Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4528

The king of xinghuan, who came to the star trace world group, is surrounded by a large number of star forces.

From the perspective of middle and low-level creatures, the king of the universe of stars at this time is like an ancient and profound Star River, just as when they look at Locke, they will see Locke as an endless black destruction storm.

This is the difference in vision and perception caused by the gap in the level of life.

Just like mole ants can never understand elephants, nor do they know what the world looks like in the eyes of elephants.

From the perspective of Locke\'s life level and vision, the king of the universe in his eyes is a humanoid creature with two tentacles on the head and the overall proportion of the head can reach half of the body.

There are three legs in front and back, standing cross.

On the finger of the king of xinghuan, there are four world-class secret treasures shining, not to mention whether it has other precious props and world-class secret treasure level equipment.

No wonder the king of xinghuan has the confidence to protect the Lord of ashes in front of Locke. It still reluctantly has this capital.

After coming to this battlefield, the king of xinghuan condensed a crystal shield with his own star power to block the bombardment of Locke\'s divine killer gun.

As for the danger facing the ash Lord on the other side, the king of xinghuan threw a special prop similar to a pocket watch from his arms and threw it directly to the ash Lord.

The appearance of pocket watch has obviously slowed down the squeeze of Black Lotus rule, which the ash Lord is suffering from the destruction of twelve products.

And Locke, as the master of the twelve products to destroy the Black Lotus, clearly felt that the power of rules released by the pocket watch was not an ordinary rule, but an extremely rare and rare power of time in the star world.

Twelve products destroy the Black Lotus is not that its power has been reduced, but that strange pocket watch lengthens the time flow around the ash Lord.

Stuck in the crevice of time, the Lord of ashes is panting. The crushing rules of destruction imposed by Locke just now really make him face the threat of death.

However, after all, it is only a foreign object. The essence of the pocket watch is not a world-class secret treasure, but a precious prop made by a powerful master that can be reused several times.

Therefore, the Lord of ashes can not get rid of the bondage of the twelve products to destroy the Black Lotus. It is still the battle between Locke and the king of the universe that determines its life and death.

At the king of xinghuan, the crack on the surface of the star bead made the king of xinghuan feel painful.

In fact, this bead is the fundamental reason why it is willing to come this time.

In a way, although the Lord of ashes has poor strength, it has made use of the wealth collection means of Qatar star theft group to get the treasures that even level 8 creatures such as the king of the universe of stars and the king of steel care about, which is also its success.

However, the king of xinghuan didn\'t wait too long for the flesh pain of the star beads in front of him. The Locke attack that followed was the real challenge it would face.

Each attack of the killer gun has reached the attack power that the king of xinghuan must face up to.

And as a late level 8 master who is good at the rules of stars and space systems, hitting hard in the front itself is not the strength of the king of xinghuan.

"Indole!" Strange sounds came from the elephant trunk like organs on the face of the king of the universe, and the boundless power of the sky began to accumulate around the king of the universe.

Just as Locke can bless his own strength with the help of the destruction rule environment, the king of the universe can also increase to a certain extent when fighting against the background of the stars.

In this way, when the desperate world Locke was surrounded and killed by the source energy civilization, the master of stars with the strength of the later stage of level 8 actually failed to exert all his strength.

The power of the majestic starry sky is not as extreme and sharp as Locke\'s destruction factor, but it can still stand firm in the face of Locke\'s destruction tide.

"Hum!" In the face of the king of the universe who erected the power barrier of the stars, Locke did not give it the opportunity to prepare and adapt.

The attack of killer gun can cause a large area of collapse and annihilation to the power of the stars around the king of xinghuan every time, but Locke is not satisfied with this.

"Boom!" The fierce destruction storm swept towards the position of the king of the universe.

Long range attack itself is not the strength of Knight masters like Locke. Close combat is his specialty.

It has to be said that during the tower space war, the objects of the level 8 battle were mainly between kakarot and the king of the tower. At that time, although Locke was also on the front line of the battlefield, he was mainly a bystander and commander.

Just like what kind of master, what kind of slave will be trained!

It is doubtful whether kakarot inherited and learned from Locke in the beginning because he was so violent in the battle.

During the war of jiluogulian star domain, Locke also had the sea of death at the later life level of level 8. Because of its special life nature, Locke didn\'t play well at that time.

This time, the king of the universe of stars in front of him may become the most refreshing one-sided violent beating since Locke entered the peak of level 8.

This is also a master warm-up for Locke before joining the dimensional hegemony of the desperate world.

Locke rushed fiercely, which once again caused the pressure of the king of the eight star atlas.

It came to save people this time, not to meet Locke.

The Lord of ashes still can\'t get out of trouble for a short time. In order to win enough time and escape space, the king of xinghuan must hold on for a long time.

As Locke expected, the king of the universe almost came to fight him as a sandbag.

Of course, the king of xinghuan is not completely without fighting power.

In the end, he is a late level 8 master. His power attack can also affect Locke, and it is also Locke\'s arrogance and contempt, which makes the king of xinghuan hold a breath in his heart.

It will cost this powerful and arrogant alien master!

"Star awn!" A dazzling bright silver star factor issued from the chest of the king of xinghuan.

The special radiation force of the sky, centered on the king of the universe, spreads in all directions.

There are a lot of meteorites and broken planes on the nearby battlefield. At the same time, they are coated with a strange layer of bright silver crystals.

This is a special field of the king of the universe. It can not only affect objects, including Locke in the center of the destruction storm, but also crystallize in some of the burning bone armor on the body surface.

However, the emergence of such anomalies did not affect Locke\'s forward speed and the strength of his attack on the other side.

Hard hitting is Locke\'s purpose. Locke is not afraid of returning injury to injury.

His strong physique and ultra-high passive evolution level are his capital to stand on the top of the star world.

Even if the other party is a galaxy, Locke has enough courage to hit it directly!

It seems that there is no doubt that the almost abnormal fighting style of kakarot was first learned from Locke.