Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4501

False words the world.

In the hall composed of giant Ferris plants, I witnessed the will embodiment of Tianxing Zun annihilate into ash in the painful expression. Whether it is the weak Yanzu or the strong lingzu, my heart is very heavy at this time.

"I did it." Yanzu whispered.

The life straw is destroyed, and the previous master\'s power is exhausted. At this time, Yanzu may even be able to compete with a level 6 peak creature.

"This is something that no one can predict. Originally, tianxingzun mentioned to us that he can communicate his incarnation in the Wanhua Tianzun world, so he will fight side by side with us until now."

"Who knows that the wizard civilization can even restrain the top secret law of the Wanhua Tianzun world. Maybe it was also a conspiracy of the wizard world to let Tianxing Zun communicate and use his own avatar before." Lingzu shook his head and said.

There are not so many warm-hearted and even sincere masters in the star world.

The relationship between Locke and Gongsun xuance, as well as figures like the leader of immortal Tongtian cult, are extremely rare examples.

After all, they are all old monsters who have lived for thousands of years. It\'s not so easy to be so emotional.

The relationship between Tianxing Zun and Yanzu is true, but the main reason why Tianxing Zun really let the master of the seventh level stay on the broken ship of false word civilization is that Tianxing Zun can communicate with his mother plane.

If there is an extremely critical moment, Tianxing Zun can get out of danger in time by exchanging avatars and noumenon.

And it can condense two incarnations, which is enough to prove the high talent of Tianxing Zun. This is also the final card and backhand he left when he left his mother plane to travel and explore the star world.

Sure enough, the complexity and unpredictability of the star world are beyond the imagination of ordinary creatures.

Just as Locke and others did not know that Tianxing Zun had such cards and means before, Tianxing Zun could not imagine that someone could directly lock time and space and cut off the connection between his noumenon and avatar.

It is precisely this complexity and unpredictability that has laid the brilliance of the star world and made the dominant creatures, including the dominant creatures, awe of the star world.

Perhaps only the existence of the desperate spider mother who once stood on the top of the star world can proudly face all the unknowns in the star world.

This is not only because the desperate spider mother itself is incomparably powerful, but also the civilization behind her occupies a great part.


The end of the walnut plane war marks the war of wizard civilization in the realm of false words, from the middle stage to the later stage.

Compared with the iron tower world, the resistance of false words civilization is much weaker.

Only a few small and medium-sized worlds, including the walnut plane, broke out great resistance in the confrontation with wizard civilization, and the vast majority of other worlds are basically flat.

Compared with thousands of years ago, the tower world was still deadlocked with wizard civilization for hundreds of years within the scope of the parent star domain. During this period, they attacked and occupied each other. Individual planes have experienced gains and losses for several times, which can not be the same at all.

It was also after the walnut plane war that Locke received war reports from the other two main armies.

The situation of phantom Riel is the best. Both the hell demon Legion and the wizard alliance Legion have shown great advantages, and they have not encountered a local battlefield with heavy losses like walnut.

There is something wrong with femton, the dead descendant, and Wukong, the destruction giant ape. It is not that there are hard stubbles to overcome, but as expected before the war, the civilization fire of false words civilization is really the main breakthrough in that direction.

Although Cecilia, the demon general who led the war in that theater, had done her duty, there were still a small number of false words until the end of the war of annihilation. The civilized Scarecrow broke out from the vast sea of stars.

Among them, level 6 scarecrows are not targeted by the wizard world. The highest level is two level 5 scarecrows.

"I have ordered the most elite Griffin legion of the Empire to pursue, including the level 6 Saiya baijita."

"It\'s a pity that the fire phoenix entered the critical period of Nirvana transformation at a medium-sized fire element plane in the recent war. Otherwise, he will be able to recover the escaped scarecrows." In the element light screen of the Space Fortress, the demon general Cecilia reports to Locke.

The two escaped level five scarecrows Locke didn\'t care. What he was really interested in was that Mourinho had entered the critical period of transformation to dominance like Optimus.

And because the blood of the fire phoenix and ice Phoenix comes from the immortal region, it is uncertain that their promotion is also accompanied by some characteristics of the civilization of the immortal region.

It\'s just a medium-sized plane. Locke feels a little pity. Because the fire master has been meteorite, Locke doesn\'t mind letting the fire phoenix go to zicha yanhun world to complete the master promotion.

As for the disasters and the damage to the original rules that will bring to the purple chayan soul world, in Locke\'s view, nothing is more important than a level 7 Phoenix master.


Fire phoenix Mourinho entered the dominant transformation period, which is the second good news for Locke after killing Tianxing Zun.

Locke has not much doubt about the loyalty of Fire Phoenix.

It is not only because this fire phoenix has joined the wizard Alliance for a long time, but also because it has more qualifications than most alliance gods. It is because her sister Binghuang has established a symbiotic contract with the sixth level magician Margaret of the wizard world.

With such a premise, this fire phoenix must also be the most reliable and appointed master of the wizard alliance.

As far as Locke knows, because in the process of dominating the promotion, with the help of a large number of resources of the abalute Empire, the fire phoenix also signed a series of rules and contracts with the abalute Empire alone.

So many insurances that this fire phoenix may be more reliable than Optimus on the purple rhombic plane.


Three hundred years later.

With the continuous advancement of the wizard civilization corps, the war in the star domain of false words has reached beyond the mother plane of false words civilization.

As far as the eye can see, it is a large plane full of golden giant plants.

Golden rice ears with an average height of 100 meters seem to be the most common specialty of false words.

In this large-scale world, Locke did not feel too many heterogeneous rules and energy, but only rich vitality and some unspeakable mysterious power.

Several wizard world forces, such as the northern witch organization, the abalute Empire and the Mamet alliance, have identified these golden rice ears as the top strategic resources.

It seems that the spellcasters of the wizard world have found some great mysteries from these golden rice ears.

On the contrary, the vast Knight groups in the blood warlock and wizard world have no special needs for these golden rice ears.

The arrival of nearly 700 space fortresses and countless wizard civilization legions indicates that the development of the plane of false words has finally reached its end.

Locke himself finally stood outside this large plane with which he had many disputes.


The official account of Knight\'s journey: D I love beans.