Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4531

The regret of the king of xinghuan is meaningless. Locke in front of him is full of war at this time.

Every attack is a catharsis of strength.

Every wave of the law of destruction brings Locke\'s mastery of his own rules to a higher level.

If Locke has gradually begun to enjoy the battle with the progress of the battle, the king of xinghuan is undoubtedly the most painful and unbearable one.


The battle in the starry sky lasted for several years.

With the life thickness of dominant creatures, such a long battle game is not too long.

The small star field called star trace World Group has been completely reduced to ruins and past tense.

And for this world group, which is deeply affected by the rules of two eight level masters, they will become a restricted area inaccessible to low-level creatures for a long time in the future.

Perhaps hundreds of thousands of years after the end of the war of domination, there will be some ways for creatures above level 4 here to try to explore them and obtain insights and even rules that their class can\'t understand.

This is also the origin of many regular, dangerous and magical areas in the star world.

Sword St. Carlyle\'s battlefield.

In the face of many exotic means and life-saving props used by the Lord of ashes, the sword Saint Carlyle has only one sword ear in the battle.

Facts have proved that although the blessing of foreign objects can play a certain role, it is still the strength and details of both sides that really dominate the battle results of the two dominant powers.

It is true that Carlisle\'s promotion to the dominant state is not as long as the Lord of ashes, but it is precisely because the Lord of ashes has few omnipotent souls left, which makes it the biggest weakness in the face of Carlisle.

During the tower Star Wars, Locke took care of Carlyle a lot.

With the abundance of Karel\'s master soul, he can completely suppress the Lord of ashes who has been destroyed by Locke for a period of time.

Similarly, like Locke, every shining sword light is Karel\'s further experience of Kendo and his own dominance.

And as the battle went on, Carlyle gradually knew where he was going in the future.

Although it is far from reaching the level of immediate breakthrough to the middle of level 7, for Carlyle, the general outline of the road to the middle of level 7 has emerged.

This is also the general promotion process of the knight group in the wizard world. The most important reason is why the breakthrough rate of the knight group is so high during the civilization war.

On the contrary, the promotion process of casters should be slightly more complex and diverse. If divided by time, the promotion process of caster groups is generally after the end of the civilization war.

Because that time was the golden period for the wizard world to absorb the wealth and resources of foreign civilizations. The most important "knowledge" for casters was also classified as wealth and resources.

"Ho... Ho..." The gasp of the came from the main mouth of the ashes under the fog.

It is a miracle for the Lord of ashes to be able to persist in Karel\'s work for several years after the destruction of Black Lotus by twelve products.

However, the occurrence of miracles is always accompanied by unimaginable costs.

I\'m afraid the king of level 8 xinghuan will be disappointed. He wants to squeeze and use the Lord of ashes for 50000 years, but with the state of the Lord of ashes at this time, it may not bring any benefits to the king of xinghuan in that 50000 years.

And with the battle going on until today, the king of xinghuan has always been unable to get rid of Locke\'s all-round attack. The Lord of ashes is gradually facing a desperate situation. The Lord of ashes, who never places his hope on others, inevitably has some other ideas.

Betrayal and fraud are the instinct of the ash Lord, otherwise it would not establish organizations such as Qatar star theft group.

The continuous attack of sword Saint Karel makes the Lord of ashes swim on the edge of death all the time.

Especially Karel\'s true intention of Kendo is always a direct threat to the Almighty soul of the ash Lord.

This is also the reason why the Lord of ashes felt unsustainable in the face of Carlyle, who was a little lower than himself in just a few years.

There seems to be no blood on the surface of the dried up body. Like the skin and bone ash Lord, it is more seeping and bleaker than it was a few years ago.

However, the emergence of this situation is also some small tricks played by the ash Lord himself.

It can not only force its own potential, but also eliminate the hidden danger of Locke\'s pursuit of it with his blood mark.

At present, the only unsolved problem is the lock-in of dominating the omnipotent soul, but the Lord of ashes also has some ideas

A huge gray skeleton condenses in front of the ash Lord, which is the most common means used by the ash Lord in recent times.

The gray skeleton condenses the ash law unique to the ash Lord, which is the power of rules with negative effects such as decay, necrosis, curse, weakness and so on.

For example, the green shirt worn by the sword Saint Carlyle at this time was corroded by the force of the law of the Lord of ashes, and even those negative energy factors affected Carlyle\'s noumenon, forcing Carlyle to wash the negative effects with a little dominant omnipotent soul.

In any case, the Lord of ashes is also a master in the middle of level 7. He won\'t have the slightest backhand unless he faces the peak of level 8 like Locke.

Only in the face of sword Saint Carlyle, it can still give the opponent some trauma.

Therefore, when he saw the gray skull condensing again in the starry sky, Karel took a defensive posture with a sword in one hand.

In the end, he is a new breakthrough master knight, and with the financial resources of the desert kingdom jahana, he can make and provide one or two world-class treasures in the short term, but it may not be suitable for Karel himself.

And Carrell\'s character is not the kind of existence that requires all resources to be invested and concentrated on himself.

He was used to light wind and light clouds, and he was used to only one sword with his life.

There is no world-class secret treasure with defense attribute, which is Karel\'s current weakness.

It\'s OK to fight in a short time if you only support the air shield and the rule barrier of the wind, but it\'s impossible to defend your whole body all the time like this dominant battle that has lasted for several years.

It was also when Karel took on a defensive posture that the gray skull of the ash Lord came.

The familiar negative suppression and rule influence made Carlyle frown slightly.

However, the better thing is that due to preparation in advance, the rule factor coerced by this skull did not cause much trauma to Carlyle, but its green shirt was corroded again in a large area.

The gray skull lasted a little longer, and because of its large coverage, Carlyle\'s field of vision was also affected for a while.

When the strength factor carried by the gray skull came to an end, a beam of blue light bloomed from the skull, and Karel with a sword in one hand broke the vanity, and the unparalleled sharp sword Qi ran in all directions.

But at this moment, there was no trace of the Lord of ashes in the starry sky.