Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4486

Wukong\'s competitive heart can be regarded as a comparison with kakarot.

Its potential is no worse than that of kakarot, who has the blood of Saiya people. It is just that there is not as much growth time and experience as the other side.

The apprentice worked hard, and Locke was naturally happy. Even he felt that Wukong was more consistent with the power of destruction than himself.

This also confirms the saying that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and it indirectly proves Locke\'s ability to have disciples like Wukong who can destroy the great ape.

However, in order to prevent Wukong from losing too many dominant souls in this basically ended civilization war, Locke and kakarot did not leave this dominant battlefield, but paid attention to Wukong as onlookers and beware of the means used by the masters of the dead end seven level tower.

Two eight level onlookers, both Wukong and the master of the seven level tower, felt great pressure.

The tower is dominated by the threat and pressure of death, and Wukong is the pressure of face.

Close to the threat of death, the master of the seven level tower made frequent mistakes. It even tried to break through more than once, but Locke and kakarot locked the nearby space and became a turtle in a jar.

Wukong fought fiercely in the next battle and killed his opponent as soon as possible, which is the best answer for it to show its strength to its master.

It was also when Locke and kakarot saw that the battle of domination was coming to an end, a violent vibration from the level barrier attracted their attention.

It turned out that danilis, the mother of the dragon, finally arrived at the battlefield of the iron tower world, and the origin of the shock was that the purple and gold dragon transformed by the mother of the Dragon knocked open the gap of the plane barrier, and a huge faucet squeezed into the iron tower world.

Locke, kakarot and others have successively widened the gap of plane barriers. Although they have repaired themselves in the past few years, the plane barriers in the tower world still can not stop the intrusion of creatures such as dragon mother.

After the Dragon Mother flew into the tower world, millions of dragon warlocks and more other blood warlocks and slave biological legions also poured into the tower world at the gap behind her.

The arrival of these wizard world legions will speed up the overall conquest of the tower world.

As for the dragon mother herself, under Locke\'s spiritual voice, she will go to support Karel in the battlefield of the navel of the plane.

"I can feel something on you that I long to swallow. Is the king of the eight tower dead, so..." Before going to the battlefield of the navel of the plane, the Dragon Mother\'s huge dragon head looked at Locke.

"It\'s not too late to discuss the distribution of booty and other matters after the war of civilization. If your contribution is high enough and you really need that heart, I won\'t be stingy." Locke waved his hand and said.

"By the way, did you erase the six tower creature that obstructed you at the Kuroshio level?" Asked Locke.

"Of course, it\'s just a bug that hasn\'t grown up. If it wasn\'t for the special rules of that face, wouldn\'t I be blocked by it, hum." Two bundles of red dragon breath erupted from the nose. The purple golden dragon transformed by the dragon mother then flew to the navel of the plane.


Thirty years later, the battle between the great ape Wukong and the master of the seven level tower finally ended.

The battle of domination between two level seven creatures lasted longer than expected, which also dissatisfied Wukong, the winner.

However, with the life thickness dominated by level 7, Wukong can kill his opponent in just 30 years, which has proved that Wukong\'s strength is not bad.

You know, even those level 4 and level 5 creatures sometimes spend one or two hundred years in confrontation.

Since the battle of Wukong\'s battlefield fell behind the scenes, the battle of sword Saint Carlyle and dragon mother danilis in the battlefield near the navel of the plane was coming to an end.

Because you are at the navel of the plane, you get more attention and rule blessings from the standard plane will.

In addition, the master of the omnipotent soul is slightly more abundant than the fallen tower masters, so the tower master has lasted long enough.

However, no matter how he can support it, there is no objection to Locke and others who later arrive at the navel of the plane.

Goku had just finished a costly battle, so Locke didn\'t let him come forward to help, but let the eighth level master kakarot do it.

Even the super Saiya transformation did not open. Kakarot, who maintained the form of ordinary Saiya, dressed in a very eye-catching lacquer black tight combat suit, rushed to the navel of the plane and was still the master of the seven level iron tower.

The tight combat suit painted black had a great impact on the master of the seven tower.

Even though he already knew the fact that the king of the iron tower had fallen, the enemy put on the world-class secret treasure of the king of the iron tower in such an obvious and arrogant attitude, which still affected his mind again.

"Hum, inferior opponents dare to be distracted at this time." A cold hum came from kakarot\'s mouth.

The master of the Seventh Tower obviously heard this sentence, but before he could react, an iron fist had pierced him through his chest.

Unparalleled exaggerated strength and speed surpass all the so-called skills and equipment advantages.

Seeing that kakarot ran through each other\'s chest so easily, he even took out each other\'s heart as the source of strength.

Whether it is the dragon mother danilis, the sword Saint Carlyle, or the Wukong of the spectators, they can\'t help but shrink their pupils.

This is the pronoun of real barbarism and violence. Danilis saw the top blood power in the star world, the sword Saint Carlyle saw the power way beyond skill, and the destruction of the great ape Wukong was the pure violence.

Locke, on the other hand, saw the peak combat power that had completely grown up and could be his right and left hand.

In the future desperate world war, with the participation of kakarot, both the security and the final war benefits will inevitably increase significantly.

In vitro, although the master of the seven level iron tower did not fall directly, he basically lost the ability to continue to fight with the masters of the wizard world in front of him.

A flash of frustration and despair flashed in his eyes, followed by a wave of energy that even Locke had to suppress for his side, which came from the abdominal cavity of the master of the iron tower.

This guy has long been ready to die and explode. Even his explosion site is the navel of the tower world!

"Presumptuous!" Daenerys, the dragon\'s mother, was the first to find a huge red melting pot thrown from its dragon claws.

Naturally, this furnace is the famous Blood Furnace of the Dragon warlock family. With the continuous support and quality improvement of the dragon mother over the years, it suppresses the iron tower in front of the furnace, which is enough to reduce its self explosion shock wave.

Moreover, the power of the tower master was greatly reduced after the heart lost. Even if the self explosion was successful, it was impossible to really drag the masters of the surrounding wizard world into the water.

Not to mention, there are cruel characters like kakarot and Locke.