Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4488

Amario Heidun is the name of the new master of the seven level tower.

He is also the last seven master of the tower world.

From the day of his birth, amario was accompanied by the title of \'genius\'.

Even Heidun, which is both like a surname and a similar title, was given by the great mubaha, the master of level 8, when he was promoted to level 6.

Mubahat is the name of the master of the eight level iron tower. Different from the wizard world, human nobles like to affix a large number of ancestor titles to their names to express their noble identity.

Due to the special development history of the iron tower world, the local iron tower people here are only used to using one name, and most of them are four syllables.

The language of the tower family is very different from the common language of the wizard world. However, with the spiritual communication ability generally possessed by first-class creatures, language has long been an obstacle to the communication of different civilizations.

I\'m afraid few strong wizards in the world will specifically explore the history and development of the tower world, and no one will pay attention to what these exotic creatures are called.

Including Locke, he has always called mubahat the king of the iron tower, and has never considered each other\'s specific name.

The past of the tower world and the taboo of these dominant creatures will soon be completely buried in history like dust.

Perhaps future generations who are interested in archaeology, the strong in the wizard world and the native creatures in the tower world, will unlock these dusty histories, but no one cares about them now.

As the victor, the wizard civilization Legion has begun to plunder and plunder this large-scale resource rich area without a bottom line.

Resources, population, knowledge and treasures are all plundered by the wizard world.

The tower civilization indigenous creatures, which have long been defeated, hide themselves in narrow corners as much as possible to avoid the capture of ferocious exotic creatures.

Emmario, the master of the seven tower, seemed to hear the cry of the mother\'s will, but it\'s a pity that he can no longer feel the special blessing from the mother\'s will and rules.

Since 17 years ago, I don\'t know how many generations of guardians fell, it is difficult for the plane will of the tower world to communicate with him in the form of the present.

The drastic change of the umbilical plane six months ago and the fall of grentel, the master of the seven level iron tower, made it impossible for emmario to obtain any blessing from the rules of the mother plane.

The casters of the wizard world sealed the navel of the plane of the tower world and broke the support obtained by the last seven level tower master from the mother plane.

This is the real end of the mountain. On the tower continental battlefield within the vision of emmario, the original nearly ten million elite tower world Legion has long been divided and destroyed by the more powerful wizard civilization combat Legion.

Infinite loneliness, as well as a psychology called \'fear\' that had never been felt before, gradually filled the seven level tower to dominate emmario\'s heart.

However, emmario, the master of the seven tower, did not give up.

Generally, this extremely depressed negative emotion will cause two results.

One is completely crushed, so as to become timid and cowardly, and even surrender to the opponent.

The other is hysterical resistance after extreme depression, just like a fire crystal, blooming dazzling brilliance at the last moment of life.

Fortunately, the master of the seven level iron tower, emmario, did not live up to the expectations of the king of the eight level iron tower, or the previous World Masters of the falling iron tower, set a good example for him.

Several extremely repressive law fluctuations from not far away were the main source that had previously overwhelmed emmario\'s heart.

The number and intensity of the masters of wizard civilization coming from the navel of the plane are beyond his resistance.

Although amario spent a lot of the soul of the master in his battles regardless of consumption in recent decades, his omnipotent soul is still quite abundant until now because he is a new master.

"If those masters of the wizard world come, my ending will be no different from grentel."

"Even if the tower civilization has been defeated, it must leave indelible scars on the invaders!"

"Unfortunately, it\'s just a subordinate master, otherwise the wizard world must be more painful. Maybe this is why the wizard civilization has never paid too much attention to this battlefield."

"Poor scum, you are just a hunting dog used by Wizard civilization. However, since you dare to invade the iron tower world, even if you are just a hunting dog, you will pay the price of your life!"

With the roar of the master of the seven level tower, the fierce master\'s soul lit up on his body surface.

This is a real way to burn the soul of the master. Looking at the star world, except that the new master has this capital to spend so recklessly, which other master level strong will do so.

This is no different from burning his own life and soul, including kakarot\'s fierce existence. He only relies on his own strength in the battle, and will not increase his strength in this way. As for the huge amount of master souls spent in the past, they are used to recover his injuries.

The roar of the master of the seven level iron tower ushered in the inner shock and fear of the master of the seven level fire in the opposite zicha inflammatory soul world.

With years of war and long life span, there are only a few omnipotent souls dominated by level 7 fire.

Especially for the former, after joining the wizard alliance, the level 7 fire master is using his own life to constantly strive for a little sovereignty in the zicha Yan soul world and the living space of the fire element group behind him.

The reason why there is resentment against wizard civilization in the heart is that 90% of the factors also come from this.

After all, it is the master. It is a high existence at the top of the star evolution chain. It will not easily yield to its fate in the face of strong strength like those weak foreign gods above level 4.

Including the rule contract formulated by the wizard world, the suppression force on the dominant life is not as strong as expected. If you are willing to bear the loss cost of a certain omnipotent soul, tearing up the contract is not a big deal.

Fire dominates the state at this time. Perhaps for creatures below level 7, it is still a superior dominant creature, which can easily erase the life of creatures at level 6 and below.

But for the masters of the same level, it does not have so many omnipotent souls to consume.

The suicide attack dominated by the seven level iron tower makes the fire master have no extra strength to resist and avoid.

After all, he is just a master in the middle of level 7. He has neither the strength of Locke nor the physique of kakarot.

The endless fire element is only the appearance that fire dominates the hard shell. In fact, it is infinitely weak, and it is indeed the weak master most likely to be dragged down by the tower masters on this large-scale battlefield.