Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4489

"Can I help you?" When there was a startling and exaggerated wave of dominance at the end of the sky, danilis, the dragon mother who was driving to the last dominant battlefield, turned her head and asked Locke.

The powerful dragon body is the capital of Denise\'s melee. In addition, she also has good blood magic. Even though it is not long to break through to the dominant state, the dragon mother has basically stood at the top of the level 7 field.

For example, the dragon mother, the fire master of the purple chayan soul world group, has not seen much.

Not only danilis, the dragon mother, but also the three level-7 magicians who have broken through in the wizard world are not easy.

Perhaps this is the benefits and advantages brought by the active evolution of organisms based on knowledge.

In ancient times, only the wizard world at the level of small and medium-sized planes could take pride in the surrounding planes.

Now, as the wizard world has stepped into a large-scale level, after a short development period of tens of thousands of years and hundreds of thousands of years, its strength has rapidly ushered in a leap by leaps and bounds.

The power of the caster has long been shown in the previous level wars, and it can be predicted that once Locke withdraws from the stage of the leader of wizard civilization, the next to succeed him will be those casters.

As the backbone of the Dragon warlock family, daenerys, the dragon mother, is also the great existence that all blood warlock families on the West Coast look forward to and follow their will. Naturally, she is no stranger to the planning and intrigue of these power classes.

If Locke\'s previous attitude towards the domination of fire caused some surprise and slight confusion to the sword Saint Carlyle, then for the dragon mother danilis, this situation is simply normal.

The wizarding world is indeed the civilization that abides by the rules and contracts most in the surrounding star regions, but it also needs to distinguish who it is for.

The purple chayan soul world group has too many regular and complete planes, and after the end of the war between Pan star domain and iron tower star domain, these elemental creatures will get more income planes.

It is impossible for the wizard world to sit back and watch these alliances dominate. Not only the Zisha inflammatory soul world, but also the Wanhua psychic world. A series of weakening measures will also be arranged.

However, compared with the violent element creatures, the plant creatures of the Wanhua psychic world group are generally docile. In addition, the combat power of most of these plant creatures is not high, so the wizard world should be much more gentle on the issue of the Wanhua psychic world group.

The star world is so cruel that there is no eternal friend, only eternal interests.

In fact, not only the zicha inflammatory soul world group and the Wanhua psychic world group, but also several medium-sized civilizations such as the Titan world, the Norman Federation, the Saiya people and the Ziling crystal plane, which have grown and expanded rapidly in the wizard alliance in recent years, are within the scope of sanctions and containment.

What the wizard civilization needs is not a group of powerful members of the world, but a group of plane civilizations that listen to their own words.

If the above-mentioned medium-sized worlds had not performed well in the experience of the wizard world in the war of annihilation, and many medium-sized planes such as Titan world were supported by the top executives of the wizard world like Locke.

Otherwise, how could their development and expansion be so smooth.

Just like in a forest, the larger and exuberant the giant trees, the more there will be no other trees of the same level or even smaller than it. The demand for resource plundering and evolution is a state in which organisms and civilizations succumb to instinct.

Absolute dictatorship can ensure that all resources converge to themselves.

The development model of the light Protoss is much rougher than that of the wizard world and the galent Federation, so that they don\'t have many allies until now.

However, we have to admit that it is this development model that makes the Guangming Protoss master resources and concentrate power to a degree unimaginable to other civilizations.

The witch world\'s sanctions against the purple flame soul world is a way to take back the power.

The cunning rabbit dies and the running dog cooks.

However, different from the stubborn bright Protoss, the wizard alliance, a deceptive alliance system, has appeared, which makes the external expansion and plundering of the wizard world seem civilized.

Coupled with the highly centralized development strategy, the power of the wizard alliance is firmly in the hands of the wizard world.

In recent years, various changes have taken place in the anti light Protoss alliance, especially the small actions frequently made by the galent Federation. It is not difficult to see that the galent Federation is also absorbing the advanced experience of the development of the wizard world.

After bringing the whole anti light Protoss alliance into the hands, the total strength and resources of the galent Federation in a short time will not be too far away, even if it is still weaker than the wizard world in rapid expansion.

The inquiry of daenerys, the dragon mother, also basically represents the fate dominated by level 7 fire.

Live or die.

At present, with their distance from the dominant battlefield, at full speed, at least Locke and kakarot, two level 8 strong men, can save the fire master in danger.

In the face of the dragon mother danilis\'s inquiry, Locke\'s face shrouded in the power of destruction showed no sign.

No representation is the most direct representation.

Danilis in the form of the Dragon immediately returned to the human form. The blood melting pot in the dragon claw turned into a crimson ring, which was worn by danilis in her hand. On the other hand, she was holding a seven level dominant heart with strong regular power.

The speed of the people\'s flight slowed down a lot unknowingly. Even danilis, the dragon mother, took out several auxiliary experimental equipment and began to study the dominant heart with great vitality in her hands.


A year later, the last battle of dominance came to an end.

When Locke and others had just arrived at the battlefield, the seven level alliance dominated the fire, unfortunately, and the seven level iron tower dominated amario, which severely damaged the central crystal core.

Together with the fragmentation of the central crystal nucleus, the soul dominated by fire is crushed into silk by the power of the thick iron curtain dominated by the seven level iron tower.

The rain of fire in the sky is the last landscape left to the world by the seven level fire master.

When Locke and others arrived at the battlefield, they clearly felt the despair and resentment before the fall of the fire master.

"Unfortunately, even the master crystal core has been broken. How much hatred does the master of the iron tower have for it?"

"But this original fire is pretty good. I don\'t know which little guy in the wizard world will be cheap." After arriving at the battlefield, the dragon mother danilis waved and took back the broken crystal core left after the fall of the fire master and a red flame slowly burning in the center of the battlefield.

The value of that crystal core has been greatly reduced, but it is the fire of the original rules The value should not be underestimated.