Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4534

The king of xinghuan has this ending. In addition to his lack of thorough understanding of the Lord of ashes, another reason is that all his subordinates and people who follow the Lord of ashes have been destroyed by Locke.

The Lord of ashes bought a whole star domain in the world at a great cost, and his ultimate goal was to settle his people.

Not to mention the ash Lord, as a seven level master, what is his character, but at least he is absolutely qualified in treating his people.

The extinction of the people almost erased the last trace of concern of the ash Lord.

Therefore, when he noticed that the king of xinghuan was not Locke\'s opponent at all, the cunning and despicable level seven master decided to betray again at the first time.

Turned into a beam of ash, the Lord of ashes flew towards the boundless starry sky opposite to the world.

It is a desolate place in the star world where even the Qatar star theft group has little contact. Because of the power of alien rules and the loss of some creatures above level 4 all year round, this area is also listed as a "restricted area" by many world civilizations around it.

Chaos and alien rules are the best cover for the Lord of ashes.

More importantly, deep in the forbidden area, there is a real secret place and shelter that only the Lord of ashes knows.

Although the Lord of ashes knows about it, even it is unwilling to rush into it unless it is absolutely necessary.


In the starry sky, the vision from the king of xinghuan is locked and gradually disconnected with the extension of the distance.

Locke is not worried about what tricks the level 8 master who has been badly hit by him will play. As for the togola planetary belt, there are super Saiya kakarot and level 7 dark Summoner Lilith sitting in the town. There should be no problem receiving resource compensation from the world.

Now what really attracts Locke\'s attention is the pursuit of the level 7 ash Lord.

As mentioned earlier, it has no concern in this starry sky after all its people fell.

Such a carefree seven level wandering master is the most terrible existence in the star world, especially when it is still hostile to a civilization.

The Lord of ashes doesn\'t need to find the dominant strong in the wizard world. It can bring great trouble to the wizard civilization as long as it deliberately targets the creatures below level 7 in the wizard world and handles the head and tail well.

After all, the territory of the wizard world is too large, which is both an advantage and a disadvantage.

Especially in recent years, wizard civilization has successively annexed pan star domain, tower star domain and false word star domain, and its territory has been further expanded than before.

At present, there are still quite vast star regions that have not been completely controlled by Wizard civilization.

Because the wizard world itself has also lost a large number of combat legions in the war, it can not be completed overnight to control those marginal areas.

Locke did not want to drag the stubborn disease of the Lord of ashes to the later master of wizard civilization to solve.

Despite the description of the sword Saint Carlyle to him, the master soul of the ash Lord does not exist in ten. Even if it dares to appear and cause any damage to the wizard civilization in the future, it will also bear the hidden danger of being found and encircled to death.

Shuttling through blank meteorites, the strange flesh flame in the test tube in Locke\'s hand did not fluctuate.

Sure enough, the brilliance and beauty of the star world can not be fully explored by the current spell casters in the wizard world.

Even the tracking means made by master Douglas and mediated by blood gene and dominant soul have been isolated. What else is impossible in the star world?

The calm of the strange flesh flame in the test tube marks Locke\'s tracking of the Lord of ashes, which seems to be a broken clue.

However, Locke\'s pursuit from the battlefield with the king of xinghuan to here obviously does not rely entirely on the strange meat flame in the test tube.

"How? Can you continue to judge the direction?" Locke asked.

The reply to Locke is from the ancient tree of the moon in paradise lost.

After a long time of cultivation and the accumulation of countless resources, the ancient tree of the moon has grown again from a small sapling in that year to a towering giant spanning less than half of the ancient tree today Things.

The forest of ancient trees is the favorite habitat for those ancient tree survivors and flower elves in Locke lost paradise.

Including many rare resources growing on the land inside the paradise lost, of which more than 90% are handed over to the flower elves and ancient tree survivors. They are also an important part of the stability of the internal rules of the paradise lost.

The treetops of the ancient trees of the moon made a rustling sound. It was not easy to predict the trace of a level seven master. Rao Shiyue\'s ancient trees were backed by Locke and paradise lost, and he also felt a lot of difficulty.

After a long time, the vibration of the ancient tree of the moon stopped, and it immediately provided Locke with a vague direction.

Locke\'s eyes narrowed slightly when he removed the transformation of the destroyer.

In the state of the ash Lord at this time, he doesn\'t need to turn on the destroyer to deal with it.

Although the direction is vague, Locke still urges the force of the storm into a streamer and flies to the target area.

He set himself a deadline of ten years. If he can\'t find the trace of the ash Lord ten years later, it can only show that this guy should not die.


Seven years later, there were not many meteorites, but they were full of deserted star fields with broken planes.

Locke did not know that there was such a special region in the star world, but he knew that the life of the Lord of ashes was exhausted.

In the depths of this barren star field, Locke found the Lord of ashes hiding here.

The flesh and blood cells of the body are rotten, including clusters of star rules, which are also eroding the body of the ash Lord. Locke, who is more sensitive to the power of rules, feels the meaning of contract phagocytosis.

Every minute of life is painful. The Lord of ashes provokes two level eight masters one after another. He deserves this fate.

From this point of view, the sword Saint Karel, who has fought with the Lord of ashes for several years, is a master level strong man who has caused the least damage to the Lord of ashes.

Locke\'s arrival made the pupil of the Lord of ashes hiding in a broken plane shrink.

Continue to hide, just hide your ears and steal the bell. The Lord of ashes has sensed that Locke\'s will has locked it again.

But in the end, it is a dominant creature like Xiaoqiang. Locke\'s emergence did not make the Lord of ashes give up the struggle completely.

The pocket watch with the sound of "ticking and ticking" appeared again. With the help of the treasure intercepted from the king of xinghuan, the Lord of ashes, relying on the power of time, narrowly escaped from the broken plane of his hiding place just before the arrival of Locke\'s God killing gun.

"Boom!" The shock wave of plane breaking and explosion dispersed around the stars.

Because it is only a broken plane with low internal energy and imperfect rules, the destruction of the plane did not cause much movement.

But in any case, it is also the destruction of a world. Locke\'s dominance is really shocking!

"What a troublesome fellow." With a twist of his arm, Locke felt the time shackles nearby that had been broken by him and couldn\'t help saying.

Looking at the Lord of ashes hiding somewhere in the starry sky like a pool of mud, Locke sneered and followed.