Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4505

Naturally, the discovery of sharafa is also in Locke\'s perception.

Moreover, Locke perceives more than Sara\'s method. In his dominant vision, the clouds roll and the internal rules of the plane vaguely produce an agitated wizard world, in addition to expressing the emotion of welcoming Locke\'s return.

In some more in-depth and detailed perspectives, there are also some changes that are difficult for ordinary people to find.

This is an adaptive transformation in which the level is constantly promoted and the internal rules are constantly becoming complete.

As the first level 8 peak creature in the wizard world, Locke\'s return is bound to have a more far-reaching impact on the wizard world.

Below the level barrier, the sun and moon guardians have already arrived here.

Although Locke\'s eight level peak energy level will bring unimaginable benefits and adaptive evolution to the maternal plane, it will also bring great impact and trauma to most low-level creatures in the wizard world.

Like a giant, when he comes home, he will inevitably stumble and trample on some roadside grass and ants.

The role of sun and moon guardians is also highlighted at this time.

"According to the rules of the new generation of guardians, the dominant creatures in the wizard world are not allowed to appear at the bottom of the wizard world for a long time, so as not to cause trauma to the bottom creatures and ecological environment of the wizard world."

"As the master of the supreme knight, you can\'t violate this rule." Below the plane barrier, said the guardian of the moon, who is closer to Locke.

This Guardian rule should have been proposed for nearly 10000 or 20000 years.

Although Locke\'s status is now unmatched in the wizard world, he nodded with a more solemn expression.

This indicates that Locke, as the master of the supreme knight, will also firmly abide by the rules of the guardian and set a good example for the masters of the wizard world in the future.

Locke\'s performance gently relieved the guardian of the moon.

It may be that more than 200000 years have passed since they stayed at the mother\'s plane all the year round and were nourished by the rules of the mother\'s plane. Both Locke\'s women and even Locke\'s daughter Bev and others inevitably left some traces of years, but the guardian of the sun and moon still looks beautiful.

However, compared with the youth and liveliness when Locke first came into contact, the guardian of the moon at this time also had more mature temperament brought by years of precipitation.

While the guardian of the moon talked with Locke, the guardian of the sun quietly opened up a passage that could barely allow Locke to pass at the barrier of the wizard world with the Pearl of the blazing sun in his hand.

The Pearl of the blazing sun in the hands of the guardian of the sun is a new world-class secret treasure created by the guardian with the blessing of countless resources and plane origin rules.

After all, the wizard world is also developing. As a powerful guardian of wizard civilization, the guardian of the sun cannot always hold only an absolute barrier as the bottom card.

Absolute barrier is a world-class secret treasure created by the Asian people on the surface in the ancient times of the wizard world. However, after failing to compete with human wizards, it was driven to the ground by the ancient wizards, and even the absolute barrier was captured by the ancient wizards.

During that period, because it was too long from now, including Locke, they didn\'t know much about the history of that period.

Although the modern Asian ethnic groups are much better than those ten or two hundred thousand years ago because of the rise of wizard alliance rules and the protection of guardian rules, they are ultimately a vulnerable race under the command of human knights and magicians in the wizard world.

As for whether the Asian people can get new development in the future, or even give birth to more creatures above level 4, it depends on the future and the development of the times.

The absolute barrier provides defense, the Pearl of the blazing sun provides attack, and the guardian of the sun can also be regarded as creating history and becoming the strongest guardian of the wizard world so far.

Compared with her sister, the guardian of the moon, in addition to the world-class secret treasure of tears of the sea, has also created a world-class secret treasure with attributes suitable for her by virtue of the massive resources plundered and looted by the wizard world and the blessings of the source rules.

Unfortunately, due to her character, the guardian of the moon did not pursue killing and attack. Her world-class secret treasure also exists as a functional world-class secret treasure, called moon trace walking stick, which is said to have a magical effect on space.

Looking at the shining pearl in the hands of the sun guardian, and the moon guardian also talked to himself about the changes of the wizard world and some rules in recent years.

Locke can\'t help but sigh that the wizard world is changing so fast and the times are changing, and he can\'t keep up with the rhythm.

"This civilization war, which took tens of thousands of years before and after, is only the finished world-class secret treasures we have seized. There are as many as 15 other precious resources and cutting-edge materials."

"The wizard world is becoming more and more prosperous and powerful, which is what I hope and look forward to."

"I will also use my whole life to promote the wizard world to a brighter and better tomorrow." Locke said to the guardian of the moon holding the moon trace walking stick.

The white neck was wearing a beautiful necklace condensed from the tears of the sea. For Locke\'s solemn commitment, the guardian of the moon smiled and nodded.


Locke did not wait too long. Driven by the efforts of the guardian of the sun and the will of the plane, an oval channel took shape in half a day.

Without any hesitation and procrastination, Locke stepped directly into it.

It was also the first time Locke stepped into the maternal plane that he sincerely felt the warmth and rules of the wizard world from all sides.

In terms of combat effectiveness, Locke\'s combat effectiveness in the mother plane is at least 30% higher than that in the starry sky.

The endless plane rules and local energy blessings are Locke\'s strongest backing. Although they are not as intuitive as the life energy directly fed back to him by paradise lost, in the field of ordinary dominant combat, this is the most efficient way to use and supplement energy in addition to the omnipotent soul.

Locke quietly feels the water emulsion with his mother\'s face At the time of blending, Sarah law and other fellow wizards did not disturb him.

At this time, the sun and moon guardian also observed the surrounding with a surprised expression, as well as the transformation and improvement of the plane rules from further away.

Dozens of neon light bands with an average length of more than 10000 meters came from all directions and finally circled around Locke.

This is also the original will manifestation picture proposed by Sarah law before.

Under the wizard world, whether it is the top of the snow mountain in the far north, the endless sea in the south, the western islands or the main continent in the middle.

All the low-level creatures who noticed the visions in the sky couldn\'t help looking up at these sudden rainbow beams.

The lower level of life makes them unable to see what those neon bands mean, including the quietly changing rules of many planes, and they can definitely understand and feel at this level.

But there is no doubt that they are one of the beneficiaries of billions of creatures in the wizard world.