Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4511

The good news of Vivian\'s breakthrough not only surprised Locke and Douglas, but also kept all aspects of the wizard world busy.

The sun and moon guardians who have been following Locke take the lead in saying goodbye. Due to the emergence of a level 7 true spirit magician, the two guardians must rush to the scene at the first time.

It is not only to invoke the power of the plane rules and help Vivian apply the dominating realm as much as possible, but also to avoid the pressure and energy released by such a new level 7 dominator\'s unconsciousness from hurting the bottom creatures of the wizard world.

When the sun and moon Guardian turned into a golden and silver beam and flew to the North witch organization, Locke also looked at Douglas and said, "let\'s go and have a look. I didn\'t expect to come back this time to witness the birth of a new level 7 master."

Master Douglas was obviously in a good mood at this time. The old man slightly jawed his head and said, "there is another level 7 true spirit in my wizard\'s vein. It seems that the road of ancient wizards will not decline."

Although Douglas is the first level 7 caster in the wizard world, his caster is the oldest wizard in the wizard world.

Therefore, Vivian, who is also a wizard, brought more joy to the old man than other spell casters.

As an existence hundreds of thousands of years older than Locke, Douglas still has an inexplicable feeling for the wizard system in ancient times.

Although the emergence of caster occupations such as element system, summoning system, blood warlock Hi, astrology system and so on marks the growing prosperity of the wizard world and is the dominant evolution.

But as an old man, Douglas is still more nostalgic.

Wizard is the oldest and most authentic caster profession in the wizard world.

It is also the ancient wizards who have been buried in the long river of history. They cut through thorns and thorns, defeated the Asians and the sea people, and laid the foundation for the prosperity of the wizard world in ancient times.

If there were no ancient wizards, there would be no later Douglas, Locke and so on.

From an individual point of view, Locke has indeed stood at the top of the star world.

However, from the perspective of civilization and history, Locke is only a relay and inheritor.

Don\'t underestimate those ancient wizards who may have only four or five levels of life in ancient times. They are the founders and creators of the whole wizard world.

Therefore, the wizard world is still called the wizard world, which has not been changed due to the emergence of post-modern knight system and the change of multi-system caster profession.


Beidi snow mountain group.

This is the coldest and most monotonous place in the wizard world.

It is covered with ice and snow all year round, so that the northern witch organization has no theory of spring, summer and autumn, and some are just cold winter.

It is also such a difficult environment that has developed and honed the powerful power of the northern witch organization as a regional hegemony of the wizard world.

From here, we can also see some traces and life style of ancient wizards.

"It is said that there are many relics of ancient and super ancient wizards in Beidi. When I was young, I also explored in Beidi. I really found two ancient relics that brought me great benefits and influence."

"I don\'t know if there are still some remains over the years, and whether it will bring legacy to future people." Looking at the vast snow mountains, Douglas sighed.

According to the tradition of the wizard world, most people who have lived for more than 100000 years can be called "ancient wizards" or "ancient knights".

Douglas\'s time, even when he was young, was enough to call it "super ancient time".

With its seven level life level and huge spiritual power, it is not difficult to find those ultra ancient relics in the vast snow mountains.

The reason why Douglas never explored the possible super ancient relics is just to avoid destroying them and hope that these super ancient relics can leave some benefits to future generations.

"There should still be. As for Yize, we ancient knights and ancient magicians can also play a leading role."

"I have left several inheritance secret places in the western islands. Now it seems that I should also leave some places in the vast wizard continent."

"Including master Douglas, in addition to the experiment, you can also arrange some small and medium-sized secret places for middle and low-level magicians and future generations to explore." Locke said.

Locke\'s words attracted Douglas\'s approval and nodded.

Mrs. may mentioned more than once that Douglas left some inheritance secrets in the abbalut empire. In addition, as another proud achievement of Douglas, the level 7 astrologer realm should also be inherited.

As the inheritance of level 7 astrologers, Douglas wanted to leave it in the Oriental astrology highland, which was also for his late friend Rob.

While Locke and Douglas sighed and communicated, the layers of snow castle and white holy tower where the northern witch organization was located appeared in front of Locke and others in turn.

Most of these snow castles and holy towers are built near the mountains, with great northern characteristics.

In terms of the total number of holy towers, it is far more than a corner of the western islands.

It is worthy of being the place with the most orthodox wizard inheritance in the wizard world. The number of casters above level 4 owned by the northern witch organization is enough to rank in the top three.

The only people who can break their wrists with the northern witch organization in this regard are the magic Empire abbalut and the blood warlock on the west coast.

Of course, the Mamet alliance has also developed rapidly in recent years.

In a sense, the existence of these four caster forces also represents the four level seven true spirit magicians in the wizard world.

When Locke and Douglas reached the deepest part of the north, which was also outside the holy tower where Vivian was, it had become very lively in a short time.

In addition to the powerful witches owned by Beidi, forces such as the Oriental astrological highland, the blood warlock family and the desert kingdom jahana, which are adjacent to Beidi, have sent special strong people above level 4 to congratulate.

And with the initiative of the northern witch organization to spread the good news, including a large number of wizard world legions and strong people above level 4 still stranded in the front line of the civilized war, it is bound to be boiling because there is another true spirit magician in the wizard world.

At this time, in the sky, the sun and moon guardians turn into a hot sun and a new moon respectively, stabilizing the environment in Beidi with the power of special rules.

A large-scale avalanche did not appear in the north. For those low-level creatures living in the north, they don\'t even know what happened.

Although the more obvious abnormality did not happen, some changes in details moisten the things silently and nourish the north and the whole wizard world.

Due to the breakthrough of level 7 wizard Vivian, the low-level creatures born and raised in the north also imperceptibly obtained some benefits with the help of Vivian\'s dominant power.

But these benefits are too obscure and almost hidden in the deepest blood, so that they don\'t know it at all.