Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4507

With Baxia completely settling down in the wizard world, its relationship with the sea clan is getting better and better.

Of course, the pillow breeze may have been blown a lot, but Locke knows that one of the sea Warcraft provoked by this guy is the granddaughter of ancient giant Ao.

With a body size of more than 10000 meters, it appears under the hegemony of the sea off the mainland of San luoan, like a painted black island.

And to Locke\'s surprise, on the island with a diameter of more than 10000 meters, there was a little guy with a physique of about 100 meters.

With a height of 100 meters, looking at the vast majority of intelligent species, it is also a behemoth.

But because it is in comparison with the king of 10000 meters, it is really just a \'little guy\'.

"Is this your child?" Appearing next to the overseas tyrant, Locke was surprised to see the little dragon turtle whose shape was eight points similar to that of the tyrant and had dark green dragon scales.

Now it has only a 100 meter body shape, and its life level is maintained at the third level for the time being.

However, because his blood is extremely strong and there is still great potential to be explored, Locke can see that it will not be a problem for this little guy to grow to level 5 in the future, and he may even be stronger than his lazy father.

Facing Locke\'s inquiry, Ba Xia nodded with great joy.

It is difficult for advanced creatures to breed offspring, which not only exists in the groups of knights and magicians, but also dominates the lower immortal creatures.

This is also one of several common sense and basic laws across the star world.

It seems that Baxia is very satisfied with the birth of his son. The strong law of the original will of the wizard world appears on the Baxia body, which is the performance of Baxia\'s suppression of endless South China Sea plane nodes all the time.

Now, these special breath with the original will of the wizard world also appears in the child under the tyrant.

I don\'t know if it is the will of the wizard world that gives a reward in its blood in order to thank the tyrant.

Not only the bully, but also the children of Locke, are no less concerned in the wizard world than the bully.

For example, Odin, Lisa and Hella, although they are not pure blood wizard world creatures, they will not have any discomfort after entering the wizard world, but can attract the blessing of certain rules.

This is the benefit of having maternal plane will attention.

At present, the whole wizard world enjoys such a special honor, only Locke, Douglas and a few others who have made great contributions to the wizard world.

In addition to the bully, his sister Pu Lao was also standing on his back at this time.

Ba Xia\'s son may have stayed in the deep sea all year round and had little contact with other creatures. In the face of Locke, a terrorist master who secretly exudes destructive power in the depths of his heart, he was a little aware and afraid.

Pu Lao patted the little dragon turtle\'s head intimately at this time to show him to relax.

In Locke\'s view, Pu laao, who is at the peak of level 6, is also a potential seed for promotion. Even her possibility of promotion to level 7 is higher than Cecilia and Volta in the wizard world.

Pu Lang appeared in the wizard world this time. In addition to visiting his little nephew, he also revealed several other messages to Locke.

"My second brother, Jain canthus, has broken through to the realm of saints. At present, he is still in the immortal realm. It seems that Taoist Zu Hongjun has retained it with some conditions."

"My eldest brother, prisoner Niu, left Xianyu 6000 years ago and went to the depths of Xingyu again."

"Although we haven\'t contacted and communicated in recent years, the perception from the depths of our blood let us know that it may have entered the realm of saints." Purao said to Locke.

There are two masters in the starbeast family where the bully is located. They have made breakthroughs one after another, which is enough to prove the strength of their blood.

"It\'s a blessing that Jain and prisoner cattle can break through level 7. I\'m also very happy as a friend."

"Next is you and mocking wind. Do you have any eyes for breaking through to the dominant realm now?" Asked Locke.

"I\'m not interested in fighting, and I don\'t understand the rules as well as my big brother prisoner cow. When I can break through to the saint level, maybe it depends on God\'s will."

"As for mockery, I think it is more interested in money than the realm of saints."

"When my eldest brother left, he said that lion dragons have more possibilities to enter a higher level than it." Pu laao in human form shook his wave long hair.

Among the Dragon nine sons, there are the most quarrels between mocking wind and Pu Lao.

Pulao\'s answer made Locke nod.

Nowadays, the most intimate contact with the wizard world is the four: mocking the wind, bullying, negative and kissing.

Jain was entrusted by Taoist Zu Hongjun to stay in the immortal region. Lion dragon and Pang Pang had a family like Baxia and took root again in the immortal region.

It is not easy for Locke to borrow the power of the starbeast family as in the past. Although with his current strength, the power of several other dragons is dispensable except for seven level creatures such as prisoner ox and Jain.

Of course, mockery is an exception.

The Ariba chamber of Commerce dominated by it is a large interstellar organization that the wizard alliance attaches importance to and even wants to introduce.

Maybe it happened that he and Locke thought of the same place. Pu Lao, overlooking the end of the sky, suddenly sighed, "I don\'t know if our nine brothers and sisters can reunite in the future?"

Pulao\'s sigh made Locke shake his head and smile, and said, "now the cross star transmission array of wizard civilization and fairy civilization is still maintained. Although prisoners travel abroad, it\'s not difficult to meet with you because of your long life and blood perception."

"Although this little guy has been infected with the original will of many wizards in the world, you can also take him back to Xianyu to visit relatives if you want."

"After all, it is not a guardian, and our wizard world has no idea of kidnapping your starbeast family." Locke patted the turtle\'s skull.

Locke\'s seemingly random action made some recognized little dragon turtles quickly retract their heads into the turtle shell.

Not to mention other aspects, just how similar its action and expression were to Locke\'s bully when he first met.

So that Locke couldn\'t help laughing and remembered some pictures and interesting things in the past.

Locke\'s comforting words made Pu Lao nod for it.

Although the lion dragon dragon and Pang Pang married those dragon girls in the wasteland world, there is no sign of pregnancy at present, since Baxia has learned from the past, it is uncertain that they can give birth to their own blood in the future.

The growth and development of the ZuLong family may be on these brothers, so that Pulao, who has always been indifferent, can\'t help looking forward to the future of their family in the future.

"Come on, come with us to the Lord\'s palace."

"You can also analyze what\'s special about the dominating hall and the true spirit tower developed by our wizard world compared with the saint Taoist court in your fairy domain." Locke waved to Pulao and said.


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