Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4536

Locke thought that the life below level 7 would launch a fierce and fearless attack on the dominant creatures, which would only happen in the desperate world.

I didn\'t expect to see a similar picture again in the bloody world I accidentally entered today.

Beside the Lord of ashes, in addition to the dozen level 5 and level 6 creatures that are besieging it, nearly 20 level 4 creatures are crawling on the edge of the battlefield.

The Lord\'s power is definitely not easily offended by creatures below level 7. The twenty or so level 4 creatures should be mole ants swept away by the ash Lord.

At present, the lowest level creatures who can compete with the Lord of ashes are level 5 creatures.

The five level 6 creatures present are the ones that really threaten the life of the ash Lord.

Sure enough, another similarity with the desperate world is that the average strength of creatures in this bloody world exceeds many individuals of the same level in the material star world.

There are no redundant energy factors in the desperate world. The special rules there mean that the organisms entering them have to endure passive evolution several times beyond the star world all the time.

However, this bloody world does not lack energy factors. Not only all systems have energy, but even there is a kind of bloody particles visible to the naked eye.

The whole world is blood red, which should be caused by this strange energy factor.

Including Locke\'s feeling of bloodthirsty and killing after entering this world, it should also be the influence of the special rules and environment of this world.

Even the eight level peak master like Locke can influence a trace, and the degree of influence on the life body below the master level can be imagined.

Not to mention the dozen level 5 and level 6 creatures that are besieging the Lord of ashes, they are only about 20 level 4 creatures that have fallen dead on the edge of the battlefield. They have a variety of races and appearances, but they basically maintain a ferocious and violent expression before they die.

Also in the process of looking at those fourth level creatures, Locke found two interesting guys.

Unlike other creatures around them, those two little guys with level 4 life level are just \'pretending to be dead\'.

It may be that they have not entered this bloody world for a long time, so that they are not deeply affected by this absurd world.

Or they have some special abilities that can effectively control their emotions and killing will, so they don\'t rush to the ash Lord like suicide.

"Kill! Seize the soul of the master and escape from the space of death. This is the most promising time we have been trapped here for tens of thousands of years!"

"Come on, wait a little longer. The monsters in other areas are coming!" One after another screams and mental fluctuations indicate that these five or six level creatures with bloody light and shadow on their body surface are not irrational madmen.

It is precisely because they still retain a certain sense that they deeply know how rare it is to have a level 7 master in this dead space.

The most reliable way for them to return to the material star world is to kill each other and obtain the master soul, and escape from the dead space with the infinite possibility of the master soul.

"Dead space?" In the sky, Locke, who started self sealing in advance and eliminated all his strength breath, touched his chin and couldn\'t help muttering.

Thanks to the desperate world, Locke tempered his energy several times with the help of storm dragon to dominate balhaink.

The perfect control of his own energy also indirectly improves Locke\'s self sealing, so he can perfectly avoid the perception of monsters in this bloody world.

Of course, there is another important reason for this, that is, the power of emotional rules mastered by Locke makes him fully adapt and integrate into this special space after experiencing the initial temporary discomfort and abnormality.

It seems that Locke is the natural king of this space. He can watch the Lord of ashes surrounded by these crazy level 5 and 6 creatures from the perspective of a panoramic observer.

He can also mobilize the power of emotional origin to induce the blood energy in the nearby space to produce large-area fluctuations.

However, Locke does not intend to try the latter rashly. As a special world that can bring Locke a touch of absurdity and uncertainty, Locke believes that it is not simple here.

Just a world like despair is enough to make Locke absolutely cautious.

And Locke is also curious about whether there will be some top civilization relics here.

The civilized graveyard of the desperate world, will it reappear here.

Locke\'s concealment can hide from those creatures below level 6 with low life level, but it can\'t hide from the ash Lord who is in danger of being besieged.

The last time the Lord of ashes came here by chance, he was unfortunately besieged by the destroyers here, and that time it broke into a large area of destroyers. There were more than a dozen level 6 creatures, two of which were amazing to the Lord of ashes.

The Lord of ashes had better luck than the last time, but not much better.

The heavy injury and weak soul make the ash Lord feel a little embarrassed in the face of the siege of more than a dozen level 5 and level 6 creatures.

And because there is not much left to dominate the Almighty soul, some of the fallen present have clearly snatched some flesh and blood from the Lord of ashes, but the Almighty soul contained in those flesh and blood is about nothing.

That omnipotent soul is not enough to get them out of the space of death. Therefore, they plundered from the Lord of ashes to dominate flesh and blood are more crazy than the previous attacks.

Of course, there are very few rational guys who leave in time after fighting for a trace of flesh and blood of the Lord of ashes.

They are the smartest and luckiest group of people. In the state of bloodthirsty riots, they may not know that there is another level 8 peak master in this battlefield who is indifferent to everything.

From the state of the ash Lord at this time, how lucky Locke and Gongsun xuance and others were to snatch some feathers containing abundant master souls from a level seven master in the desperate world.

And just a feather contains enough omnipotent soul for a level 6 creature to return to the material star world. A big factor is that the power source of the level 7 creature comes from its own wings.

But those who have fallen here are not so lucky. With the Almighty soul reserve of the Lord of ashes, it is estimated that only a dozen level 6 creatures can escape from this bloody world.

Needless to say, the Lord of ashes is still struggling and exploding all the time. The souls of those masters are not taken away by these destroyers, but become the source of important power for the Lord of ashes to erase them.

"I\'m going to die, and you can\'t feel better. Experience the horror and despair of the world!" The besieged Lord of ashes shouted hysterically.

Those who surrounded it thought that the Lord of ashes was talking about themselves and others. Before they were ready to deal with the desperate fight of the Lord of ashes, the seven level master flew in the other direction.

"No, it\'s running. Stop it!" Said several sinking people who did not know the truth.

However, just as they were catching up again, Locke, who was forced to take shape by the impact of the power of the Lord of ashes, immediately appeared in the sky of this bloody world.

The extremely terrible destructive force factor overflows on Locke\'s body surface, which is clearly a blood red world, but Locke in the sky is like a painted black sun, which brings fear and depression to large areas around.

"So... What is it?" A level 5 destroyer pointed to the painted black sun in the sky and said in horror.