to end. Another important factor is that the total number of people in the nearby area is not large, and there is no leader for the time being.

Locke naturally found the struggle and desire in the eyes of these fallen people. They didn\'t want to give up the opportunity to kill the ash Lord.

Even more than the Lord of ashes, which has brought them great depression. It has been determined that it must be the lacquer Black Sun of the dominant level. They also want to rush up, tear up each other, and plunder each other\'s dominant soul in the most brutal and violent way.

Unfortunately, no one has done it yet.

The temporary silence on the scene made the Lord of ashes who dived towards Locke look more and more like a clown.

Today, the Lord of ashes has finally realized the gap between him and Locke.

It is also a dominant existence. The consequence of its coming here is that it is targeted as prey by the destroyers in the death space. Even if it is desperate, it has to try to kill.

But Locke\'s presence here, just the fluctuation of his overflowing power, makes those who sink dare not move rashly.

The gap between the two is just as Locke can crush him with one finger.

However, for the Lord of ashes, Locke will give him some face. Of course, the more important reason is that Locke doesn\'t want this guy like a mangy dog to escape again.

So Locke not only used one finger, but also directly extended his right hand, and the killer gun also appeared in Locke\'s call.

The head of the killer gun is sharp and dazzling. It is like a black flame tearing through the nearby space, bringing destruction silence to any creature in the star world.

Not long ago, the king of xinghuan in the late stage of level 8 was directly attacked by Locke\'s killer gun. Now the tip of this long black painted gun points to the Lord of ashes.

Only when facing the God killing gun in person can the Lord of ashes truly feel Locke\'s unparalleled exaggerated strength and irresistible majesty.

The gap between the level 8 peak and the level 7 mid-term master is too big, and the two of them, one is the supreme existence trying to launch an impact on the level 9 realm, and the other is the garbage that the master\'s soul has little left and can only survive in the star world.

There is no comparability between the two!

It seems that the Lord of ashes, who foresaw his own death, did not struggle this time. The body full of wounds was so thin and weak in front of Locke\'s wave of destruction. Even at the last moment, the Lord of ashes closed his eyes.

"Boom!" The torrent of destruction carried by the God killing gun directly swallowed the short body of the ash Lord.

It not only eliminates most of the body of the ash Lord, but also creates an incomparably huge gully on the earth of the death space below.

Some of the fallen who had no time to escape were directly vaporized by Locke\'s wave of destruction.

In the face of the full attack of level 8 peak creatures, life is so fragile and small at this time.

Even the life energy level and individual strength of these fallen people have stood at the tip of more than 99% of the creatures in the star world.

With the complete fall of the Lord of ashes, three fragments containing the breath of the power of the Lord of ashes flew back to Locke.

One of them has obvious spatial fluctuation, and most of the body home of the ash Lord should be in it.

The other two pieces are the Lord of ashes, which still retain some active master flesh and blood. For example, the master Almighty soul urgently needed by the fallen below, these two pieces of flesh and blood also contain a trace.

And these two pieces of flesh and blood should also be the hardest parts of the Lord of ashes. One of them is like the finger bone of the Lord of ashes, and the other is something like a ring. I don\'t know if it\'s something similar to a God.

After killing the Lord of ashes, Locke did not immediately count the spoils.

Because as the wave of destruction sputtered in all directions, another extremely violent energy wave suddenly came from the center of the fall of the ash Lord.

The Lord of ashes completed his previous attempt. Although it did not cause any form of damage to Locke, it left a touch of strength at the moment before the fall.

The greatest function of this power is to collide with Locke\'s destructive power to produce a higher-level reaction. The movement and noise caused can definitely spread beyond the very far region of the death space.

The Lord of ashes doesn\'t know what the fallen in the dead space can do to Locke, but it is willing to do if it can bring even a little trouble to Locke.

The violent energy shock wave not only caused great movement, but also awakened those who were still alive.

Just when they were considering whether to fight and try to kill the almost invincible terrorist presence in front of them, or to escape, Locke shot again!

Locke, who has experienced the desperate world, even these desperate people or the horror of the fallen.

More than a dozen fallen people in front of Locke will not take it to heart, but what if thousands or even more come?!

Hundreds of fallen people are enough to make a level 7 master who broke in rashly disheartened.

The power of thousands or even more degenerates is enough to kill the omnipotent soul of the eighth level master.

How Locke and others obtained the dominant feather in the desperate world naturally does not need to be repeated.

Locke doesn\'t want to be the target of many Drowners or desperate people in this dead space. What\'s more, he just broke into here and was curious about all kinds of situations in this bloody world.

At least in the short term, Locke doesn\'t want to leave here.

Since he doesn\'t want to expose himself, he can only let these fallen die.

Killing, here it is!