Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4509

The magnificent buildings and the regular array with extremely high energy fluctuation did not make too many changes in the mood dominated by the level 8 peak like Locke.

Perhaps the low-level knights who have just come to visit the power of Locke, or the ordinary level 4 or 5 Knights will be shocked by the grandeur of the holy city of Renault.

But for Locke, he has seen too much brilliance and beauty. The holy city of Renault gives him a feeling in terms of scale and momentum. There is no shock, but novelty.

"Who did this?" Flying in the holy city of Reno, Locke asked, pointing to a huge stone statue in the center of the holy city.

The height of the stone statue is 2000 meters, and because of the decoration of the magic array, the whole stone statue looks lifelike, just like real.

Needless to say, the huge stone statue naturally depicts Locke\'s appearance.

So that when Locke first saw the stone statue, he couldn\'t help feeling surprised and funny.

"Er... It was suggested by Cameron, a new level five knight in the western islands, but it was finally established with my approval."

"During this period, in order to ensure the vividness of the master statue, in addition to the efforts of a number of Western archipelago Knights such as winsente and I, several of your wives and apprentices meimila also participated in the design of the statue." Cropp said cautiously.

Sarah law sits on the front line of the civilized battlefield all year round. Naturally, she has no time to do these things.

With Ashar\'s character, she can\'t be so boring.

In this way, it is mostly Angelina and Christine, especially the latter. Locke can imagine that she is keen on this kind of thing.

The only thing that makes Locke speechless is that he hasn\'t used a long sword as a weapon for a long time, but what does the stone sword hanging around the waist of the giant statue mean?

Just for the sake of beauty and dignity, she makes creative modifications, which is mostly what Christine means.

In a sense, Locke is also in line with the so-called "God making movement".

He is the \'God\'.

The power of a dark blue storm surged out of Locke\'s hand, and then under Locke\'s control, it began to surround the giant stone statue.

The power of the dominant storm is not comparable to the ordinary magic array patterns on the surface of the stone statue.

Because the low-level knights in the holy city of Renault did not know that Locke had returned, they saw such great changes in the master statue they admired, including the terrible power that they could not reach in the power of the storm.

I don\'t know how many Knights knelt on one knee in front of the giant statue, indicating their absolute compliance with the supremacy of the wizard world.

With Locke\'s power of domination, the statue of domination is worthy of its name.

Locke did not criticize and accuse cropp and other Western archipelago Knights of flattering, and it has to be said that Locke was in a good mood at the first time when he saw the giant stone statue.

Otherwise, he would not condense his own storm power and pour it into the master statue.

The changes in the holy city of Renault do not need too much attention for dominant creatures such as Locke. Locke needs to experience the many wonderful functions brought to him by the dominant palace in the field of rules and energy in the future.

Of course, the development of dominating the palace has not stopped, but just a beginning.

With Locke\'s temporary return to the wizard world, it is believed that more and more new functions of dominating the palace will be developed one by one.

After inspecting most of the special rules that dominate the palace, the sixth level Knight klopp handed Locke a crystal ball, which recorded the details of the development of Locke\'s Knight palace in the years when Locke was not in the wizard world.

Although Locke is not in the wizard world, his knight palace has not stopped developing.

Even because Locke\'s name is becoming more and more famous in the wizard world, more and more knights are proud to join it. The development of the knight palace in the whole continent of San luoan has exceeded Locke\'s imagination.

"How can there be so many magic money reserves?" Locke asked in surprise. In the crystal ball, he saw a string of twelve digits.

The nearly trillion magic coins are not the private property in Locke\'s paradise lost, but the wealth of his knight\'s palace.

"Well, these magic coins have been earned and accumulated for nearly 20000 years. Since you are not in the wizard world all year round, we have not rashly invested in these magic coins, but only to maintain the normal operation of the knight\'s Palace on the mainland of San luoan." Replied klopp.

In fact, klopp is not a registered Knight of the knight palace under Locke. In the western islands, klopp also has its own Knight palace.

For example, it would be more reasonable if Vincent showed up here to report this to Locke.

However, it\'s a pity that winsant is not in the wizard world at this time. In addition, Locke, those registered Knights above level 4 on the mainland of San luoan, are basically unfamiliar, so klopp introduced him on his behalf.

And although klopp broke away from Locke\'s command and built his own Knight palace in the western islands, no one can shake his qualifications and position around Locke.

The "grand steward" of the whole western islands is the name given to clop by some new level 4 knights, and this name is vaguely recognized by other old level 5 and 6 knights.

"The magic coins involved in the crystal ball are not all of the paladin of Saint Laurent. Because the front-line civilization war has not been completely ended, some resource collection and magic coin income are still in the settlement state and have not been recorded."

"If we take into account our gains in the civilized war, the total amount of magic coins we get is likely to double or double." Said cloop respectfully.

In fact, Locke\'s Knight hall can get such terrible benefits, which is also inseparable from the thirty strong people above level 4 who are attached to the knight hall.

Although the knight palace needs to give them corresponding remuneration and benefits every year, with the convenience of civilized war, those Knights above level 4 will eventually get more war benefits from leading their palace Legion and slave biological cannon fodder.

The total wealth of more than one trillion magic coins finally just made Locke nod without much extra performance.

The only suggestion Locke made to klopty during his time was that with the gradual end of the civilization war, every Knight returning from the front battlefield should receive a considerable extra reward.

Whether the opponent is a level 1 knight or a level 6 knight.


Locke saw the rules and environmental changes of the knight\'s palace.

As for the slow recovery ability of the omnipotent soul provided by the master hall to creatures above level 7, Locke can obviously feel a trace, but the time is too short to have an immediate effect.

If you want to restore the omnipotent soul of an eight level master like him, even if you only restore 1%, you need him to sit in his own master hall for a thousand years.

Such a long time span is definitely not that Locke can experience it clearly when he turns around in his knight\'s palace.