Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4529

The battle in the starry sky lasted half a month.

The more abstract explanation of the battle picture between Locke and the king of the universe is that a majestic lacquer black destruction storm is constantly hitting a bright nebula.

After all, the battle between the dominant creatures itself is out of the pattern of moves. Only from the collision in the field of power and rules can we more intuitively reflect the two dominant creatures, which is stronger or weaker.

The actual encounter in the starry sky once again proves that Locke, the eight level peak strong, is the supreme existence standing on the top of the star world.

The king of xinghuan does have many means, but in recent years, he may be used to living in dignity, which is different from Locke, who has just experienced the encirclement and suppression of many masters of source energy civilization in the desperate world.

The battle that lasted for more than half a month has gone beyond the scope of "warm-up" for dominant creatures.

In particular, Locke showed no sign of holding his hand in the fight against the king of the universe of stars, so that the two level eight masters output with all their strength every minute.

The turbulent destruction storm and the power of bright stars have begun to render in a large area in the star trace World Group relying on two level 8 masters.

The few regular complete planes in this small star domain were either completely swallowed up in Locke\'s destruction process, or crystallized under the influence of the regular power of the king of the universe.

As for those half planes and broken planes with imperfect rules, they have become the victims of the battle and game between two level eight strong men.

And from the number of eventually infected planes, we can basically compare the gap between the two level eight masters.

Influenced by Locke, the world entering the process of destruction accounts for at least two-thirds of the total area of the whole star domain, while only one-third of the total number of planes crystallized under the influence of the rules of the king of the universe.

The destruction of the plane rules of the local star domain and the death of countless bottom creatures did not attract the attention of the two level eight giants.

Perhaps there can only be level 8 creatures in the star world, which can not accommodate level 9 creatures for a long time. There are also some reasons.

Even the eighth level masters can cause such a wide range of rule disasters and energy effects in the star world. It\'s impossible to imagine how terrible those ninth level creatures should do their best.

No wonder Hongjun, the Taoist ancestor of the Xianyu civilization, could not leave the Xianyu territory, and fell silent. During the Xingyu war, the γ The detonating degree of grade 1 crystal also refreshed Locke\'s cognitive upper limit.

These limits of power level are the embodiment of the law of balance in the star world.

"Stop, stop!" The long battle itself is a test of the two masters\' inside information and strength. Obviously, the king of xinghuan who is unwilling to invest too much in this battle is the first one who can\'t sustain it.

The voice of the king of xinghuan\'s truce did not slow down Locke\'s action.

Under the control of the gun soul, the killer gun continuously brings great crisis to the king of xinghuan, while Locke himself coerces the destruction storm, incarnates the destruction master, and punches again and again to explain the law of the jungle in the star world to the king of xinghuan who comes to mind his own business.

Locke\'s attack finally broke the starlight curtain on the king of xinghuan\'s body.

But it was also the second after the starlight curtain was broken, and the curtain on the body surface of the king of the universe recondensed.

Although it is only a simple episode, it makes Locke on the offensive bright in the destruction storm.

The breaking of the starlight curtain indicates that the eight level dominance of the king of the universe has reached its limit.

No creature can be a perpetual motion machine. Even Locke\'s powerful existence was almost besieged by the masters of source energy civilization many years ago?

At the moment when the starlight curtain was broken, Locke felt the consumption of the dominant soul!

This indicates that from the next second, every attack of Locke will cause a loss of a few tenths of a percent, or even a few tenths of a percent, of the master\'s soul to the king of the universe.

Don\'t think the attack power caused by Locke is too low. In fact, it can cause permanent damage to the omnipotent soul of level 8 creatures that already have the eternal soul. It is a powerful feature of Locke\'s destructive power.

Even if only a few tenths of the master\'s soul is lost in one punch, how many punches can the king of xinghuan support Locke in front of him, or how long is he willing to fight Locke?

"Hum, hum!" The cold laughter came from the depths of the destruction storm.

After discovering that the body power of the king of the universe has been almost consumed, and began to dominate the loss of the soul, Locke\'s attack frenzy was more violent than before.

If this level of fighting has made the king of xinghuan who has not had a life and death game for many years feel very uncomfortable, what makes the king of xinghuan unable to believe or even understand is that it has not felt the loss of the dominant soul in Locke!

Is the power of the master of level 8 really so powerful?!

The king of xinghuan is definitely a well-informed eight level creature, including a stronger existence than it. In his long life course, he has contacted two people before and after.

However, none of the two masters who are stronger than the king of the universe has such strong offensive and tough characteristics as Locke.

More importantly, Locke did not lose the omnipotent soul from beginning to end, which made the king of the universe feel like a clown who exceeded his power.

At this time, Locke did not know the inner fluctuation of the king of xinghuan. This hearty battle made Locke inadvertently enjoy it.

He did bring great pressure and crisis to the king of xinghuan, but it is undeniable that the strength of the king of xinghuan is also strong enough.

That strange star crystallization rule is the power means Locke had not been in contact with before. As a master of the laws of the stars, the king of the universe seems to use the rules more strictly than the masters of the stars of the source energy civilization.

However, the strength of the king of xinghuan is limited to its class.

The level 8 peak realm, just like the level 3 peak and level 6 peak, belongs to a qualitative change period for a certain level of creatures to leap to a higher realm.

In the past, Locke may not have much concept of the strength of this realm, but as he has entered this realm for a long time and has been exposed to top beings such as Hongjun, supreme God and desperate spider mother, he has gradually had a deeper understanding of this level.

The simplest thing is that Locke still has room for improvement!

He is like taking the king of xinghuan as a sharpener, constantly refining his edge in the battle.

And different from the king of xinghuan who has begun to consume the precious master omnipotent soul, Locke replenishes himself with a lot of life force due to the existence of paradise lost. At least in the field of persistent and sustainable combat, Locke is more than one superior to the king of xinghuan.

This is also one of the important reasons why the king of xinghuan feels that the other side is not bottomed out when facing Locke.