Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4483

"What are you doing? Keep fighting!" Locke scolded Montana, and then continued to roll in the iron tower world with an unparalleled attitude.

In this regard, Montana tilted her lips. She did not immediately join the nearby dominant battle group to destroy the battlefield of the great ape Goku.

But after the destruction storm of Locke, like a small attendant, he spread fear and despair with Locke in the iron tower world.

Three months later, the second guardian of the tower world was found by Locke in the east of the tower world and strongly wiped out again.

Six months later, the third guardian was found in the winter snow mountain north of the tower world and wiped out again.

A year later, the fourth guardian was found and continued to be erased.


In just two years after Locke came to the world of the iron tower, a total of seven guardians were strongly wiped out by his destructive power.

Even for the tower world with large-scale plane details, the loss of seven spokesmen of original will in such a short time has hit the tower world\'s plane will harder than ordinary people\'s imagination.

A large-scale snowfall sweeping three quarters of the whole tower world began to appear in the fourth year of the tower world war.

For the iron tower world with generally warm climate and few snowfall in the past, the emergence of heaven and earth anomalies undoubtedly indicates the arrival of the disaster in the iron tower world.

In the vast snow that swept most of the world, the battle between the tower world\'s native creatures and the wizard civilization Corps has not stopped.

"Well, I\'ll give you all the guardian killing work later."

"No slack is allowed. Before the dominant creatures in the tower world fall, be sure to ensure the efficiency of killing a guardian every year."

"Nowadays, the guardian strength of the tower world can only be maintained at the initial strength of level 6 because of the damage of the plane rules and the continuous loss of the original power of the plane will."

"If you can\'t do this well, there\'s no need to exist." Locke said to Montana, the eye of the blood curse, who had been following behind him for nearly two years.

Montana didn\'t care about the threat in Locke\'s words at all. Even in the face of Locke\'s orders, she gradually turned into a female devil. She couldn\'t help muttering, "the iron tower world is so big, and I don\'t have your exaggerated insight and forward speed. How can I guarantee to kill the contemporary guardian in one year? It\'s almost two years."

Montana whispered, and Locke naturally listened. I don\'t know whether she really recognized this layer of dry father daughter relationship or the eye of blood curse. Montana has found out Locke\'s temperament.

When the seven level fire master of zicha yanhun world bowed before Locke, even with incomparable fear and humble mentality, the eye of blood curse Montana could get along with Locke with an ordinary heart, and even strive for some legitimate rights and interests for herself from time to time.

In short, for Montana\'s whispering, Locke did not punish each other, but glanced at each other, and then continued to drive the destruction storm of his incarnation to the center of the tower world.

Two years later, due to the frequent fall of guardians and the continuous damage to the world plane rules and environment of the iron tower, the king of the eight level iron tower, which was originally struggling to support, has also completely come to an end.

Locke\'s trip is to witness the fall of a level 8 creature, and the death of such creatures can also provide a certain bonus of destructive power for Locke who has reached the extreme.


Locke didn\'t see the last side of the king of the tower after all.

In the process of driving from the west of the tower world to the center of the tower world, an extremely violent energy shock wave came from the center of the plane.

The breath of the king of eight level iron towers finally disappeared in the iron tower world, accompanied by the heavy damage to the rules and environment with larger area and deeper impact in the iron tower world.

For a heavy blow on a similar scale, only when Locke killed the first and second generation tower world guardians, the sum of the negative effects caused by the fall of the two guardians can be compared with the fall of the king of the tower world.

It can also be seen from here that the king of the tower world is not only the spiritual belief of hundreds of millions of creatures, but also closely related to the plane rules and original will of the tower world.

In the same way, if Douglas, the first level seven strong man in the wizard world, and Locke, the first level eight strong man in the wizard world, suddenly fall, the negative impact and influence on the wizard world must be so great.

They are the spokesmen of the plane will and the darling of the world. The fall of such a living body will inevitably cause unimaginable damage to the whole world.

The snowfall that originally covered three quarters of the whole tower world began to extend to the whole tower world with the fall of the king of the tower.

And this time it\'s not just a snowfall, but a sign of a snowstorm!

Tower world, over.


At the time of the fall of the king of the iron tower world, the ancestor of the seventh level creature Yan, who is far away in the star domain where the false word civilization is located, also had a certain sense of it.

A sigh came from Yanzu\'s mouth. Yanzu felt unprecedented loneliness and pain in the face of the fall of his close friends and allies.

"It\'s time for you to go. Since I don\'t want to accept fate and lead to disaster in advance, I must bear it all." Yanzu turned and said to the lingzu behind him.

In the altar hall built by this giant Ferris plant, there are more than a dozen level 6 scarecrows of false word civilization in addition to Yan Zu and Ling Zu.

They are the last hope of the false word civilization. Before the main legion of wizard civilization and the supreme Knight master reach the false word civilization, their only way out is to do everything to escape from the home star domain and escape to the depths of the stars.

"Let\'s not mention our vain words. The star region near the civilization has been blocked by the wizard world Corps. Just the dominant creatures that have locked us outside the star region, I\'m afraid they won\'t let us leave easily." Lingzu sighed and said.

Although the main legion of wizard civilization is still raging in the tower star domain, the importance of the wizard world to the civilization of false words has not been reduced.

Dead femton, phantom Riel and Lilith are at the periphery of the star field of false words, not counting the two corpse training synthetic beasts and a level 7 dead king in Lilith\'s hand.

Only in the field of high-level combat power, the wizard civilization has basically eliminated the possibility that the two dominant creatures of the illusory civilization attempt to flee.

The big guy of dead femton plays an average role in the pursuit war, but the phantom Riel and Lilith have marked Yanzu and lingzu with their super spiritual power and some incredible and strange means.

"The possibility of our escape is very small. Even if we escape from the home star domain, the strong in the wizard world will not give up. It is not difficult to chase us across the star domain with the ability of level 8 dominance."

Take a deep breath, lingzu then said, "rather than so, I\'d better stay to attract the main sight of the wizard world and give these little guys some space to live and create miracles in the future."

Lingzu\'s answer made Yanzu fall into a long silence.

Finally, Yanzu asked a question that he was always exploring, but he couldn\'t get the result anyway. "Do you say that fate can really change?"