Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4512

The breakthrough of every dominant creature is the promotion of the plane rules and the process of civilization.

The emergence of eight level masters like Locke has brought obvious changes and rules to the wizard world.

However, the breakthrough of level 7 creatures like Vivian also has an advantageous impact on the wizard world, but it is not as obvious as Locke.

And with the growth of wizard civilization to today, the breakthrough of general level 5 and 6 creatures can no longer have any impact on the wizard world with firm rules.

Only the emergence of dominant creatures can make the wizard world further.

Locke hopes to see more and more local masters of the wizard world born, but he doesn\'t know who will be next?

Vivian spent a lot of time before and after her breakthrough. After all, the breakthrough of dominant creatures will not only have earth shaking changes in her own life level, but also have quantitative and qualitative changes in the force of rules and energy elements she mastered.

The extremely cold and deep-rooted snow storm began to appear on a large scale in Beidi with the holy tower as the center in the second year when Vivian broke through the domination.

However, with the existence of two guardians, these snow storms have been effectively controlled and have not had any impact on the weak creatures in Beidi.

On the contrary, a large number of witches in Beidi organization realized and improved a lot because of the almost modern ice and snow rules.

In the next few years, in order to let Vivian master the power of dominance as soon as possible and have abundant energy elements, the two guardians mobilized the plane rules and extracted a large number of ice elements to envelop Vivian\'s holy tower.

The white towering holy tower soon turned into a dark blue ice tower under the dual action of internal rules and external ice and snow.

It was not until the fifth year when Locke and others arrived in Beidi that the dark blue ice tower "cracked" and countless ice pieces fell from the sky.

In addition to the original appearance of the holy tower gradually emerging from the melting ice and snow, a caster wearing a witch robe came out of the holy tower, and it was Vivian.

Vivian, who has broken through the dominant territory, feels like an ice that will not melt for ten thousand years to Locke.

This indicates that in Vivian\'s Witchcraft system, ice energy elements should be the mainstream.

Of course, in addition to the power of cold ice, the curse of the mysterious system and the deformation of the blood system are also the specialties of the witch school.

Even in other words, as the inheritor of the first wizard department, witches will be involved in any caster field, and each department is more in-depth.

Just because of the individual reasons of different casters, the focus of each wizard will be somewhat different.

This also explains why Douglas is so erudite.

As a wizard, he will study everything as long as he is interested.

"This time I broke through level 7. Please bother Knight Locke and master Douglas to come here." Northern witch leader Vivian said with ancient wizard etiquette.

"Never mind, but you broke through level 7, which added another important stroke to the prosperity and growth of our wizard world." Locke said.

"It seems that the inheritance of ancient wizards has not been lost in the wizard world. You did a good job." Douglas said.

The congratulations of the two world-class masters of witches have brought the northern witch organization and Vivian herself to a new height in history.

At the same time, let this master breakthrough ceremony reach a climax.


After staying in the northern witch organization for several years, he witnessed Vivian\'s promotion to level 7. Locke then moved south with sarafa and others, where the desert kingdom jahana is located.

"What are the next arrangements for the construction of the true spirit tower of the northern witch organization, especially the investment of resources?" Locke asked Sarah law next to him.

"Unlike the construction of the holy tower, there are certain risks and magic currency borrowing problems. The construction of the true spirit tower is related to the inside information of the wizard world. The wizard alliance will unconditionally assist the northern witch organization with a minimum of 200 billion magic currency."

"If the northern witches apply to the wizard Alliance for a higher amount of assistance, the wizard alliance will agree together if there is no accident."

"Moreover, as one of the oldest and powerful spell casters in the wizard world, the northern witch organization has far more inside information and wealth accumulation than other forces."

"Even without the assistance of the wizard alliance, the strength of the northern witches alone is enough to support the construction of a true spirit tower." Said sharafa.

Sarafa\'s answer made Locke nod.

200 billion magic money seems a lot, but it\'s nothing for a giant like the wizard alliance.

And those magic coins are not really paid by the wizard world itself. What is the civilization with so many members of the wizard alliance.

I believe that more than 85% of the 200 billion magic coins will quietly fall on the civilizations of the members of the wizard alliance and be borne by them.

What is more exaggerated and absurd is that as one of the members of the wizard alliance, those foreign gods may only feel the price change from the wizard alliance, but they don\'t know that the whole world they live in has been cut by the wizard world.

This is the real strength of the magic coin rule system, not to mention those new members of the wizard alliance. At present, one of the necessary conditions for joining the alliance is to unconditionally buy magic coins ranging from 2 million to 10 million as currency reserves.

This is the demand for material foundation and economic resources. As for the field of rules, there are two guardians in Beidi. I believe that a series of rule changes and environmental changes will show a better development trend in Beidi.

For the construction of a new true spirit tower, all sides of the wizard world will open convenient doors for it.


When Locke and others arrived in the desert kingdom of jahana, master Douglas did not go with them, but had already returned to the city of the sky.

As a erudite and truth explorer, Douglas was not as keen on war and destruction as Locke, but completely addicted to experimental research and the exploration of the mystery of truth.

The victory of the pan Star Wars and two large star civilization wars has brought a large number of precious resources and materials from distant alien regions into the wizard world in recent thousands of years.

These resources and rare materials are what the casters in the wizard world are keen on.

At Douglas\'s level, he naturally despises those low and medium-level things. His research is basically looking at the star world, which belongs to high-end fields.

For example, the material of a dominating tower in the iron tower world, the arm of the seventh level creature Yanzu, and some fragments of suspected top civilization relics unearthed in a medium-sized plane named Medivh on the pan star battlefield.

The discovery of a variety of new things and materials made Douglas wander in the ocean of knowledge and exploration all the time.

When Locke and Douglas were separated, Locke learned from the most knowledgeable person in the wizard world that indeed, with the passage of a long time and the accumulation of knowledge, he had an opportunity to enter level 8 creatures.

But Douglas is more interested in his experimental research than the leap of life level.

This is a pure truth seeker. It is precisely because of this purity that Douglas is not only the first level 7 caster in the wizard world, but also the first level 8 magician in the wizard world in the future.