Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4535

The embarrassed Lord of ashes is like a lame mangy dog in Locke\'s eyes.

With Locke pressing, the Lord of ashes gradually reached the most dangerous time in his life.

Also at this time, the appearance of a blood color vortex attracted Locke\'s attention.

It was a strange vortex that appeared in the starry sky behind the Lord of ashes. Although it was blood red, this blood vortex had nothing to do with the blood light door connecting Locke\'s paradise lost.

The subtle fluctuation of space-time force indicates that this bloody vortex seems to communicate with a special and strange place in the star world.

And according to the direction of the ash Lord\'s continuous escape, it chooses this starry sky and has been struggling to escape. This is the target.

"Jie Jie, Lord Locke, the most powerful knight in the wizard world, dare you chase him in?"

"This is a dangerous place in the star world I accidentally found 136, 000 years ago. I almost fell when I entered it rashly last time."

"If you hadn\'t forced me to do this, I wouldn\'t want to return here anyway! Cough cough cough!" The voice of the Lord of ashes was sharp and disgusting.

It may be that the relationship is too excited. The muddy ash Lord is involved in his wound. The double painful injuries of the master\'s soul and flesh and blood made the ash Lord cough up a lot of gray meat while laughing.

The provocation of the Lord of ashes narrowed Locke\'s eyes slightly. He felt Locke\'s terrible and murderous Lord of ashes again. This time, he didn\'t dare to talk nonsense, and hurried to urge his strength to fly to the blood vortex.

The absurd temperament of the blood color vortex makes Locke smell the atmosphere similar to the desperate world, but from the perspective of rules and spatial feedback, the back of the blood color vortex must not be the desperate world.

A huge hand condensed by pure destruction energy patted the ash Lord on the back.

Locke didn\'t hope to kill the Lord of ashes. He just wanted to prevent the Lord of ashes from entering the blood vortex that even he felt a trace of uncertainty.

"Boom!" The giant hand of destruction condensed by the level 8 peak master is enough to cause disaster and rule turbulence to a large area of nearby stars. However, it is strange that when approaching the bloody vortex, the extremely repressed giant hand of destruction disappeared under the influence of some strange rules.

Locke\'s plan to prevent the Lord of ashes from entering the blood vortex obviously failed, and it was also a short power collision just now, which made Locke have a kind of insight. The Lord of ashes didn\'t take the initiative to enter it, but it was directly absorbed by the blood vortex!

It is also the feedback from the emotional rules to Locke, telling Locke that at the last moment, in addition to showing hostility and hatred towards Locke, there is also a strange emotion of fear, complexity and even schadenfreude.

The Lord of ashes fears not Locke, but the bloody vortex it is about to enter.

As for Schadenfreude, it naturally hopes that Locke will catch up with it and feel the same fear as it.

In the starry sky, looking at the blood vortex of the ash Lord disappearing, Locke fell into a moment of meditation.

From the feedback of emotional rules, with the emotional expression of the Lord of ashes at the last moment, even if Locke doesn\'t go in and kill it, the world behind the bloody vortex that can bring Locke a sense of absurdity and strangeness will certainly make it unbearable.

But as a cautious master knight, Locke didn\'t want anything unexpected to happen.

Even the main death of the ashes was in Locke\'s hands or under his gaze.

In addition, it can bring the Lord of ashes and other dominant creatures a special space of fear. Locke is also curious about what exists in it.

Even if you have stood on the ceiling level of the star world, there are still such mysteries and unknowns in the vast star world.

In addition to constantly pursuing breakthroughs in the level of life and trying to reach the realm of true "God", exploring the unknown of the star world has gradually become a major pursuit of Locke. This is also due to Locke\'s influence by the casters in the wizard world.

"If it is really a place like the desperate world, with the serious injury of the Lord of ashes, it is indeed a near death."

"Those desperate people and survivors who have been trapped in the desperate world for tens of thousands of years and try to return to the material star will tear it up like crazy."

"After all, those guys dared to make even femton\'s idea."

"But if I have such an eight level peak, there should be no problem going in. Maybe it will also help me solve some mysteries of the star world and the desperate world." After bowing his head for a moment, Locke made a decision.

The destroyer turned and quietly put away. It was obviously wrong to make too much publicity into a strange space. Even if Locke entered as an ordinary knight, he could stimulate all the states at the first time.

Sure enough, as Locke kept approaching, it was not Locke who wanted to enter, but the bloody vortex was constantly pulling Locke with a special gravity.

For the ash Lord who is seriously injured and weak, the pulling force is an irresistible force.

But for Locke, who is in a near heyday, he can still easily get rid of the pull of the blood vortex and return to the material star world.

Locke was relieved to learn this. He didn\'t want to be in trouble because of curiosity.

As he approached the blood vortex and finally entered it, what appeared in front of Locke was a blood red channel that could not see the end for the time being.

This passage gives Locke the feeling that it is very much like the long space-time passage that needs to be passed in the process of entering the desperate world.

But different from that channel, there is no obvious pulling force of time and space.

In other words, the world behind the blood color channel is likely to have the same time velocity as the normal astral boundary.

This is also one of the biggest differences between this world and the desperate world.

So, what kind of world or special space is this?


To the eye, it is a blood red world with extreme depression.

Obviously, there was no smell of blood in the air, but maybe it was red in the field of vision. Locke still felt a trace of the sweetness of blood.

The reason why blood is described as "sweet" is that Locke has a faint impulse to kill after entering this world.

Also after entering this special blood red world, Locke noticed the Lord of ashes who first entered it.

At this time, the situation of the ash Lord is very bad.

The bad here not only refers to the extremely heavy injury and rule phagocytosis it is currently suffering, but also refers to that it is facing the siege of more than a dozen level 5 and level 6 creatures.