Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4490

Locke did not care too much about the debris after the fall of the fire master. His attention was mainly focused on the center of the battlefield and the last master of the seven level iron tower who finally defeated the strong enemy.

There is no soul of the remaining masters. It is hard to believe that this is a new master who has broken through for less than 100 years.

The laughter of "hum hum" came from the master of the iron tower. He was able to kill the master of fire. He had fulfilled his psychological expectation.

Even because it adopts the irreversible omnipotent soul burning mode, at this time, there is still a large amount of dominant soul consumption every moment.

The master of the tower world is better at defense than attack.

He killed his opponent in the way of continuous attack, and even his opponent was the old fire element master who was far better at attack than it. It was basically reasonable that the new master of the iron tower world ended up like this.

Locke is not interested in listening to his last words. If he is the king of the eight level iron tower, Locke may be interested in communicating with each other, but this seven level iron tower that is almost killing himself Let\'s forget it.

Locke and the other party are no longer a class.

After glancing at the super Saiya man kakarot and others behind him, Locke said, "make a quick decision and try not to cause any damage to yourself."

As Locke\'s voice fell, the Super Saiyan kakarot and the destruction ape Wukong immediately turned into two beams of light, one silver and one black, and flew towards the master of the seven level tower in despair.

After the dragon mother danilis and sword Saint Carlyle looked at each other, they also joined the battlefield.

With their overwhelming advantage and good state at present, it won\'t take long to kill each other in the face of this seven level master whose oil lamp is dry and still in the burning state of the master\'s soul.

And the meaning of Locke\'s words is also obvious. There is no need to waste any time on the master of the seven tower.

Perhaps until the end of the war, the master of the seven level tower could not consume the master soul of the dragon mother and others.

Just by virtue of the overwhelming power and the power of law contained in their bodies, they are enough to dominate and kill this seven level tower.

As for who is the most meritorious hero in this master\'s war, there is no better than the fallen level 7 fire master.

However, the wizard world not only has no idea of mourning it, but has made plans to carve up its heritage and the purple flame soul world group after the war.

This is a cruel star world.


Standing in the eyes of Zisha inflammatory soul world group and hundreds of millions of alien creatures, the wizard world is undoubtedly synonymous with evil and fear.

However, from the perspective of local creatures in the wizard world, both Locke and other masters of the wizard world are the great existence they advocate and pursue.

Perhaps the level-1 and level-2 knights and magicians in the wizard world will not consider why the energy spar needed for their own cultivation or experiment will be reduced a lot in the next period of time.

Even the wizard world has not faced the shortage of resources for a long time.

But the fact is that it is the top executives in the wizard world like Locke who act as the driving force behind the scenes, as well as the income from dividing up a large area of Zisha inflammatory soul world group and plundering the resources of the tower star domain.

Therefore, in the development and evolution of the middle and bottom creatures in the wizard world, they rarely face the problem of resource shortage.

It is also a sufficient amount of resources and wealth that has supported the prosperity of wizard civilization in recent 100000 years and made the wizard world move forward to the top level of civilization with great determination.

Compared with 200000 years ago and today, the overall strength of the wizard world has increased more than ten times.

The expansion of civilization and the primitive accumulation of capital are undoubtedly accompanied by the diffusion of blood and fire.

In order to prevent the wizard civilization from being enslaved and bullied by other powerful star civilizations in the future, Locke and the leaders of the wizard world can only put the vision of conquest and the expanded butcher\'s knife on others.

After all, only the weak pray for fate, and the strong choose their own destiny.

Yanzu\'s resistance to fate was initially his confidence in his own strength.

But unfortunately, the false word civilization and the tower civilization did not defeat the wizard world in this civilization game and war.


Since the end of the last battle of domination, the movement of the tower world Chaos, followed by nearly 200 years.

Countless tower world creatures fell in this war of destruction, and the tower world legion, as the most fierce resistance, was wiped out.

The old order has been broken, and the new order seems to be re established.

The top level of the wizard world who has had the experience of ruling the brain eater plane and the underworld plane does not want to directly destroy the tower world, but wants to take it as another slave plane under the command of wizard civilization.

The successive falls dominated by the iron tower mark the lack of combat power of the high-rise ceiling of this large plane.

Based on the experience of wizard civilization\'s rule over the large plane, the rules of the plane will gradually degenerate over time, and slowly fall from the large plane to the medium plane.

However, because the tower world used to be a strong horizontal plane for the birth of several seven level masters and one eight level master, this degradation process will be very long, and the time span may reach hundreds of thousands of years.

The total value of a large plane is more than ten times that of a medium-sized world.

With the total amount of resources bred by the tower, the benefits it brings to the wizard world are almost equal to 30 or 40 medium-sized worlds.

After the war, some people within the wizard alliance will do the arrangement and resource division.

Not only the iron tower world, but also the iron tower star domain of sporadic resistance, as well as the vast pan star domain that has not been completely included in the rule of the wizard alliance, will be the cake of the wizard world for quite a long time in the future.

This is a big project. Even Locke feels great in the face of thousands of complete rules and the allocation of massive resources.

Moreover, judging from the total amount of proceeds plundered through the civilization war in recent tens of thousands of years, under the current trend of maintaining the rapid development and expansion of wizard civilization, the wizard world will not need to rise war in the next 50000 years.

It is enough for them to maintain this state of rapid development.

Lying on the golden and silver mountains is the dream of every weak creature and civilization.

I don\'t know whether the wizards, world knights and magicians born in the post era will thank their predecessors for creating such an excellent development environment for themselves.

Also at the end of the world war, two pieces of good news appeared successively, which attracted Locke\'s personal attention.

First, the Black Knight Volta of the western islands finally saw through his own fighting intention in the middle plane war of a certain party and reached the opportunity to enter the dominant knight.

Now Volta has returned to the wizard world to prepare for breaking through the domination. No matter what his identity is, as long as he still recognizes his identity as a human knight in the wizard world, and does not openly rebel against the wizard world and do anything detrimental to the core interests of the wizard world, he will still be a member of the wizard world.

Moreover, the emergence of another level 7 Knight master also helps to stabilize the rules of the wizard world and enhance the inside information and development potential of the wizard world.