Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4513

Rolling yellow sand and scorching sun are the norm in the desert kingdom of jahana.

It is hard to believe that it was in such a barren land that the second knight in the wizard world was born and developed the famous jahana Kingdom, that is, the mercenary kingdom.

Locke understood the power of knights in the kingdom of jahana long before level 4.

At that time, Locke, who had little contact with the plane war, had contacted and recognized many powerful knights from the kingdom of jahana.

"Jahana kingdom can become one of the cradles of several knights in the wizard world for its historical and geographical reasons."

"Historically, the white gauze queen is indeed one of the few female Knight leaders in the whole wizard world."

"As for geographical reasons... Only the harsh environment like jahana can produce the most tenacious and powerful knight." Walking on the hot yellow sand of the kingdom of jahana, Locke said to the crowd.

The kingdom of jahana is extremely vast. If the whole desert is included, the area here is more than 100 times the total land area of the western islands.

However, considering some extremely bad dangerous areas and the prevailing high temperature and water shortage environment, the real land area used here may be only 1%.

As for ordinary humans and low-level creatures below the first level, their scope of activities is smaller, and they can only live in oases dotted around the desert kingdom of jahana like stars.

Three months after entering the kingdom of jahana, Locke and his party came to the middle of the kingdom of jahana.

A huge pyramid like building is the palace of the kingdom of jahana.

There is also a statue standing in front of the palace. Although it is not as magnificent as Locke\'s master statue, it can be seen that it is the shape of the sword Saint Carlyle.

As the second dominating palace in the wizard world, the kingdom of jahana has developed a lot in recent years with the reputation of the sword Saint Karel.

As the middle and low-level knights in the western islands gradually become saturated, knights from other parts of the vast wizard continent will give priority to joining the kingdom of jahana after finding it difficult to enter the Western archipelago system.

Although the environment here does cause discomfort to many knights, all knights who are really willing to join in and gradually adapt to life here are strong knights who have great perseverance and pursue a higher realm.

This is the elite group of knights. The kingdom of jahana has made a lot of money these years.

"Due to the centripetal attraction of the kingdom of jahana to the knights in the surrounding areas in recent thousands of years, the Belem Empire and the Yili Knights alliance suffered a lot during this period."

"Even the northern witch organization and the abbalut Empire have lost many excellent knights."

"Not to mention those small and medium-sized power organizations."

"So many forces have begun to tacitly resist the kingdom of jahana, and even put forward some rules and policies." Said sharafa.

Having left the post of leader of the Mamet alliance, sarafa now dares to say anything.

And because she is at one of the highest levels of the wizard world, she also knows many secrets that middle and low-level Knight magicians can\'t touch.

"It seems that a large part of the reason why our western islands can develop is that there are no particularly powerful forces around them."

"Although the blood warlocks on the West Coast separated by the sea are powerful, there is not much room for knights to play in the territory of blood warlocks." Locke said with a smile.

"That\'s not necessarily. I know that the rise of the western islands and the plundering of the knight resources of the whole wizard world are not a small number."

"There is not much to say about other forces. Just our Mamet alliance, nearly 200 thousand Knights above level 1 have been lost before and after."

"I didn\'t bother you when I was the leader of the alliance, but now it\'s your daughter\'s turn to see if Bev will tell you about it in the future." Sharafa gloated.

Sarah\'s words made Locke dumb.

It\'s a bit embarrassing to think about the scene where the father and daughter fight each other because they belong to different forces.

However, both Locke and sarafa know that these so-called contradictions in the wizard world are manageable, large or small.

This is not the main contradiction in the wizard world. Under the influence of multiple rules such as guardian rules, wizard alliance rules, holy tower and knight palace rules, and the newly launched master palace and true spirit tower, the possibility of fighting in the wizard world is infinitely close to 0.

Even if the contradictions of some forces have intensified to a certain extent, they are mostly mediated and come up with a result acceptable to several parties.

For example, just now Sarah FA mentioned that the kingdom of jahana is facing a dilemma. The final solution is that the kingdom of jahana has abandoned many occupation planes of Pan star domain and tower star domain, so as to compensate for the loss of Knights of several forces such as the Belem empire.

Locke was lucky. Because of his strength and invincibility, the western islands absorbed so many high-level knights and elite legions from the whole wizard world. Finally, few forces came to trouble Locke. (PS: it is also related to Locke, as the Savior, lifting the civilization crisis faced by the wizard world during the tripartite civilization war.)

However, the kingdom of jahana is different. Let alone the sword Saint Karel, there is an extremely long gap from Locke. Just the inside information of the kingdom of jahana is a certain gap from the powerful forces of the world of old wizards such as the Beren empire.

The sword Saint Karel has indeed taken a step up the overall class of the kingdom of jahana, but it is not enough.

The accumulation of hundreds of thousands of years of old forces such as the Belem empire can not be overtaken by the jahana kingdom for thousands of years.

After staying in the kingdom of jahana for several years and having a close look at Karel\'s ruling palace, Locke and his party immediately moved west.

When passing through the Belem Empire, Locke also looked forward to whether the Belem Empire would surprise himself like the northern witch organization.

But unfortunately, until Locke left the territory of the belon Empire, there was no sign of a breakthrough of the new master knight or magician.

"The tiger head stone KAISIDA and zhanhuang stone Hussein of the Belem Empire have the potential to be promoted to dominate. As for the magicians, there are also several good seedlings. It is said that they have been selected into the \'eight gods general\'."

"I don\'t know when the Belem empire will have its first level seven strong." As he left the border of the Belem Empire, Locke couldn\'t help sighing.

He thought of seiffel, the last emperor of the Belem Empire, the first man in the wizard world to break through the level 6 knight.

Back then, seiffel made a huge profit and invited Locke to settle in the Belem empire as the seventh imperial general.

The past is vivid, and Locke can\'t help but fall into memories like an old man.