Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4500

After the shock wave of the master of terror, there were only half of the broken bronze mask, a world-class secret halberd with restrained divine light, and half of the charred corpse without the fluctuation of life breath.

Kakarot, a super Saiya, is worthy of being Locke\'s confidant. After killing the alien master, he returned to Locke for the first time and presented the spoils to Locke.

Lilith, the level 7 dark summoner, followed. The woman just saw the charred corpse of Tianxing Zun. Before she could bring it into her arms, she was robbed by kakarot.

Lilith, with an unhappy face, first glanced at the charred corpse of Tianxing Zun. According to her contribution in the battle of domination, it was not too much to get half of the masters.

However, Lilith did not clamor to ask Locke for the half burnt body, but paid attention to the curtain projection in front of Locke and others.

The breath of level 8 creatures fluctuated from the screen projection.

Originally, it was the only one who tried to use his own breath fluctuation as the foundation and capital for his own negotiation.

But now, that\'s a joke.

Lilith didn\'t know what happened during this period, but by observing the bronze mask worn by the master projection and the overall appearance, it\'s not difficult to guess the relationship between the alien master and Tianxing Zun.

"Hehe, you said to exchange tianxingzun for 2000 tons of yellow crystal copper, 300 standard units of life spring, and three world-class treasures?"

"I don\'t know what you\'re going to exchange for this half of the body?" Locke asked the only one wearing a bronze mask in front of him, stepping on the master\'s corpse handed by kakarot.

Although the bronze mask perfectly covered the only one\'s face, it was not difficult to see that the late level 8 creature was in a state of extreme rage through his eyes and the changes of Qi mechanism around him.

However, no matter how angry, only my venerable can\'t do anything to Locke and others.

Even because it was just a wisp of will, even the seventh level dark Summoner Lilith could break up each other.

"Shua Shua."

With the end of the master war, Lilith\'s level 7 Summoner Jing Ning and two other master level corpse training synthetic beasts also returned one after another.

Two master level corpse training synthetic beasts completely ran out of energy and were sent back to alien space in Lilith\'s spell singing.

At this time, the level seven master Jing Ning stood honestly behind Lilith. With the combat power shown in front of her, there were three level eight masters and two level seven masters.

The projection of the only one in the starry sky seems so lonely and desolate.

"Hum!" With anger and fear in his eyes, he looked around, and the only one who was not interested in continuing to be the protagonist of the farce.

As for the charred corpse of Tianxing Zun, only my Zun didn\'t really want to exchange any treasure.

After a cold hum, the thousand meter high screen projection immediately disappeared.

The essence of projection is lower than separation. Locke and others cannot hurt the only self in which star domain through this projection.

Similarly, the only one who respects me does not have the power to vent his anger by virtue of this projection, but one thing is certain that since then, the wizard world must be completely hostile to the Wanhua Tianzun world.

After the breath of the only one who worshipped me disappeared in the later stage of level 8, the starry sky returned to calm again.

Locke first encouraged and praised Lilith and kakarot, and then gave her the half of the body Lilith wanted.

As for whether Lilith intends to refine it into a synthetic animal or carry out other experimental research, it is not Locke\'s consideration.

"Just a late level 8 master dared to bargain with two level 8 peaks. This star world is really different from the era I was in thousands of years ago."

"Also, I\'ve got the sky coordinates of the master projection just now. Are you interested?" The desperate spider mother shook her head.

"Oh? Let me see." Locke heard it and was surprised.

A series of complex and specific coordinates containing the force of time and space appeared in front of Locke, but when he perceived the space-time distance represented by this coordinate, Locke\'s joy was soon replaced by regret.

"I didn\'t expect it to be so far away. Even with the speed of dominant creatures, it would be an extremely long journey. I don\'t know how the tianxingzun first came to the vain civilization." Locke shook his head and said.

Originally, he thought about whether to lead kakarot and others to blackmail after learning the specific coordinates of Wanhua Tianzun\'s world.

Now, with the progress of the dimensional war becoming more and more intense, Locke has no chance to go.

As for leading the wizard civilization Legion to conquer the Wanhua Tianzun world, it is nonsense. It is the way of universal expansion of star civilization to communicate with each other from far to near.

It is very difficult for even the dominant creatures to make such a distant cross star journey, not to mention the middle and bottom combat legions.


When Locke regretted that the world of Wanhua Tianzun was very far away, the only one who was far away in the world of Wanhua Tianzun was also angry at this time.

This is a vast and profound large plane.

Although there is no level 8 peak creature yet, the development history of the plane and the length of promotion to the large plane far exceed that of the wizard world.

With its profound heritage and long history of civilization development, Wanhua Tianzun world has gradually found an opportunity for top civilization in the process of continuous development and growth.

Thousands of giant stone tablets and regular archways appear near every strong person with the title of "venerable" in Wanhua Tianzun world. They are the representatives of the identity and will of these creatures above level 4 in Wanhua Tianzun world.

A trace of special white steam, which is difficult to see with the naked eye, emerged above these stone tablets and archways, and finally gathered in the eight supreme halls of Wanhua Tianzun world.

The fall of the seventh level creature Tianxing Zun marks the complete extinction of one of the eight supreme halls in the Wanhua Tianzun world.

The true spirit towers being built in the wizard world are the same as the master halls. These supreme halls also have the ability to restore the master of the omnipotent soul.

This is the ability that only my Venerable Master mastered more than ten thousand years ago after he saw through the mystery of the later stage of level 8, with chance and some mysterious epiphany.

It seems that Wei wuzun has seen a road of civilization development in Kangzhuang in front of him, but before Wei wuzun returns from the excitement of creating history, the extinction of one of the eight supreme halls gives him a basin of cold water.

What makes the only one who respects me surprised and angry is that the other party even has three level 8 masters, and two of them have level 8 peaks that are difficult for the only one to fight against.

Although the development history of Wanhua Tianzun world is long, he is only an eighth level creature so far.

Facing the powerful wizard civilization, although the only one is reluctant to admit it, he must bear it.

"Damn wizard world, don\'t let me find a chance in the future!"

Only the angry voice of our venerable one came from the supreme hall and lasted for a long time.