Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4492

This is a half plane dominated by frost rules. Because the plane rules are not perfect, and there is no plane barrier and plane will, there are no native creatures in this large-scale half plane.

The cold crystal plane is the name of this half plane. It was appointed by Lilith, the seventh level dark summoner. It is also the highest snow peak in this half plane. Locke found Lilith\'s temporary laboratory.

It\'s said to be a temporary laboratory, but Lilith has been here for more than 200 years.

When Locke arrived outside the laboratory, a violent vibration and extremely obscure energy shock suddenly broke out from the inside of the snow mountain.

Then, an avalanche swept several kilometers around suddenly appeared.

It\'s an unimaginable material disaster for low-level creatures, but for casters like Lilith, it\'s just an experimental accident

"Please come in!" Lilith\'s spiritual voice came from inside the snow mountain. Because Locke didn\'t hide her breath, Lilith could naturally find Locke\'s arrival.

Entering the interior of the snow mountain, Locke saw a huge internal space.

A large number of magic lights lit up the interior of the mountain. Lilith directly hollowed out a huge snow mountain as her temporary laboratory.

More than a dozen creatures with obvious breath of dead creatures roam among them. These dead creatures have the lowest level of life at level 4, while the highest one has the later level of power at level 6.

Their role seems to be just to help Lilith clean the laboratory or do some physical work.

For example, this snow mountain with an altitude of seven kilometers must not have been hollowed out by Lilith herself. In addition, the solidification and maintenance of the internal structure of the mountain should also be the responsibility of these dead summoners.

"I finally know why you don\'t like to recruit apprentices and seldom communicate with others."

"These necromancers can also serve as good assistants than apprentices who take a long time to train." Into the experimental hall where Lilith is located, Locke said without exception.

At this time, in front of Locke, in addition to Lilith herself, there were three other skeleton people holding a staff.

The three skeletons with four levels of life obviously have very high spiritual power and magic wave with the characteristics of the wizard world.

However, to Locke\'s relief, the three level-4 skeletons were not converted by local magicians in the wizard world, but should be specially made by Lilith by some means.

After taking a look at the three skeletons, Locke looked at Lilith in front of the experimental platform.

Lilith didn\'t reply to what Locke said, including her spirit and attention. She never focused on Locke, but stared at a scarecrow specimen in front of her and frowned.

This is a vain civilized scarecrow that has reached the level of level 5 life. Judging from the straw filaments still shaking and floating on its body surface, it is also a precious living specimen.

The height of nearly three meters indicates that these scarecrows are larger than the human body in the wizard world, but unfortunately, the evolutionary direction of the scarecrow family is not in strength and physique.

The average height of three meters is just a cover, including the scarecrow of level 5 life. Maybe a demigod knight has more brute force than the other party.

"What is the reason, the use of this mysterious power..." Not only did she ignore Locke, but even Lilith\'s mind remained in the experimental accident just now.

A transparent crystal ball shines a faint light in Lilith\'s hand, and a special picture appears in it. It seems that Lilith is making some deduction and recording.

This is not the first time Locke has seen him.

After shrugging his shoulders, Locke sat in a metal chair in the corner of the laboratory and quietly waited for Lilith\'s experiment to end.

Anyway, it will take some time for the world army of wizards to mobilize the army of the civilization front, and Locke is not in a hurry.


It turned out that Locke thought too much.

When he sat in this temporary Laboratory for more than half a year, even Lilith didn\'t end the experiment or greet his ideas.

Locke with black lines waved and interrupted Lilith\'s experiment in a softer way.

The casters in the wizard world are very unique when conducting experiments. It is extremely rare that they can let others stay in their own laboratory all the time, which also proves that Lilith doesn\'t treat him as an outsider.

This is also the tacit understanding and habit they developed during their exile in the desperate world.

When the train of thought was interrupted, Lilith\'s face was obviously frozen. Locke with keen perception even found that Lilith had the impulse to take out the sickle of death at that moment.

The right hand holding forward didn\'t really take out the sickle of death after all.

After taking a deep breath, Lilith asked angrily, "what am I doing here?"

Lilith\'s question made Locke choke.

He finally understood the depression of those wizard civilization legions under Lilith. It was definitely a headache to meet such a level 7 caster who was completely out of charge.

In addition to the inconvenience of command, what\'s more important is that in the face of irresistible hostile threats, the wizard world level 7 magician may not come to support in time.

Therefore, Lilith is only a knowledgeable and powerful level 7 caster, not a qualified leader and high-level civilization.

Fortunately, there is only one freak like Lilith among the high-level wizards in the world.

Others, whether Douglas, who also focuses on spell casting, or Carlyle, who explores Kendo hard, are much more reliable than Lilith.

At least they have the overall view of civilization, and they will not let their legions go.

"The general attack on false words and civilization is about to be launched. Nearly half a year has passed. I believe that all line legions are basically ready for mobilization."

"You have always been the strongest in our main army in charge of this battlefield. Do you have any suggestions for the next general attack?"

"Also, at best, you also led an army to attack the hinterland of the star field of false words. We need to end the war as soon as possible." Locke said silently.

"Is the general attack about to start, so fast..." Lilith first pondered in surprise for a moment. It seemed that the woman had no idea of time when she started the experiment.

"I don\'t have any suggestions. Vivian and Cecilia have always been in charge of the overall scheduling of this theater."

"As for leading an army to attack the hinterland of civilization, there is no problem, but I need you to help me get the life straw of lingzu." Lilith went on, and naturally asked Locke for help.

"Lingzu? Another level seven Scarecrow master? I\'ll do my best." Locke sighed and nodded.