Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4503

When Locke\'s orders echo inside and outside the plane of false words.

A silent sigh came from the battlefield where the spiritual ancestor in the north of the false word plane was located.

At this time, the lingzu was not much better than the fallen Yanzu. The attack from the super Saiya kakarot and the seventh level dark Summoner Lilith put the lingzu in danger every moment.

"Goodbye, my dear mother." With a faint whisper from the mouth of lingzu, a dazzling gray light bloomed from the center of the battlefield.


False words, the war in the world will end faster than expected.

However, these wizard civilization legions should implement Locke\'s orders and will, so the continuation of chaos and war did not end because of the collapse of the scarecrow legion, the main force of civilization.

In fact, according to the results of Locke\'s initial discussions with several organizations such as the northern witch, the total number of indigenous scarecrows on the plane of false words should be retained by three tenths in the end.

Because the unique mysterious power system and prophecy and divination system of this plane have a good reference for spell casters in relevant fields of the wizard world.

Including those scarecrows, they are also extremely rare and precious "resources" in the eyes of many experimenters.

Unfortunately, under the command of Locke, the supreme knight, the straw people in this world did not welcome any amnesty because of their own value.

Only one tenth of the scarecrow indigenous creatures are retained, which is Locke\'s revenge for his curse before Yan Zu died.

As for the research materials needed by the casters in the wizard world After hundreds or thousands of years, these post-war scarecrows will naturally reproduce and develop again.

In fact, the wizard world has not done much in the past.

After all, knights and magicians in the wizard world are not hell demons who are keen on destruction and killing. The wizard world will only make decisions that are in line with their own interests and values.

In the past 100000 years, the only war in the wizard world that has been similar to the large-scale killing of life is the brain eater plane war.

Because the brain eater plane was the hostile plane that brought the most suffering to the wizard world in those years. Compared with those vicious and cunning brain eaters, the underworld civilization that took the lead in fighting with the wizard civilization in those years was not as excessive as the other party.

Although Locke\'s order puzzled a few large and medium-sized forces such as the northern witch, no one objected in the end, and the killing order was seriously implemented.

This shows Locke\'s incomparable prestige and control in the contemporary wizard world.

The killing in the plane of false words is still going on, including false words star domain, iron tower star domain and pan star domain, and some sporadic wars are still taking place.

But for Locke, the war that belongs to him in the nearby star domain is over.

The next finishing and cleaning up work can be perfectly solved by the wizard civilization even without the intervention of dominant creatures.

In the Space Fortress, Locke, who witnessed the fall of lingzu, is receiving three sixth level creatures according to his agreement.

The three level-6 creatures in front of me personally killed the existence of three generations of guardians in front of the false word.

The three of them contributed to the smooth progress of the war on the plane of vanity.

Two of the three level 6 creatures summoned by Locke are level 6 knights and level 6 magicians.

The level six Knight came from the abbalut Empire and was a new face that Locke was not familiar with.

Another level-6 magician, Locke, is quite familiar. He has had some intersection with Locke in the past. He is also a member of the master potential list of the wizard world with Locke\'s daughter Bev, from sanethus of the secret meeting of fire.

But neither the level-6 Knight named anglie nor the level-6 magician sanethus was as surprised as the last level-6 creature.

"Unexpectedly, you took the lead in completing the guardian killing task I released." Locke looked at the netherworld Blood River commander neveryink in front of him.

At this time, there was only one horn left, and the blood River leader naiweneryinke, whose body was slightly bent, did not have the bearing of the supreme god of the underworld.

Although it is the supreme power in the underworld at present, for the wizard civilization, the sixth level creature of neveryink is no different from those foreign gods who join the wizard alliance.

Even because the underworld civilization was hostile to the wizard world and caused great disasters to the wizard world, Neville inke, a level 6 creature, enjoyed lower rights and status in the wizard alliance than those level 4 and level 5 gods in small planes.

The experience of being imprisoned and tortured by kilaya for tens of thousands of years has completely lost the spirit and arrogance of the leader of the underworld, who was proud and arrogant under the protection of his two brothers.

In the past, it seemed so naive.

So that for today\'s naiweneryinke, it doesn\'t want to think about those meaningless things. It just wants to develop and expand its own ethnic group, which can be regarded as comforting its two dead brothers.

The ability to take the lead in killing the first generation of guardians from many top wizards in the wizard alliance is beyond doubt.

Judging from the erosive and bloody smell constantly emanating from neveryink\'s left arm, he also paid a high price in order to kill a generation of guardians.

As for sanethus, who killed the second generation of guardians, and anglie, who killed the third generation of guardians, there is no difference in the body surface of the two wizards who are the world\'s sixth level strong.

Because there are already casters in the wizard world who are good at mysterious power and have specially nursed their injuries.

Only the underworld where neveryink is located has not developed a similar system, so it can only fight hard with its body.

And according to the state of naiweneryinke at this time, the underworld family will not live very well now.

Otherwise, even the great commander of the underworld like him would not have the corresponding high-level restorative props to use.

Sanethus got a trace of the original heart fire dominated by fire from Locke, and anglie got a rough embryo of a world-class secret treasure from Locke.

Judging from the quality of the treasures given by Locke, he is obviously in a good mood with the disaster of the vain words.

Of course, the reason why Locke gave such a valuable reward is mainly to help his younger generation.

When Locke finally asked naiweneryinke what he wanted, naiweneryinke half knelt down and declined any reward from Locke. He just begged Locke to reduce the 30% resource tax charged by the wizard alliance to the underworld every 100 years.

Although the total amount of resources collected has only been reduced by 30%, for the underworld, which has been sunk for more than 100000 years, it can give their ethnic groups a deep breath and seek a certain degree of development.