Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4487

The red furnace grew bigger and bigger in the dragon\'s claws of the dragon mother danilis, and finally almost turned into the scale of a huge mountain. In the roar, it was hard to press down on the seven level iron tower.

At the same time, the silver long sword in the sword Saint Carlyle\'s hand, which has already reached the level of world-class secret treasure, waved forward. With Carlyle\'s body turned into hundreds of residual shadows, the light of the silver long sword was also hundreds of thousands.

The dense silver blades have become the second protection to prevent the level 7 tower from dominating the self explosion shock wave.

Although the protection strength of these silver blades is not as intuitive as that of the blood furnace, it seems that each blade just hits the weak node of the energy shock wave, so the effect is not much worse than that of the blood furnace.

By the action of the dragon mother danilis and the sword Saint Carlyle, the idea of the dead end of the seven level tower master\'s attempt to die together has been basically cut off.

However, because it is located at the navel of the plane, the larger energy shock wave is likely to hurt the origin of the large plane, and it is more likely to bring more uncontrollable disasters to the disaster stricken iron tower world.

Considering that there are more than 40 million knights and magicians fighting in the tower world, other slave biological legions and alliance legions have already broken 100 million.

When the war rhythm was completely controlled by the wizard civilization and the overall situation of the whole plane war was basically settled, Locke did not want too many exceptions beyond the plan.

After all, the navel of the plane has been severely damaged or even directly destroyed, and the consequences are much more serious than Locke\'s killing several guardians.

The twelve product destruction Black Lotus exudes a unique black luster of destruction at Locke\'s feet. In constant rotation, the twelve product destruction Black Lotus appears on danilis\'s blood melting pot.

It is larger than the blood melting pot, and after Locke\'s continuous refining and improvement for so many years, the destruction of the twelve products of Black Lotus is more than the blood melting pot in terms of reliance and defense.

The seven level iron tower from the dry oil lamp exploded. Under the full suppression of the three masters, there was not much power leakage in the end.

Only the earth trembled violently, which was also the last movement of the master of the fallen seven level tower in the world.

What an irony!

As the seven level master of the native creatures in the world, he tried to use the way of detonating the navel of the plane to pull these powerful wizard civilization back.

On the contrary, the wizard world, as the invading party, even stood in the position of protecting the tower in the middle and late stage of the war.

Of course, from a certain point of view, Locke and others are not only protecting the low-level legions of wizard civilization fighting in the tower world, but also protecting their private property.

The tower world, which has been defeated and ended, is undoubtedly the largest resource treasure house harvested by Wizard civilization in the past 100000 years.

Compared with that during the war in the underworld, the wizard world promised countless massive resources to the immortal civilization. Obviously, the tower star war is more suitable for the growth and growth of wizard civilization.

As for the resources given by the wizard world to the civilization of alliance members during the civilization war, they are only some residues given by the owner to his hunting dog.

Moreover, even these residues, under the unique magic currency rule system of the wizard world, will soon be quietly recaptured from these alliance member civilizations.

This is the real way of plunder and expansion. Even the belt bone devours all the surrounding resources and civilization. The wizard world is like a terrible beast, still growing.

When the violent explosion and earth tremor ended, a kilometer diameter deep crater nearly ten times smaller than the normal dominant crater appeared directly below Locke and others.

The special force of the iron curtain rules, the red molten slurry, the origin of the cyan wind and the dark repressive destruction factor have become the main components of this dominant crater.

For Locke and others, there is nothing to attract them in this dominant crater.

However, for those at the bottom of the wizard world, even level 4 and level 5 knights and magicians, the rules, mysteries and energy crystallization contained in them are unimaginable and contact wealth at that stage.

There are three similar resource points in the iron tower world.

The most precious and dangerous one is the inland deep ocean caused by the fall of the king of the eight level iron tower.

These "resource points" will be the treasure land that little guys in the wizard world will vigorously explore for a long time in the future.

Including those level 6 creatures who basically stand at the top of the wizard world, they may also come to observe and study in an attempt to explore the mystery of the dominant realm.

Born in the astral world, it will eventually return to the astral world.

I have seen many masters of level 7 and above fall, including Locke, whose power origin and law power have become unique wonders in the star world or some planes, and I can\'t help but have a strange feeling and sigh.

If this is the real destination of the masters above level 7 and has reached the inherent material and energy balance in the star world, does it mean that the individual who tries to surpass the level 9 state like him violates the balance law of the star world.

Locke is not a caster. If a caster reaches his current state, he may have some deeper ideas and guess the mystery of the origin of the star world.

But Locke is just a knight. Compared with those sudden inspiration and unrestrained imagination and creativity, Locke prefers to stick to his established route step by step.

This is the path taken by most knights and Locke\'s consistent style.

And for the knight community, there is a very interesting phenomenon.

That is, the more Knights you think, the ultimate achievement may be limited.

On the contrary, the most pure and even upright Knights went further.

Kakarot, Wukong, the sword Saint Karel and the Dragon Knight Volta can all be called "pure" people. Because of the heavy imperial affairs and the dispersion of energy, Dussel, the most prestigious Obsidian general in the Belem Empire, not only gradually enters the twilight, but also more and more younger generations have begun to surpass him.

This is the different path taken by different people. Since Locke has firmly established his nine level road, he should not be submissive and hesitate.

A seven level dominating heart and a world-class secret treasure similar to a bell are another harvest of Locke and others on the battlefield.

Locke didn\'t pay much attention to these gains. After a slight glance, he immediately led the people to fly to the last dominant battlefield.