Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4506

"Well, the uncomfortable feeling that lingered around me since the end of the plane war seems to have completely dissipated." After a long time, Locke, who resonated with his mother\'s will and even communicated, said to the people around him.

"Is it Yanzu\'s curse on you?" Sarah law asked. As Locke\'s wife and wizard world leader, she naturally knows a lot.

Locke nodded, and the guardian of the moon came forward and said, "it is the will of the wizard world to remove the power of alien rules in your body with the power of origin."

"I see." Locke showed a clear look.

However, it can dispel the curse of a dominant creature on Locke before his death. It can also be imagined that the will of the wizard world will pay a great price for this.

But no matter how big the price is, it is not worth mentioning compared with Locke\'s return to wizard civilization.

Therefore, the two guardians did not say anything because of the loss of the original power of those planes.

"Where are you going first?" Sarah asked at this time.

The current arrival place of several people at this time is located over the west sea of the wizard world.

Compared with the rich South China Sea and the warm East China Sea, the status and popularity of the West Sea in the wizard world are not high.

But this is the initial point of Locke\'s growth and rise.

Looking at the direction of the western islands, Locke said, "go back to the western islands first."


The western islands.

Compared with Locke\'s memory, great changes have taken place here in recent tens of thousands of years.

After all, only Locke\'s life thickness can be counted in 10000 years.

For the native creatures of the western islands, even a millennium is an extremely long time, enough to cause many changes and accidents.

At this time, the island where Locke and others came was a medium-sized island called qiansha South Island.

Tens of thousands of years ago, qiansha South Island was not even a micro island. It could only be reluctantly called a reef beach.

However, with the continuous expansion of the earth vein of the wizard world, coupled with the changes of land and sea and the special guidance of the nearby Knight palace, qiansha South Island, which once did not even have many living creatures, has now become a rich land with hundreds of millions of people and dozens of small and medium-sized countries.

When he came to qiansha South Island, under the rule shelter provided by the two guardians and the state of Locke\'s own convergence, the emergence of Locke as a powerful Knight did not have any impact on the ecology of qiansha South Island and hundreds of millions of low-level creatures.

According to the sixth level Knight klopper, qiansha South Island belongs to the region ruled by the fifth level Knight Adam.

In today\'s wizard world, it is difficult for those who do not reach level 6 to enter Locke\'s eyes again.

Therefore, Locke had no impression of the level 5 Knight named Adam. He just learned from klopp that the other party was performing tasks in the tower star domain at this time, and was a level 5 knight who was very good at developing territory and knight palace.

Due to the influence of the wizard civilization\'s perennial foreign war, under the premise of sufficient external pressure, the internal competition and contradictions in the wizard world have been greatly alleviated.

The Kingdom war plan in qiansha South Island has stopped for thousands of years.

War is a very distant and strange word for the civilians living here.

Prosperity, prosperity, ease and harmony are synonymous with qiansha South Island, which is also Locke\'s childhood dream.

Through a corner of qiansha South Island, it is not difficult to see how peaceful the life of the bottom human beings is on the vast land of the whole wizard world.

Of course, although the Kingdom war plan has temporarily stalled, in order to ensure that there are plenty of low-level knights on the front line of the civilized war, the knight colleges spread all over qiansha South Island and the whole wizard world have been expanding enrollment in recent tens of thousands of years.

Although so far, the nobles still account for the largest number of knights, and the more high-level knights, the more noble their original origins are.

But there are also many strong Knights rising from the civilian class like Locke.

Scientific and enlightened policies can provide a steady stream of bottom combat legions for the wizard world on the front line of civilization war.

Only knights who have experienced countless wars can move from the bottom to the middle or even the top.

Locke can\'t make all knights and human civilians in the world reach the same height. He can only create such an environment and provide them with a platform to show their strength and prove themselves.

The journey to qiansha South Island infected Locke, who had just experienced several wars of civilization, and gradually calmed down a lot.

This can calm Locke\'s excess desire for destruction better than the regulation in the field of emotional rules.

Also in the knight Palace on qiansha South Island, Locke felt the bonus from a trace of macro rules.

This little bit of Knight palace rule adds little to Locke\'s strength, but it is the power of this rule that makes Locke know that this is the dominant palace mechanism promoted and established by the western islands in recent ten thousand years.

"Will each Knight palace built by knights above level 4 provide some blessing to the dominant palace in their area?"

"Including the effect of slowly restoring the omnipotent soul that the master palace can play, it also comes from the common blessing of the rules of the whole world and various ordinary Knight palaces."

Looking at the direction of the distant continent of San luoan and feeling that there is a dominating palace closely related to him, Locke couldn\'t help sighing.

After leaving qiansha South Island, Locke and his party passed through dozens of islands before reaching the continental edge of San luoan.

At present, in the Western archipelago, the islands that can be called "mainland" must at least be large and above.

A giant island like the mainland of San luoan is located in the whole western archipelago. It\'s just single digits.

Around the huge Island, there are three large islands, more than a dozen medium-sized islands and hundreds of small islands. As for the micro chain islands, there are countless, thousands of them.

No wonder Locke laments that he has been unable to keep up with the changes of the times.

Even his most familiar Western Islands have changed into something he can\'t imagine in tens of thousands of years. Only a few scenes coincide with his memory.

Before Locke boarded the island where he dominated the palace to find out, the sea people who learned about Locke\'s return to the wizard world through some channels have been waiting here for a long time.

Among the major non-human groups in the wizard world, the sea people and Asian people have always had a close relationship with the western islands.

The sea people originated from the personal relationship between Mermaid King Avril and Locke, while the Asians were due to the sixth level Knight named winsant under Locke.

In addition to the old Mermaid King Avril, Locke also saw the huge dragon turtle in the rising white waves in the open sea.