Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4530

When Locke fought with the king of xinghuan, the sword Saint Karel\'s settlement of the remaining sins of the Qatar star thief group ended as quickly as the autumn wind swept away the fallen leaves.

The power of domination is definitely not easily offended by creatures below level 7, not to mention that Carlyle has nearly 100000 Locke\'s elite destruction Legion beside him in addition to his own strength.

After killing the last level 6 creature of Qatar star thief group, the world-class secret treasure of sword Saint Karel, curved sword, was also restrained.

There are still some battles between the middle and bottom creatures nearby, but there is no need for Karel to do the clearing of those level 4 and level 5 creatures.

Locke\'s legion of destruction will easily tear them apart.

Including the sporadic fighting that is still going on, it is also mainly about the escape of the remaining evils of the Qatar star robber group and the pursuit and killing of the destruction Corps under Locke.

The scattered troops of a star thief group can not be compared with the core legion of a top large-scale world civilization.

These members of the destruction corps, Locke, will soon be drawn to the battlefield of the desperate world.

If they can\'t even get rid of these star thieves, how can they fight against yuanneng civilization with Locke.

After his battle was basically over, Karel flew to the edge of the battlefield where Locke and the king of the universe were located and began to observe the battle of domination at a closer distance.

The duel between level 8 creatures has a far greater impact on the surrounding starry sky and plane environment than level 7 masters.

Those planes that had been completely alienated by the rules of domination also did not attract Carlyle\'s attention. The only purpose that Carlyle slightly sidetracked was to dominate the Lord of ashes trapped by Black Lotus destroyed by Locke\'s twelve products at the other end of the battlefield.

It deserves to be the founder and back controller of a notorious large-scale star theft organization. Even the king of the world of stars began to be forced to consume the soul of the master to resist the enemy under Locke\'s destructive power. Up to now, the Lord of ashes has not fallen.

Twelve product destruction Black Lotus consumes the original fog of the Lord of ashes all the time, including its omnipotent soul, but it is still a long way from the complete fall of the Lord of ashes.

You can\'t improve your strength just by looking at it. Why did the sword Saint Carlyle travel to the surrounding star regions for a long time before breaking through the dominant territory?

Enriching knowledge, contacting more powerful people, and honing yourself with combat are all important reasons.

Including Karel\'s promotion to level 7 master, it was also completed in the challenge arena of Challenger civilization.

Although his temperament and character tend to be calm, as a knight, he can interpret his true meaning of Kendo only in battle.

"Shua!" The dazzling sword light emerged from Carlyle\'s hand again.

He turned into a sword. This time he didn\'t coerce the hundreds of sword arrays, but only the sword in his hand flew straight to the cage of the Lord of ashes.

The pain of pricking the skin suddenly gave birth to the alarm of the Lord of the ashes under the destruction of Black Lotus. It was clear that it was deeper than Carlyle in terms of realm and details, but at this moment, he really felt the approaching of death.

"King of xinghuan, save me!" The Lord of ashes, who has been suppressed by heilian, who has been destroyed by the twelve products, asks for help again.

The voice of the Lord of ashes for help also revived the king of xinghuan on the other side of the battlefield.

It dragged Locke for such a long time, hoping that the Lord of ashes could get rid of the suppression of the destruction of heilian by the twelve products as soon as possible. Unexpectedly, after such a long time, this waste has not been out of trouble, and even needs to rescue it again?

At this moment, the king of xinghuan suddenly regretted and doubted whether it was a mistake to appear in the starry sky and spread the muddy water.

But now that he has come and made a complete friendship with Locke, he has borne all the costs before. Even if the king of xinghuan breaks his teeth, he should try his best to support it.

The big deal is to squeeze back the lost ones from the Lord of ashes!

A brownish yellow wooden handle flew out of the hands of the king of xinghuan. In the process of flying to the Lord of ashes, the wooden handle gradually expanded to hundreds of meters.

This should be derived from the trunk of a level 7 plant master, which was made like this by the king of the universe with a special secret method.

The meaning of uncertainty and absurdity in the wooden handle is very much like the vain words just destroyed by the wizard world. The temperament of the scarecrow of civilization is also that after the wooden handle flew to the Lord of ashes, the Lord of ashes, who had been hard supported in the destruction of the twelve grade Black Lotus, was finally able to get out of trouble.

The brownish yellow wooden handle interferes with the operation of Locke\'s twelve products to destroy Black Lotus. After all, Locke\'s own will and attention are on the king of the universe.

At the same time, the pocket watch with time rules also fell into the hands of the ash Lord in the sound of "tick tick tick" pointer rotation.

Get two secrets of the king of the universe. Although the situation of the Lord of ashes is extremely bad, it is not without the power of a war in the face of the strong attack of the sword St. Carlyle.

A duel between level 7 creatures broke out on the edge of the battlefield where Locke and the king of the universe were located.

Although the power level is not as exaggerated as Locke and the king of the universe, it is also enough to attract people\'s attention.

The battle of domination in the starry sky indicates that a disaster sweeping many small and medium-sized star regions around the star trace world group is coming into being.

As the location here is far away from the power radiation area of the iron and steel Castle world group and reaches the border map of the world, it is the world where the king of xinghuan is really threatened and lost by this dominant war.

Moreover, because the king of the universe came here to rescue the Lord of ashes, it was a sudden decision, so in this remote and desolate small star region, the king of the universe could not get the assistance of other masters in the world for a short time.

Needless to say, those distant alien large-scale world civilizations that make friends with the world can\'t reach here.

To sum up, so far, the battle of domination is only the private contradiction between the two level eight masters caused by the Lord of ashes.

It is far from reaching the level of the war of civilization.

Locke cannot lead the wizard civilization to bypass the iron Castle world group and expedition to the world. Similarly, the world cannot take the initiative to target the world civilization where Locke, such an eight level top power, is located.

And for the king of xinghuan and its world, the wizard civilization is still an extremely strange and untouched world civilization.

Because the iron Castle World Group has been closed and exclusive in the past, the world doesn\'t even know much about the iron Castle world group. How can it bypass the iron Castle world group and learn about a series of major events that the wizard civilization has done in the past 200000 years.

If you had known this earlier, it would still be unknown whether the king of the universe would be willing to rescue the Lord of ashes and turn against the violent level 8 peak master like Locke.

And the king of xinghuan has indeed regretted it!

Blame the Lord of ashes. He didn\'t explain to the king of the universe what a terrible existence is chasing it.