Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4485

Locke\'s almost imperative request made kakarot nod and succumb in the end.

Every Super Saiyan transformation battle is the refining and demonstration of strength and muscle.

For example, at this time, kakarot was red With his upper body bare, the Saiyan tight combat clothes that he had worn had already disintegrated because he could not bear the great power of kakarot.

Even the pants that kakarot was wearing at this time were just condensed by his own "Qi".

In contrast, Locke avoided similar embarrassment every time he transformed into a destroyer and covered himself with a painted black bone armor.

As Locke said, a broken world-class secret treasure does not provide much defense for kakarot, which has little impact on his own evolutionary path.

And Locke prefers to see kakarot as a man of flesh and blood than a pure thug.

The broken world-class secret treasure iron coat does not provide much defense, but it can always play a role.

Looking at the scars and blood scabs on kakarot at this time, Locke was not only pleased, but also could not help feeling a trace of guilt and heartache for kakarot.

In fact, Locke did little to kakarot. He just raised kakarot, but kakarot almost returned Locke with his life.

The black iron coat was quickly wrapped on the body surface of kakarot, and under the will of kakarot, it was transformed into a black combat suit with Saiya style.

However, Locke was not satisfied with this. At his request, a bunch of higher collar and wide cloak were added to the black combat suit.

This kind of dress is not suitable for combat, but it creates an indescribable dignity.

Nodding at the new image of kakarot, Locke said, "in the past, I asked you to try to master the Saia family. How are you doing?"

This is the first time Locke talked about it with kakarot after arriving at the tower star domain.

Before, because kakarot was committed to breaking through level 8 and consolidating the realm, Locke did not disturb him for these foreign affairs.

For Locke\'s question, kakarot just lowered his head slightly and didn\'t give any answer.

After spending so much time with kakarot, Locke naturally knew what his action meant.

In Locke\'s talent and character, 4 out of 10 points have ambition and desire to master the trend of an ethnic group and a civilization.

Then for kakarot, who lives in war, he may not even have a point.

This is a pure warrior, influenced by power and intrigue. There is no market here in kakarot.

If you can solve a problem with your fist, you don\'t need your own brain.

That might belittle kakarot, but that\'s the truth.

Kakarot had no interest in becoming the king of the Saia, even though Locke had expressed or implied to him more than once.

Kakarot\'s performance made Locke sigh.

Although the abbalut Empire and the most elite legions they led, slave creatures including the Saiyan army, are now mostly stationed in the star region near the false word civilization.

But this does not prevent Locke from getting all kinds of information about the wizard alliance.

The problem of the Saiya clan has intensified within the wizard alliance in the 20000 years when Locke went to the silent bone convergence star domain.

The powerful Saiyan warriors are better than the most elite Dragon Knights of the Belem Empire at some times, which also leads to the high-level of the abbalut Empire preferring to ignore the possible rebel problems of the Saiyan people and continue to use them.

Of course, this may also be mixed with some power struggles within the wizard world.

For example, the long-standing ideological struggle between the abalute Empire and the Belem empire.

In particular, after the Griffin Legion carefully cultivated by the abalute empire was defeated by the Dragon cavalry legion of the Belem empire in all aspects of attributes and abilities, the Saiya legion, as an elite force of the abalute Empire, earned enough face and confidence to the abalute empire in previous civilized wars.

Now, the king of the Saia people, vegeta, has reached the peak level of level 6. That guy Locke has seen him more than once. He has started three super transformations, which can be compared with Optimus, fire phoenix Mourinho and the spring of destruction of the wizard alliance.

In contrast, Brolli, another highly potential Saia under Locke, is still a lot worse than vegeta, who has royal blood.

This is also normal. After all, according to the tradition of the Saiya people, the truly powerful soldiers must contain royal blood.

The occurrence of such a strange case as kakarot is already one in a billion mistakes. How can two cases be born in succession.

Just as Locke specifically targeted the level 7 fire master in the World War of the iron tower, he will find a way to completely eliminate all the unstable factors within the wizard alliance.

This is Locke\'s consideration for the future development and security of wizard civilization. It can also be said that Locke, who has found his own nine level road and tried to fight for it, is already preparing some future affairs.

Once he really achieved the Ninth level life body to leave the star world, or unfortunately fell in the dimensional war of the desperate world, at least the wizard world will not have too much turbulence because of his departure.

Patting kakarot on the shoulder, Locke took the heart of the king of the iron tower and the painted black walking stick and flew with him to another dominant battlefield south of the plane.

The walking stick left by the king of the iron tower is the weapon of the king of the eight level iron tower. Its attack power is not very good, but its texture is extremely hard. It can cooperate with the power of the iron curtain rules possessed by the king of the iron tower and provide a lot of blessing.

Locke also despises this walking stick. Like that heart, Locke will finally take it as the wealth of civilization war and hand it over to the Knights and magicians who make the greatest contribution to the war and demand them in the wizard world.

After all, the future needs those little guys to create, and Locke has long passed the era of putting all good things on himself.


It may be stimulated by the fact that kakarot has killed the king of the eight level tower. When Locke and kakarot arrived at the battlefield where Wukong is located, the battle of domination here was almost over when Wukong was almost crazy.

Whether in terms of individual strength or the abundance of the dominant soul, Wukong completely explodes the seven level tower in front of him.

And in front of the tower master, it happened to be one of the two tower masters pursued by Locke tens of thousands of years ago.

In the past, Locke needed to erase his existence by hand. Now he doesn\'t even need to do it by himself.

In particular, sensing that Locke and kakarot, two level 8 creatures, arrived at the battlefield, Wukong, who was very competitive, preached to Locke that he didn\'t want the master to intervene in the battle. He had to kill his opponent alone like kakarot.