Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4491

As for another good news, Optimus, the six-level peak creature in the alliance, has also reached a critical period of breakthrough, and has returned to the purple diamond world for breakthrough.

Level 6 top creature Optimus is the top despairer of the desperate world brought back by Locke from the hell battlefield. He also brought back several other despairers and survivors from the hell battlefield at that time, but those guys either fell in the frequent civilization wars of wizard civilization or ran out of life.

Optimus, the biological identity of earth element, has always been favored by Locke.

Moreover, compared with the level-7 fire master with burst character and different intentions, Optimus, who is a kind-hearted and basically the alliance Master who has watched him grow up, is more likely to arouse the trust of Locke and wizard civilization.

Also, those who come from other places on the way can\'t compare with those raised by themselves.

People like fire masters are basically witnesses and founders of the rise of their own civilization.

They have created their own brilliant civilization. Naturally, they will be dissatisfied with the treatment and circumstances after joining the wizard alliance.

However, the purple diamond world represented by Optimus and the Titan world represented by Odin will not, because it is with the powerful wizard civilization that these small and medium-sized world civilizations can move forward on the original basis.

With the short life course and cognition of low-level creatures, they have been used to the rule of wizard civilization since their birth, and have been brainwashed by the powerful wizard civilization. Even all aspects of civilization development have been infiltrated and influenced by the wizard world.

It is no exaggeration to say that without wizard civilization, the strength of these small and medium-sized world civilizations will drop sharply, not to mention, even the development process of civilization will be interrupted.

Therefore, they are the real and firm supporters of the wizard world and the backbone of the wizard alliance.

Therefore, after hearing that the sixth level peak creature Optimus returned to the zilingjing world to prepare for promotion, including the zilingjing level will also cross to the level of large level, Locke not only did not have much fear, but was mostly happy.

"Not only the zigzag crystal plane, Odin of Titan world and Jose Mourinho, who joined the alliance, are the backbone of the alliance in the critical period of transformation and promotion."

"It seems that with the end of the civilization war, the whole wizard alliance will also usher in great development." Inside Starport, sharafa said to Locke.

Not only has the wizard alliance developed rapidly, but also the wizard world has ushered in a big outbreak and leap with the coming end of the civilization war.

So many top resources and wealth plunder, even pigs are enough to accumulate and evolve to an extremely terrible degree.

What\'s more, the Knights and magicians in the wizard world are not pigs, and the long-lasting war of civilization also makes those little guys who already have a lot of life level get more training and honing.

As far as Locke knows, a series of dominant potential seed lists have been determined within the wizard world.

There are more than 30 world-class six creatures in this list. It doesn\'t mean that more than 30 knights and magicians can be promoted to dominate.

As long as one fifth or even one tenth of them can be promoted to dominate in the next tens of thousands of years, the strength of the wizard world will also expand to a staggering extent.

The list includes Vivian and molika of the northern witch organization, Cecilia of the abbalut Empire, and Locke\'s daughter Bev and wife Ashar.

Originally, sarafa was also on the list, but the level 6 light element master knew his potential and ability very well.

In her words, she doesn\'t want to occupy too many resources in the wizard world to complete an almost impossible master breakthrough plan.

Instead of wasting precious resources on her, it\'s better to leave more talented and potential little guys in the wizard world.

You should know that the list of dominant potential seeds is not just a list.

It also represents the allocation and priority of top resources at the height of the wizard world and the wizard alliance.

Master sharafa is not the only six level existence on the rejection list. There are several like her in the wizard world.

They are old, or the fire of the soul is very weak, and it is almost impossible to complete the transformation of the life level.

Surprisingly, avi, the blood Bi Stone General of the Belem Empire, is also one of them.

Locke\'s daughter Lisa also has the potential to dominate the promotion, but because she is a little worse than Odin and is a wizard alliance joined as the Zerg queen, she can\'t compare with Odin and Bev in the field of rule income.

Alliance level 6 creatures and local level 6 creatures in the wizard world basically maintain a ratio of 1:10 in terms of rule revenue and resource inclination, which is also to maintain the dominant position in the wizard world.

Although she can\'t get much help at the level of the wizard world and the wizard alliance, Lisa gets far more benefits from her father Locke than the wizard world and the wizard alliance.

After all, even the few top resources in the wizard world that can help break through the domination are allocated or even taken out by Locke himself. As a father, Locke will not treat his children badly.


With the end of the tower star war, Locke dealt with a large number of customs and tried to get in touch with the desperate spider mother again.

This time, the desperate spider mother quickly responded to Locke, but she said it would take some time to meet Locke.

When the desperate spider mother will come to meet Locke has not been determined for the time being. However, with the completion of the tower star domain war, Locke soon led his lineage to cross the star domain to the false word civilization again.

Only by destroying these two large world civilizations can Locke participate in the desperate world dimensional war without worries.

At this time, it is only a thousand years since Locke returned from the world of despair.

It seems that Locke originally planned to solve the war between the two civilizations within 3000 years, which is a little conservative.

According to the war process of the iron tower star domain, I\'m afraid the conquest of vain civilization will not last more than 500 years.

Domolon domain.

This is the junction of the false word civilization and the pan star domain, and it is also a medium-sized star domain where the main force of wizard civilization is stationed at present.

In the past tens of thousands of years, the native biological groups in the domolon star domain have been loyal appendages of the false word civilization. Even the power systems used by these creatures are biased towards the mysterious system and the prophecy system.

However, with the arrival of wizard civilization thousands of years ago, the regime of dozens of planes in this medium-sized star domain was overthrown in less than 150 years.

The weak and small biological groups that created a certain civilization in the domolon region have also completely become history.

Level 7 dark Summoner Lilith is the strongest combat force sent by the wizard civilization to stationed in the domoron star domain. When Locke led kakarot and others to arrive at this time, Lilith is conducting a crucial experiment in a temporary laboratory in a half plane.


The official account of Knight\'s journey: D I love beans, and I have attached figures, maps, and other maps.