Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4504

From neveryink, the leader of the blood River in the underworld, Locke did not read the repressed hatred similar to the master of level 7 fire.

This is the most intuitive feedback from the field of emotional rules. No living body can lie in front of Locke, even if the other party is a dominant creature.

It is precisely because of the sincerity and obedience shown by naiweneryinke that Locke gently knocked on the armrest on the metal seat. After a long time of consideration, Locke said, "it can only be reduced by 20% on the original basis. This is my biggest preferential treatment for you to complete this task."

When he heard Locke\'s answer, neveryink did not refute at all, but pressed his lowered head deeper, so as to show his absolute obedience to Locke.

"In fact, with your strength and potential, you are not inferior to other top level 6 creatures in the alliance."

"Work hard and don\'t let me down." Locke got up and patted neveryink on the shoulder.

At the same time, a leaf with silver light was photographed by Locke at the wound of naiweneryink\'s left arm, which was in a state of erosion.

This is a leaf from the ancient tree of the moon in Locke\'s paradise lost. Just one leaf is not enough to remove naiweneryink\'s injury, but it is enough to relieve the pain.

The coolness and pain in his left arm represent Locke\'s most direct attitude towards neveryink.

Good performance will be accompanied by benefits in the future. Its ideal of recovering the underworld family may also be realized.

If the performance is not good, or even produce any differences It is not difficult for Locke and the wizard world to erase it and the ethnic groups behind it.

Neville ink is a smart man who can read the meaning of it.


With the end of the war on the plane of false words, the entry of two large star domains, more than a dozen medium star domains and a large number of small star domains is the result of the civilization war of wizard civilization in recent tens of thousands of years.

Nearly 10000 rules and complete planes continuously transmitted resources and wealth to the wizard civilization, so that the wizard civilization soon reached an unprecedented prosperity in history.

Due to the consumption of the long civilization war, the Knights and magicians above level 1, who had been greatly reduced in the wizard world, ushered in a blowout after the war.

If we say that knights and magicians from level 1 to level 3 continue to emerge, they benefit from the countless massive resources of wizard civilization and the improvement of the overall civilization.

Then the successive breakthroughs of the strong from level 4 to level 6 are the honing and promotion brought by the civilized war to the middle and high levels of the wizard world.

The wizards who basically lived until the end of the civilized war, the world\'s top four or above, ushered in several small or large leaps.

The best of them have even been promoted two levels in succession.

For example, more and more level 6 knights and magicians who are not familiar with Locke are unknown level 4 and 5 before the war.

These strong knights and magicians basically listen to the myths created by Locke. It is no wonder that Locke\'s power in the wizard world will gradually reach such an amazing level.

To put it bluntly, as long as Locke doesn\'t leave the wizard world for a day, his position in the wizard world can\'t be shaken.

This is also the highest point in the history of the knight system in the wizard world.


Wizard world.

After the end of the star war, Locke, who did not feel any threat in the surrounding battlefield, immediately returned to the wizard world he had not returned with a few wizard world leaders for a long time.

Why are a few high-level wizards in the world? Because the just ended civilization war and the vast occupation of the star region now need people to deal with.

Locke, the shopkeeper who threw off his hand, was straightforward, but other wizard world leaders could not do so.

The strength of the wizard world is based on bit by bit, from scratch, from small to large expansion.

As the supreme knight, Locke\'s contribution to wizard civilization is indisputable, but even Locke has to admit that the strength of wizard civilization comes not only from him, but also from every knight and magician of wizard civilization.

Even the sea people, Asian people, Warcraft and other groups in the wizard world have to be included, because they have made great contributions to this civilization war.

Accompanied by Locke, Locke returned to the top of the wizard world. In addition to his confidant Knight cloop, Locke\'s wife sharafa was also among them.

After the war in the realm of false words, sarafa officially transferred the position of leader of the Mamet alliance to bev.

In Sarah FA\'s private words, she should have given her seat to bev long ago. A large part of the reason why she has been delayed is to help Bev build momentum and establish Bev\'s prestige in the alliance.

Facts have proved that the excellent performance during the war between the tower star domain and the false word star domain has indeed made Bev earn a full reputation in the Mamet alliance, and almost every wizard above level 4 in the world has recognized her ability.

Now, the knowledge of the powerful in the wizard world about Bev no longer stays in the titles of the daughter of the supreme knight who dominates Locke or the apprentice of master sarafa.

The titles of the new leader of the Mamet alliance, the early leader of the steel city, and the light element wizard who is most likely to break through the dominant realm in the wizard world are the pronouns of BEV today.

As Locke\'s eldest daughter, Bev\'s power, status and prestige even surpass her two brothers and sisters.

Because according to bev\'s power at this time, she can directly dispatch and appoint level 7 dark summoners of wizard civilization like Lilith.

Bev\'s excellent performance and growth make Locke, a father, very happy.

Up to now, Bev is still in the front line of the realm of false words. While commanding the liquidation of those stubborn resisters, she is also actively striving for the war interests for the Mamet alliance.

For his three children, Locke has not taken too much care of or helped them.

As for what they can eventually develop into, it also depends on their own ability and fortune.

"I don\'t know how the wizard world has developed in recent years. It is said that three true spirit towers and two dominating halls have been established?"

"I seem to have heard the call of the mother\'s will to me. She is welcoming me home."

"It\'s a pity that Haila refused to come back with me. She had to lead her Titan army to fight in the pan star small world that refused to obey the wizard alliance."

"Otherwise, it\'s good for her to recognize her ancestors and see the wizard world." Locke shook his head.

Although he no longer pays too much attention to his three children, Locke obviously focuses on his only granddaughter.

Kakarot and the destruction great ape Wukong Locke did not mobilize, but as Locke\'s direct line of Elven God Elune, ORC God Kampas and other six level creatures, they followed Hera all year round to provide protection for her.

"Hehe, you still need to understand what has changed in the wizard world."

"It has reached the level that the original will of the plane is close to manifestation. Whether Lilith or the dragon mother, they have also been promoted to dominate, but they have no such honor as you." Looking at the blue wizard world in front of her and feeling some changes in the rules, Sarah FA said with a smile.