Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4502

In vain, because the overall background of the world is not enough and the thickness of the plane barrier is not as thick as that of the iron tower world, it does not need the eight level master like Locke to attack this large plane.

The huge body of dead femton is shrouded outside the plane of false words, including the shadow of the phantom Riel.

Many powerful masters gather outside the world of false words. Because there are more desperate spider mothers, only from the perspective of the dominant combat power lineup, it is even more luxurious than attacking the mother plane of tower civilization.

"Although in vain, the strength of the plane at this time is not worth mentioning compared with the army of our Wizard alliance, after all, I first had a dispute with this large plane, so let me end it." Locke said standing in the starry sky.

Tens of millions of wizard world legions and nearly 100 million scale alliance combat legions all look at Locke far away, as if he were the protagonist of the starry sky at this time.

Because of the crushing brought by the life level, these low-level creatures below level 4, which occupy the main number, can\'t get close to Locke at all, and even they can\'t see Locke\'s true colors.

In the visual system of these low-level creatures, the picture in front of them is a dark and repressed destruction storm standing in the starry sky.

Although their eyes and bodies were irresistibly affected by Locke\'s destructive power after a long time of viewing, most creatures would rather endure severe pain than miss the opportunity to be on the same battlefield with such a powerful master.

Especially when this powerful dominant life belongs to its own camp, an unspeakable sense of pride and real sense of security fill around.

Among these low-level creatures, knights and mages in the wizard world are the most important.

He didn\'t take out his killer gun. With Locke\'s fist forward, an incomparably huge lacquer black fist seal blew away with the vain words of pale golden brilliance below with the strong inflammation of destruction.

Under the bombardment of Locke\'s dominant fist seal, the large-scale plane barrier that seems extremely strong to low-level creatures and many level 5 and 6 creatures sunken obvious marks downward.

A trace of golden fluorescence gathered from all directions of the false word plane, and finally gathered into beads in the southeast of the plane.

A scarecrow who has reached the level of five lives holds a golden bead in his hand. Relying on the power of the plane and the special mysterious power of the false word world, he resists Locke\'s fist seal and tries to prevent the plane barrier from being broken.

However, low-level life is low-level life after all. In the face of the suppression of absolute strength, the so-called effort is just a struggle.

The destroyer turned and quietly opened, and Locke\'s human appearance was soon covered with painted black bone armor.

The fierce inflammation of destruction is more vigorous than before. It is more than a few chips. The scarlet eyes flash, followed by the impact of incomparable power, once again falls on the level barrier of false words.

After all, it is only a large plane that is good at prophecy and mysterious power. It is not as good at defense as the iron tower world.

When Locke\'s third fist seal of destruction came, the pale gold level barrier, which was hard supported, finally broke a large wound with a "click".

The scarecrow guardian, located in the southeast of the plane, also spewed out a mouthful of white and gray blood belonging only to the scarecrow.

It\'s ridiculous to block level 8 creatures with a level 5 body, but as a guardian, it has done its best.

"Go and occupy the world in an all-round way. The first person who can kill the first three generations of guardians will be rewarded by me personally!" Locke said to the battle Corps in the whole starry sky.

This is a combat mission without birth restrictions, whether it is a wizard world knight, a magician, an alien creature of the wizard alliance, or even a member of the slave cannon fodder Corps.

As long as you can complete the tasks assigned by Locke first, you can get the opportunity to meet Locke in person and get a reward from a level 8 peak master.

Locke\'s oral instructions soon ushered in the boiling of the whole nearby starry sky.

Countless creatures rushed to the plane of false words.

Looking at the continuous influx of ferocious exotic creatures outside the plane, the false words of civilized scarecrows generally gave birth to fear and cold in their hearts.


Half a year later, the seventh level creature Yanzu fell into the hands of the destruction ape Wukong and the phantom Riel.

For this guy who once posed a threat to Locke\'s life, Locke didn\'t do it himself because his strength was too weak. He just watched each other step by step as a bystander.

Yanzu, who was at a dead end, did not show any crazy or angry look. Until he died, he was extremely calm and seemed to be confirming his own destiny.

For this kind of guy, although he clearly witnessed each other\'s death.

Including the complete depletion of the soul of the master and the complete disappearance of the soul wave.

But somehow, Locke felt uncomfortable after each other\'s death.

This feeling is somewhat similar to the atmosphere when Locke first came into contact with the phantom Riel, but the perception from level 8 peak creatures clearly told himself that he had no difference.

"It seems that it cursed you before it died, but most of it didn\'t succeed."

"Don\'t worry, with your physique and life thickness, even level 8 creatures may not succeed in cursing you, let alone a weak and dying level 7 master." Beside Locke, the desperate spider mother seemed to find the discomfort of Locke\'s expression and said with relief.

The desperate spider mother did not personally join the war. After all, it was a crushing war. The spider mother was also not interested in the only two masters of the plane of false words.

After listening to the relief of the desperate spider mother, Locke nodded.

When he cast his questioning eyes on the phantom Riel, the phantom Riel also gave a similar answer to the desperate spider mother, and Locke didn\'t care about this little thing anymore.

Although he didn\'t care about Yanzu\'s dead man, Locke\'s mood was inevitably affected.

The oppressive destructive power surged around Locke, and then Locke gave orders to the wizard civilization Legion on on the battlefield of the whole vain word with his voice of domination.

"Change the original plan and start exterminating the Scarecrow on the plane of false words!"

"After the civilized war, the total number of scarecrows in this large area shall not be higher than one tenth of the total number of the original ethnic groups!" Locke\'s cruel orders echoed inside and outside the plane of vain words.

Countless wizard civilization legions immediately firmly implemented Locke\'s instructions, and the misery and pain began to linger inside and outside the false word civilization, and brought profound disasters to this ancient civilization.