Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4484

No one can give an answer to Yanzu\'s thinking about the way of fate, including the spiritual ancestor who is also at the seventh level of life.

Different masters must take different paths.

Including the main gods of light who master the power of light, although from the external manifestation, they are all the main gods with the power of the source of light.

In fact, from the internal analysis, they are different individuals, and the core origin of their laws is very different.

It is for this reason that we have different titles of God.

Even because of different ideas, there are still great contradictions and differences between individual gods.

After all, we need to practice and explore our own path.

Yanzu, who lost his original straw, will also usher in his own fate.


Tower world.

When Locke arrived at the dominant battlefield in the center of the plane, the tower palace, which once stood in the most prosperous and core area of the tower world, had disappeared.

Including the magnificent giant iron tower, the halberd collapsed with the fall of the king of the iron tower.

The rich and beautiful central plain of the tower world has been poured back by a large area of sea water from the East, and has completely become a land of Ze.

The whole continental plate was completely broken due to the eight level war, so that the dominant crater with a diameter of more than 100000 meters caused by the fall of the king of the iron tower was soon replaced by a vast inland sea.

If the native creatures of the future tower world want to pursue the relics of their ancestors and explore the peak achievements that the tower world has reached, they may have to go deep into the deep ocean below tens of thousands of meters to find them.

Moreover, due to the fall of the level 8 master, the plane environment and rules have undergone great changes. The dominant crater will be a restricted area for creatures below level 4 for at least the next 20000 years.

"Unexpectedly, the fall of level 8 creatures will not only cause unimaginable heavy damage to the will of the world plane of the iron tower, but also cause such a huge burden to the plane itself." Flying all the way, looking at the iron tower, which is almost split into two parts, the main continent of the world, Locke couldn\'t help sighing.

In fact, a large part of the outcome of the tower world is caused by Locke\'s frequent killing of guardians.

Otherwise, by virtue of the self survival instinct of the will of the tower world and the guardian can transfer the means of plane rules, even if the main continental plate of the whole tower world is cracked, it can be repaired in time with the force of rules.

Under the abyss, countless creatures at the bottom of the tower world have completely become a thing of the past. In the energy tide and rule impact caused by the fall of dominant creatures, even level 6 peak creatures are difficult to survive.

A dazzling silver light flew out from the bottom of the abyss and soon appeared in front of Locke.

Kakarot, the super Saiya who just killed the king of the eight tower, looks very tired at this time, but his eyes are still hot and full of fighting spirit.

Only by fighting with strong enemies can kakarot find the meaning of his life.

And for the king of the eight tower, it is lucky to fall into the hands of a really strong man like kakarot.

Just like the devil kings of hell who fell into the hands of the endless Lord.

"Master." Kakarot bowed his head in deference to Locke, holding three things in his hands.

As for the exact relationship between Locke and kakarot, it\'s not too much to call father and son.

I don\'t know since when, Locke has never regarded kakarot as his slave, but kakarot has never gone beyond, always abides by his own principles and expresses absolute obedience to Locke.

He nodded to kakaro happily, and Locke looked at the three things in his hand.

After all, the king of the eight level iron tower is a strong master of different civilizations. Although he has been defeated and even civilization will be completely overturned, the king of the iron tower did not leave his body to the enemy.

In other words, the king of the iron tower who witnessed the decline of the iron tower world has no face to bury his body in the iron tower world. He chose the most intense and tough ending - self explosion.

There is only a trace of the master Almighty soul, and even the body is full of scars and fatigue.

The self explosion of the king of the eight tower was not so earth shaking. The most direct consequence it caused was not only to add an injury to kakarot, but also to expand its own dominant crater.

The giant crack across half of the world\'s main continent has at least three successes of the king of the iron tower.

As for the three things left by the king of the iron tower, which are also the greatest harvest of kakarot\'s trip, they are a heart, a broken black iron coat and a painted black walking stick.

The heart is the source of the power of the king of the iron tower. Its significance and value are equivalent to Locke\'s God of destruction.

However, compared with the heart in the peak period, the dark red heart flowing with the blood of level 8 masters lacks a lot of vitality at this time. Even the heart itself is only one-third of the complete heart.

For Locke, this heart is really of little significance, because his energy and rules have basically reached the limit, and the increase of swallowing this heart is very small.

Similarly, kakarot disdains the practice of swallowing the opponent\'s heart to improve his strength. He is more willing to go to the peak of strength one by one through continuous exercise and honing himself.

It doesn\'t mean much to Locke and kakarot, but it is an unimaginable treasure for those spell casters in the wizard world.

Whether it is daenerys, the dragon mother, who draws blood from it, or lilies who integrates it into the corpse training synthetic beast, or Douglas who decrypts the mystery of the iron tower, it is a rare top treasure in the whole star world.

Beside the dark red heart, floating is a broken iron coat.

This is the defensive world-class secret treasure worn by the king of the iron tower all year round. By observing the tattered appearance of this iron coat at this time, it is not difficult to see how exaggerated and powerful the king of the iron tower suffered before the fall.

Even a world-class treasure of good quality was beaten to a semi disabled state.

Locke also doesn\'t like this iron suit, because the body bone armor and the twelve grade destruction Black Lotus have given him unparalleled defense.

Can\'t help looking at kakarot in front of him. Locke said to him, "although this iron coat has been damaged and even the quality has declined, it is more suitable for you."

Seeing that kakarot\'s face was different, locker raised his hand and pressed it down without waiting for him to say anything, and then said, "you know you want to refuse, because you don\'t want to let any equipment drag down your power, just like the endless Lord of the light Protoss."

"But as I said, this is a broken world-class secret treasure. The bonus is not as high as expected."

"You can imagine it as an ordinary Saiyan tight combat suit. This is also my command to you. Don\'t refuse." Locke added.