Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4508

Compared with Locke\'s memory, the holy city of Renault has undergone earth shaking changes again.

The overall scale is more than 100 times larger than in the past. In addition to the renovated and expanded main hall group, Locke also feels no less than ten powerful fluctuations of knights above level 4 in the holy city.

"With the implementation of some rules and policies for dominating the palace, some wizards and knights above level 4 in the world come here in admiration. Therefore, at present, there are only 12 Knights above level 4 stationed in the dominating palace of Renault holy city, of which 33 are registered Knights above level 4." Locke\'s side, klopp said.

The Knights mentioned by klopp do not establish their own Knight palace, but only rely on Locke to dominate the growth of the palace.

With the details and development practices of the western islands, it is naturally impossible for dozens of knights above level 4 to follow Locke.

More than two-thirds of the more than 30 registered Knights above level 4 came from other parts of the wizard world to pay a special visit to the supremacy of Baroque.

"As registered Knights of level 4 or above who dominate the palace, although they do not have the ability to establish their own Knight palace and develop the forces of their legions, they enjoy the rule gain and resource supply in the master palace, which is no worse than opening their own Knight palace."

"In recent years, more and more knights and magicians above level 4 have been born in the wizard civilization, and the rules of magic money are becoming more and more sophisticated."

"Some people are not good at developing territories and opening up positional wars. Even because of the huge investment in the initial construction of the holy tower and the knight palace, it is often difficult to obtain returns in a short time, so that they sometimes face bankruptcy and forced liquidation." Cropp sighed.

What klopp mentioned is only a corner of the western islands. As the previous leader of the Mamet alliance, Locke\'s wife sharafa has a deeper view than klopp.

"Yes, the emergence of the rules governing the palace and the true spirit tower also provides an additional opportunity for those new knights and magicians above level 4 in the wizard world who have made a breakthrough and have little knowledge."

"It\'s more rational to learn from the masters and increase the details for a period of time than blindly establishing the holy tower and developing the knight palace." Said sharafa.

If Locke had not been in his master hall all the year round, and his master hall had only been established for 20000 years, there would be more than 33 registered Knights above level 4 in Locke Knight hall.

The regular mechanism of ensuring the harvest in drought and flood makes many cautious knights and magicians above level 4 choose to rely on the dominating palace or the tower of true spirit for development for some years after making a breakthrough.

This practice, compared with the existence of level 4 or above that establish a knight\'s palace or holy tower, not only eliminates the possibility of becoming rich after one or two horizontal wars, but also avoids the tragic experiences mentioned above by clop.

Don\'t think that knights and magicians above level 4 won\'t have trouble. The magic currency rules that run through the whole wizard alliance will not contain too many new strong people above level 4.

Even when proposing the magic coin rule, the wizard world has always adhered to the principles of "fairness", "justice" and "openness". In order to take care of the psychology of those alliance members, or to make it more reasonable to plunder and exploit them, the wizard world is even willing to give up the interests of a small number of knights and magicians above level 4.

For example, in the current wizard alliance, there are some noble level 4 and level 5 Knight magicians who work for some alliance strongmen or members driven by the magic coin rules.

The most representative example is that the purple diamond crystal plane spent a huge amount of magic money and hired more than 100000 level-1 magicians and several level-4 and level-5 magicians to add dozens of large elements to gather the magic array in their parent plane.

This is one of the preparatory work for the zigzag crystal plane to enter the large plane.

Some of the resources before the wizard alliance are inclined, and the six-level peak creature Qingtian leads the territorial element creatures to earn huge profits in the civilized war and spend tens of millions of magic coins. It is nothing for these rich element creatures.

Examples like the zigzag crystal plane are not uncommon within the wizard alliance.

This is why the wizarding alliance has always advertised "freedom", "fairness", "mutual assistance", "unity" and so on, without mentioning words such as dictatorship.

If you want, even powerful wizards, civilized knights and magicians will be employed by alliance members and become their wage earners.

How can there be those cold-blooded and cruel dictatorship and armed repression here.

Facts have proved that this move of the wizard world and the prevalence of some customs within the wizard alliance have indeed lured and abducted many inexperienced small and medium-sized world civilizations.

Only those worlds and planes that have been immersed in the Alliance for a long time will feel the constant plundering of resources and encroachment of wealth by the wizard alliance in the long-term development and contact.

But by that time, it was too late.

Unless they grow up to the upper level of the alliance like the Titan world, the purple diamond plane and the Norman Federation, the plane and civilization downstream of the wizard alliance will always be in the class seriously exploited and oppressed.

The silent plundering of resources and wealth by magic currency rules is also one of the foundations for the wizard alliance to independently support a long civilization war for tens of thousands of years.

After asking about the welfare and obligations of the Knights above level 4 registered in the master hall from klopp, Locke couldn\'t help nodding and approving.

This is an important strategy applicable to the development of wizard civilization at the present stage. Especially after more and more dominant organisms break through, the emergence of this system will have reference and milestone significance.

Of course, in addition to focusing on the new system of dominating the palace, Locke also reminded klopp that the Kingdom war plan in the western islands should be put on the agenda again with the end of the civilized war.

Locke doesn\'t want the new generation of knights to be academic and have not experienced the experience of blood and fire.

Rather than being killed by exotic creatures in the future civilization war, it is better to conduct a screening within the wizard world, which is also for the high use of resources and the cultivation of the underlying Knight Legion.

For Locke\'s orders, krop nodded.

At present, 127 Knight halls above level 4, more than 20000 Knight colleges and hundreds of millions of creatures in the western islands will be busy in the next few thousand years due to Locke\'s order.

Taking the western islands as a template, it is believed that Knights above level 4 in the whole wizard world will soon follow suit and start a new round of elite bottom Knights screening process.